Build Cache Configuration
Configuration for the build cache for an entire Gradle build.
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Returns the local directory cache configuration.
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Returns the remote cache configuration.
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Executes the given action against the local configuration.
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abstract fun <T : BuildCache?> registerBuildCacheService(configurationType: Class<T>, buildCacheServiceFactoryType: Class<out BuildCacheServiceFactory<in T>>)
Registers a custom build cache type.
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inline fun <T : BuildCache> BuildCacheConfiguration.registerBuildCacheService(buildCacheServiceFactoryType: KClass<out BuildCacheServiceFactory<in T>>)
Registers a custom build cache type.
inline fun <T : BuildCache> BuildCacheConfiguration.registerBuildCacheService(configurationType: KClass<T>, buildCacheServiceFactoryType: KClass<out BuildCacheServiceFactory<in T>>)
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.caching.configuration.BuildCacheConfiguration.registerBuildCacheService.
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Configures a remote cache with the given type.
Executes the given action against the currently configured remote cache.
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Configures a remote cache with the given type.
inline fun <T : BuildCache> BuildCacheConfiguration.remote(type: KClass<T>, configuration: Action<in T>): T
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.caching.configuration.BuildCacheConfiguration.remote.