
Represents a property whose type is a Map of keys of type K and values of type V. Retains iteration order.

You can create a MapProperty instance using factory method mapProperty.

Note: This interface is not intended for implementation by build script or plugin authors.




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fun <K, V> MapProperty<K, V>.assign(entries: Map<out K?, V?>?)

Sets the value of this property to the entries of the given Map, and replaces any existing value

fun <K, V> MapProperty<K, V>.assign(provider: Provider<out Map<out K?, V?>?>)

Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value

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abstract fun convention(@Nullable value: Map<out K, out V>): MapProperty<K, V>
Specifies the value to use as the convention for this property.
abstract fun convention(valueProvider: Provider<out Map<out K, out V>>): MapProperty<K, V>
Specifies the provider of the value to use as the convention for this property.
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abstract fun disallowChanges()
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abstract fun disallowUnsafeRead()
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abstract fun empty(): MapProperty<K, V>
Sets the value of this property to an empty map, and replaces any existing value.
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abstract fun filter(spec: Spec<in T>): Provider<T>
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abstract fun finalizeValue()
Disallows further changes to the value of this property.
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abstract fun finalizeValueOnRead()
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abstract fun <S> flatMap(transformer: Transformer<out @Nullable Provider<out S>, in T>): Provider<S>
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abstract fun get(): T
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abstract fun getOrElse(defaultValue: T): T
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abstract fun getOrNull(): T
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abstract fun getting(key: K): Provider<V>
Returns a provider that resolves to the value of the mapping of the given key.
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abstract fun isPresent(): Boolean
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abstract fun keySet(): Provider<Set<K>>
Returns a Provider that returns the set of keys for the map that is the property value.
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abstract fun <S> map(transformer: Transformer<out @Nullable S, in T>): Provider<S>
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abstract fun orElse(value: T): Provider<T>
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abstract fun put(key: K, value: V)
abstract fun put(key: K, providerOfValue: Provider<out V>)
Adds a map entry to the property value.
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abstract fun putAll(entries: Map<out K, out V>)
abstract fun putAll(provider: Provider<out Map<out K, out V>>)
Adds all entries from another Map to the property value.
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abstract fun set(@Nullable entries: Map<out K, out V>)
Sets the value of this property to the entries of the given Map, and replaces any existing value.
abstract fun set(provider: Provider<out Map<out K, out V>>)
Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value.
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abstract fun unset(): MapProperty<K, V>
This is similar to calling value with a null argument.
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This is similar to calling convention with a null argument.
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abstract fun value(@Nullable entries: Map<out K, out V>): MapProperty<K, V>
Sets the value of this property to the entries of the given Map, and replaces any existing value.
abstract fun value(provider: Provider<out Map<out K, out V>>): MapProperty<K, V>
Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value.
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abstract fun <U, R> zip(right: Provider<U>, combiner: BiFunction<in T, in U, out @Nullable R>): Provider<R>