
open class WrapUtil(source)


This class is only here to maintain binary compatibility with existing plugins.


Will be removed in Gradle 9.0.


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open fun <T> toArray(items: Array<T>): Array<T>
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open fun <T> toDomainObjectSet(type: Class<T>, items: Array<T>): DomainObjectSet<T>
Wraps the given items in a mutable domain object set.
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open fun <T> toLinkedSet(items: Array<T>): Set<T>
Wraps the given items in a mutable ordered set.
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open fun <T> toList(items: Array<T>): List<T>
open fun <T> toList(items: Iterable<out T>): List<T>
Wraps the given items in a mutable list.
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open fun <K, V> toMap(key: K, value: V): Map<K, V>
Wraps the given key and value in a mutable unordered map.
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open fun <T> toSet(items: Array<T>): Set<T>
Wraps the given items in a mutable unordered set.
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open fun <T> toSortedSet(items: Array<T>): SortedSet<T>
Wraps the given items in a mutable sorted set.
open fun <T> toSortedSet(comp: Comparator<T>, items: Array<T>): SortedSet<T>
Wraps the given items in a mutable sorted set using the given comparator.