
Describes an input property of a task that contains zero or more files.




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Ignore directories during up-to-date checks and build cache key calculations.
abstract fun ignoreEmptyDirectories(ignoreEmptyDirectories: Boolean): TaskInputFilePropertyBuilder
Sets whether directories should be considered during up-to-date checks and build cache key calculations.
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Normalize line endings in text files during up-to-date checks and build cache key calculations.
abstract fun normalizeLineEndings(normalizeLineEndings: Boolean): TaskInputFilePropertyBuilder
Sets whether line endings should be normalized during up-to-date checks and build cache key calculations.
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Marks a task property as optional.
Sets whether the task property is optional.
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Skip executing the task if the property contains no files.
abstract fun skipWhenEmpty(skipWhenEmpty: Boolean): TaskInputFilePropertyBuilder
Sets whether executing the task should be skipped if the property contains no files.
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Sets the normalizer to use for this property.
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Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskInputFilePropertyBuilder.withNormalizer.

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Sets which part of the path of files should be considered during up-to-date checks and build cache key calculations.
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