
Information about a file in a directory/file tree.



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abstract fun copyTo(target: File): Boolean
Copies this file to the given target file.
abstract fun copyTo(output: OutputStream)
Copies the content of this file to an output stream.
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abstract fun getFile(): File
Returns the file being visited.
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abstract fun getLastModified(): Long
Returns the last modified time of this file at the time of file traversal.
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abstract fun getMode(): Int
Returns the UNIX-style file permission mode of this file.
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abstract fun getName(): String
Returns the base name of this file.
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abstract fun getPath(): String
Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
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Provides a read-only view of access permissions of this file.
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Returns the path of this file, relative to the root of the containing file tree.
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abstract fun getSize(): Long
Returns the size of this file at the time of file traversal.
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abstract fun isDirectory(): Boolean
Returns true if this element is a directory, or false if this element is a regular file.
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abstract fun open(): InputStream
Opens this file as an input stream.