
@DisableCachingByDefault(because = "Abstract super-class, not to be instantiated directly")
abstract class JacocoReportBase : JacocoBase(source)

Base class for Jacoco report tasks.





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open var enabled: Boolean
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The extra properties extension in this object's extension container.

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open var group: String
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val state: TaskStateInternal
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val TASK_ACTION: String = "action"
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val TASK_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS: String = "constructorArgs"
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val TASK_DEPENDS_ON: String = "dependsOn"
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val TASK_DESCRIPTION: String = "description"
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val TASK_GROUP: String = "group"
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val TASK_NAME: String = "name"
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val TASK_OVERWRITE: String = "overwrite"
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val TASK_TYPE: String = "type"
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open fun acceptServiceReferences(serviceReferences: Set<ServiceReferenceSpec>)
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open fun additionalClassDirs(dirs: Array<File>)
Adds additional class directories to those that will be included in the report.
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Adds additional source directories to be used for any classes included in the report.
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open fun appendParallelSafeAction(action: Action<in Task>)
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open fun compareTo(otherTask: Task): Int
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open fun configure(closure: Closure): Task
abstract fun configure(cl: Closure): T
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inline fun <T : Any> ExtensionAware.configure(noinline configuration: T.() -> Unit)

Executes the given configuration block against the extension of the specified type.

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open fun dependsOn(paths: Array<Any>): Task
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open fun doFirst(action: Action<in Task>): Task
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open fun doLast(action: Action<in Task>): Task
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open fun doNotTrackState(reasonNotToTrackState: String)
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open fun executionData(files: Array<Any>)
Adds execution data files to be used during coverage analysis.
open fun executionData(tasks: Array<Task>)
Adds execution data generated by a task to the list of those used during coverage analysis.
open fun executionData(tasks: TaskCollection)
Adds execution data generated by the given tasks to the list of those used during coverage analysis.
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open fun finalizedBy(paths: Array<Any>): Task
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open fun getActions(): List<Action<in Task>>
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Gets the class directories that coverage will be reported for.
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Gets the source directories for the classes that will be reported on.
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open fun getAnt(): AntBuilder
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open fun getAsDynamicObject(): DynamicObject
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open fun getDependsOn(): Set<Any>
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open fun getDidWork(): Boolean
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open fun getIdentityPath(): Path
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open fun getInputs(): TaskInputsInternal
abstract fun getInputs(): TaskInputs
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open fun getLifecycleDependencies(): TaskDependencyInternal
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open fun getLogger(): Logger
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open fun getName(): String
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open fun getOnlyIf(): Spec<in TaskInternal>
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open fun getOutputs(): TaskOutputsInternal
abstract fun getOutputs(): TaskOutputs
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open fun getPath(): String
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open fun getProject(): Project
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open fun getRequiredServices(): TaskRequiredServices
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open fun getSharedResources(): List<ResourceLock>
abstract fun getSharedResources(): List<out ResourceLock>
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open fun getStandardOutputCapture(): StandardOutputCapture
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abstract fun getState(): TaskState
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open fun getTaskActions(): List<InputChangesAwareTaskAction>
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open fun getTaskDependencies(): TaskDependencyInternal
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open fun getTaskIdentity(): TaskIdentity<out Any>
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open fun getTemporaryDir(): File
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open fun getTemporaryDirFactory(): Factory<File>
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open fun hasProperty(propertyName: String): Boolean
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open fun <T : Task?> injectIntoNewInstance(project: ProjectInternal, identity: TaskIdentity<T>, factory: Callable<T>): T
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open fun isEnabled(): Boolean
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open fun mustRunAfter(paths: Array<Any>): Task
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open fun onlyIf(spec: Spec<in Task>)
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open fun prependParallelSafeAction(action: Action<in Task>)
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open fun property(propertyName: String): Any
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open fun setActions(replacements: List<Action<in Task>>)
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open fun setDependsOn(dependsOn: Iterable<out Any>)
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open fun setDidWork(didWork: Boolean)
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open fun setFinalizedBy(finalizedByTasks: Iterable<out Any>)
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open fun setMustRunAfter(mustRunAfterTasks: Iterable<out Any>)
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open fun setOnlyIf(spec: Spec<in Task>)
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open fun setProperty(name: String, value: Any)
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open fun setShouldRunAfter(shouldRunAfterTasks: Iterable<out Any>)
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open fun sourceSets(sourceSets: Array<SourceSet>)
Adds a source set to the list to be reported on.
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inline fun <T : Any> ExtensionAware.the(): T

Returns the extension of the specified type.

fun <T : Any> ExtensionAware.the(extensionType: KClass<T>): T

Returns the extension of the specified extensionType.

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open fun usesService(service: Provider<out BuildService<out Any>>)