
The TestNG specific test options.


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constructor(projectLayout: ProjectLayout)


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open var excludeGroups: Set<String>
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open var includeGroups: Set<String>
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open var listeners: Set<String>
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open var parallel: String
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open var suiteName: String
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open var suiteXmlBuilder: MarkupBuilder
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open var testName: String
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open var threadCount: Int
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open fun copyFrom(other: TestNGOptions)
Copies the options from the source options into the current one.
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open fun excludeGroups(excludeGroups: Array<String>): TestNGOptions
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open fun getSuites(testSuitesDir: File): List<File>
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The number of XML suites will run parallel
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open fun includeGroups(includeGroups: Array<String>): TestNGOptions
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Indicates whether the tests should be grouped by instances.
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Indicates whether the tests should be run in deterministic order.
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Whether the default listeners and reporters should be used.
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open fun methodMissing(name: String, args: Any): Any
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open fun propertyMissing(name: String): Any
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open fun suites(suiteFiles: Array<File>)
Add suite files by File objects.
open fun suites(suiteFiles: Array<String>)
Add suite files by Strings.
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open fun suiteXmlBuilder(): MarkupBuilder
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