Signing Extension
The global signing configuration for a project.
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The configuration that signature artifacts will be placed into.
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The name of the configuration that all signature artifacts will be placed into ("signatures")
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The provider of signatories.
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The provider of signature types.
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The signatory that will be used for signing when an explicit signatory has not been specified.
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The signature type that will be used for signing files when an explicit signature type has not been specified.
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Whether this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time.
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Whether this task should fail if no signatory or signature type are configured at generation time.
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Creates a new sign operation using the given closure to configure it before executing it.
Digitally signs the files, generating signature files alongside them.
Creates a new sign operation using the given action to configure it before executing it.
Creates signing tasks that sign all publishable artifacts of the given publication collection.
Creates signing tasks that depend on and sign the "archive" produced by the given tasks.
Creates signing tasks that sign all artifacts of the given configurations.
Digitally signs the publish artifacts, generating signature files alongside them.
Creates signing tasks that sign all publishable artifacts of the given publications.
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Configures the signatory provider (delegating to its configure method).
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open fun useInMemoryPgpKeys(@Nullable defaultKeyId: String, @Nullable defaultSecretKey: String, @Nullable defaultPassword: String)
Use the supplied ascii-armored in-memory PGP secret key and password instead of reading it from a keyring.