
A ConfigurableFileCollection is a mutable FileCollection.

You can obtain an instance of ConfigurableFileCollection by calling files or fileCollection.

Note: This interface is not intended for implementation by build script or plugin authors.


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abstract fun addToAntBuilder(builder: Any, nodeName: String): Any
abstract fun addToAntBuilder(builder: Any, nodeName: String, type: FileCollection.AntType)
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fun ConfigurableFileCollection.assign(fileCollection: FileCollection)

Sets the ConfigurableFileCollection to contain the source paths of passed collection. This is the same as calling ConfigurableFileCollection.setFrom(fileCollection: FileCollection).

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Registers some tasks which build the files of this collection.
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abstract fun contains(file: File): Boolean
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Specifies the value to use as the convention (default value) to be used when resolving this file collection, if no source paths are explicitly defined.
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abstract fun disallowChanges()
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abstract fun disallowUnsafeRead()
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abstract fun filter(filterClosure: Closure): FileCollection
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abstract fun finalizeValue()
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abstract fun finalizeValueOnRead()
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open fun forEach(action: Consumer<in T>)
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abstract fun from(paths: Array<Any>): ConfigurableFileCollection
Adds a set of source paths to this collection.
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abstract fun getAsFileTree(): FileTree
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abstract fun getAsPath(): String
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abstract fun getBuiltBy(): Set<Any>
Returns the set of tasks which build the files of this collection.
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abstract fun getFiles(): Set<File>
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abstract fun getFrom(): Set<Any>
Returns the set of source paths for this collection.
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abstract fun getSingleFile(): File
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Property delegate for ConfigurableFileCollection instances.

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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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abstract fun minus(collection: FileCollection): FileCollection
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abstract fun plus(collection: FileCollection): FileCollection
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Sets the tasks which build the files of this collection.
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abstract fun setFrom(paths: Iterable<out Any>)
abstract fun setFrom(paths: Array<Any>)
Sets the source paths for this collection.
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operator fun ConfigurableFileCollection.setValue(receiver: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: Iterable<*>)

Property delegate for ConfigurableFileCollection instances.

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abstract fun unset(): SupportsConvention
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