
open class ResolveException : DefaultMultiCauseException(source)

An opaque exception, thrown when dependency resolution fails for some reason.

This type should only be extended and/or thrown by Gradle internal code.


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constructor(message: String, cause: Throwable)
Do not call this constructor.
constructor(message: String, causes: Iterable<out Throwable>)
Do not call this constructor.


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open val cause: Throwable
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open val message: String
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fun addSuppressed(exception: Throwable)
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open fun getCauses(): List<out Throwable>
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open fun hasCause(type: Class<out Any>): Boolean
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open fun initCause(throwable: Throwable): Throwable
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open fun initCauses(causes: Iterable<out Throwable>)
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open fun printStackTrace(printStream: PrintStream)
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open fun toString(): String