
A Configuration represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies. Find more information about declaring dependencies to a configuration or about managing configurations in docs for ConfigurationContainer

Configuration is an instance of a FileCollection that contains all dependencies (see also getAllDependencies) but not artifacts. If you want to refer to the artifacts declared in this configuration please use getArtifacts or getAllArtifacts. Read more about declaring artifacts in the configuration in docs for org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.ArtifactHandler Please see the Declaring Dependencies User Manual chapter for more information.



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open class Namer : Namer<T>
An implementation of the namer interface for configurations that returns getName.
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enum State
The states a configuration can be into.


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abstract fun addToAntBuilder(builder: Any, nodeName: String): Any
abstract fun addToAntBuilder(builder: Any, nodeName: String, type: FileCollection.AntType)
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abstract fun attributes(action: Action<in AttributeContainer>): SELF
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abstract fun contains(file: File): Boolean
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abstract fun copy(): Configuration
Creates a copy of this configuration that only contains the dependencies directly in this configuration (without contributions from superconfigurations).
abstract fun copy(dependencySpec: Closure): Configuration
Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
abstract fun copy(dependencySpec: Spec<in Dependency>): Configuration
Creates a copy of this configuration ignoring superconfigurations (see copy but filtering the dependencies using the specified dependency spec.
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Creates a copy of this configuration that contains the dependencies directly in this configuration and those derived from superconfigurations.
abstract fun copyRecursive(dependencySpec: Closure): Configuration
Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
abstract fun copyRecursive(dependencySpec: Spec<in Dependency>): Configuration
Creates a copy of this configuration with dependencies from superconfigurations (see copyRecursive) but filtering the dependencies using the dependencySpec.
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Execute the given action if the configuration has no defined dependencies when it first participates in dependency resolution.
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Disables consistent resolution for this configuration.
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abstract fun exclude(excludeProperties: Map<String, String>): Configuration
Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration.
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fun Configuration.exclude(group: String? = null, module: String? = null): Configuration

Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration. You can also add exclude rules per-dependency. See ModuleDependency.exclude.

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abstract fun extendsFrom(superConfigs: Array<Configuration>): Configuration
Adds the given configurations to the set of configuration which this configuration extends from.
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abstract fun fileCollection(dependencySpecClosure: Closure): FileCollection
Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
abstract fun fileCollection(dependencies: Array<Dependency>): FileCollection
abstract fun fileCollection(dependencySpec: Spec<in Dependency>): FileCollection
Resolves this configuration lazily.
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abstract fun files(dependencySpecClosure: Closure): Set<File>
Takes a closure which gets coerced into a Spec.
abstract fun files(dependencies: Array<Dependency>): Set<File>
abstract fun files(dependencySpec: Spec<in Dependency>): Set<File>
Resolves this configuration.
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abstract fun filter(filterClosure: Closure): FileCollection
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open fun forEach(action: Consumer<in T>)
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Use the given collector as a source for dependencies and dependency constraints.
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abstract fun getAll(): Set<Configuration>
Returns all the configurations belonging to the same configuration container as this configuration (including this configuration).
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Returns the artifacts of this configuration including the artifacts of extended configurations.
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Gets the complete set of declared dependencies including those contributed by superconfigurations.
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Gets the complete set of dependency constraints including those contributed by superconfigurations.
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Returns the artifacts of this configuration excluding the artifacts of extended configurations.
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abstract fun getAsFileTree(): FileTree
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abstract fun getAsPath(): String
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Returns a TaskDependency object containing all required dependencies to build the local dependencies (e.g.
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Gets the set of declared dependencies directly contained in this configuration (ignoring superconfigurations).
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Gets the set of dependency constraints directly contained in this configuration (ignoring superconfigurations).
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abstract fun getDescription(): String
Returns the description for this configuration.
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Returns the exclude rules applied for resolving any dependency of this configuration.
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Returns the names of the configurations which this configuration extends from.
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abstract fun getFiles(): Set<File>
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abstract fun getHierarchy(): Set<Configuration>
Gets an ordered set including this configuration and all superconfigurations recursively.
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Returns a ResolvableDependencies instance, exposing the results of dependency resolution.
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abstract fun getName(): String
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Returns the outgoing ConfigurationPublications instance that advertises and allows configuring the artifacts and variants published by this configuration.
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Returns the resolution strategy used by this configuration.
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Returns a ResolvedConfiguration, a legacy view of the results of dependency resolution.
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abstract fun getSingleFile(): File
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Returns the state of the configuration.
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abstract fun getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(useDependedOn: Boolean, taskName: String): TaskDependency
Returns a TaskDependency object containing dependencies on all tasks with the specified name from project dependencies related to this configuration or one of its super configurations.
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abstract fun getUploadTaskName(): String
Returns the name of the task that upload the artifacts of this configuration to repositories declared by the user.
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abstract fun isCanBeConsumed(): Boolean
Returns true if this configuration can be consumed from another project, or published.
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Returns true if it is allowed to declare dependencies upon this configuration.
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abstract fun isCanBeResolved(): Boolean
Returns true if it is allowed to query or resolve this configuration.
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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract fun isTransitive(): Boolean
Returns the transitivity of this configuration.
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abstract fun isVisible(): Boolean
Returns true if this is a visible configuration.
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abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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abstract fun minus(collection: FileCollection): FileCollection
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abstract fun outgoing(action: Action<in ConfigurationPublications>)
Configures the outgoing ConfigurationPublications instance that advertises and allows configuring the artifacts and variants published by this configuration.
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abstract fun plus(collection: FileCollection): FileCollection
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abstract fun resolutionStrategy(@DelegatesTo(value = ResolutionStrategy::class, strategy = 1) closure: Closure): Configuration
The resolution strategy provides extra details on how to resolve this configuration.
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abstract fun resolve(): Set<File>
Resolves this configuration.
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abstract fun setCanBeConsumed(allowed: Boolean)
Configures if a configuration can be consumed.
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abstract fun setCanBeDeclared(allowed: Boolean)
Configures if a configuration can have dependencies declared upon it.
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abstract fun setCanBeResolved(allowed: Boolean)
Configures if a configuration can be resolved.
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abstract fun setDescription(@Nullable description: String): Configuration
Sets the description for this configuration.
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abstract fun setExtendsFrom(superConfigs: Iterable<Configuration>): Configuration
Sets the configurations which this configuration extends from.
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Sets the transitivity of this configuration.
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abstract fun setVisible(visible: Boolean): Configuration
Sets the visibility of this configuration.
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Tells that this configuration, when resolved, should resolve versions consistently from the resolution result of another resolvable configuration.
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Execute the given action before the configuration first participates in dependency resolution.