
Operations on the file system.

An instance of this type can be injected into a task, plugin or other object by annotating a public constructor or property getter method with javax.inject.Inject.




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abstract fun copy(action: Action<in CopySpec>): WorkResult
Copies the specified files.
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abstract fun copySpec(): CopySpec
abstract fun copySpec(action: Action<in CopySpec>): CopySpec
Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
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abstract fun delete(action: Action<in DeleteSpec>): WorkResult
Deletes the specified files.
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Creates and configures directory access permissions.
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Creates and configures file access permissions.
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abstract fun permissions(unixNumeric: Int): ConfigurableFilePermissions
Creates file/directory access permissions and initializes them via a Unix style numeric permissions.
abstract fun permissions(unixNumericOrSymbolic: String): ConfigurableFilePermissions
Creates file/directory access permissions and initializes them via a Unix style permission string.
Provider based version of permissions, to facilitate wiring into property chains.
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abstract fun sync(action: Action<in CopySpec>): WorkResult
Synchronizes the contents of a destination directory with some source directories and files.