
A ExternalModuleDependency is a Dependency on a module outside the current project hierarchy.



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val ARCHIVES_CONFIGURATION: String = "archives"
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val CLASSIFIER: String = "m:classifier"
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val DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION: String = "default"


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abstract fun artifact(configureClosure: Closure): DependencyArtifact
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abstract fun attributes(configureAction: Action<in AttributeContainer>): ModuleDependency
abstract fun attributes(action: Action<in AttributeContainer>): SELF
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abstract fun because(reason: String)
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abstract fun contentEquals(dependency: Dependency): Boolean
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abstract fun copy(): Dependency
abstract fun copy(): ModuleDependency
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abstract fun endorseStrictVersions()
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abstract fun exclude(excludeProperties: Map<String, String>): ModuleDependency
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abstract fun getGroup(): String
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abstract fun getModule(): ModuleIdentifier
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abstract fun getName(): String
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abstract fun getReason(): String
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abstract fun getVersion(): String
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abstract fun isChanging(): Boolean
Returns whether or not Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.
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abstract fun isForce(): Boolean
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abstract fun isTransitive(): Boolean
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Sets whether or not Gradle should always check for a change in the remote repository.
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abstract fun setTargetConfiguration(name: String)
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abstract fun setTransitive(transitive: Boolean): ModuleDependency
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abstract fun version(configureAction: Action<in MutableVersionConstraint>)