
Universal APIs that are available for all dependencies blocks.



See also

<a href="">Creating custom dependencies blocks.</a>



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open fun constraint(dependencyConstraintNotation: CharSequence): DependencyConstraint
Create a DependencyConstraint from the given notation.
Create a DependencyConstraint from a project.
Create a DependencyConstraint from a minimal dependency.
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A dependency constraint factory is used to convert supported dependency notations into DependencyConstraint instances.
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A dependency factory is used to convert supported dependency notations into org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency instances.
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abstract fun getObjectFactory(): ObjectFactory
Injected service to create named objects.
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abstract fun getProject(): Project
The current project.
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open fun module(dependencyNotation: CharSequence): ExternalModuleDependency
Create an ExternalModuleDependency from the given notation.
open fun module(@Nullable group: String, name: String, @Nullable version: String): ExternalModuleDependency
Create an ExternalModuleDependency from a series of strings.
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fun Dependencies.module(group: String?, name: String, version: String?): ExternalModuleDependency

Creates a dependency based on the group, name and version (GAV) coordinates.

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Returns the current project as a ProjectDependency.
open fun project(projectPath: String): ProjectDependency
Converts an absolute or relative path to a project into a ProjectDependency.