
Provides access to key tasks used for building the binary.


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abstract fun add(p: E): Boolean
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abstract fun addAll(p: Collection<out E>): Boolean
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abstract fun addAllLater(provider: Provider<out Iterable<T>>)
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abstract fun addLater(provider: Provider<out T>)
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abstract fun all(action: Action<in T>)
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abstract fun clear()
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abstract fun configureEach(action: Action<in T>)
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abstract fun contains(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun containsAll(p: Collection<out Any>): Boolean
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open fun <E> copyOf(coll: Collection<out E>): Set<E>
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abstract fun <T : Task?> create(name: String, type: Class<T>, config: Action<in T>)
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inline fun <T : Task> BinaryTasksCollection.create(name: String, type: KClass<T>, config: Action<in T>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.platform.base.BinaryTasksCollection.create.

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abstract fun equals(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun findAll(spec: Closure): Collection<T>
abstract fun findAll(spec: Closure): Set<T>
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open fun forEach(action: Consumer<in T>)
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abstract fun getBuild(): Task
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abstract fun getCheck(): Task
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abstract fun getLink(): Task
Returns the link task for this binary.
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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<E>
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abstract fun matching(spec: Spec<in T>): DomainObjectCollection<T>
abstract fun matching(spec: Spec<in T>): DomainObjectSet<T>
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open fun <E> of(): Set<E>
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open fun parallelStream(): Stream<E>
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abstract fun remove(p: Any): Boolean
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abstract fun removeAll(p: Collection<out Any>): Boolean
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open fun removeIf(filter: Predicate<in E>): Boolean
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abstract fun retainAll(p: Collection<out Any>): Boolean
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abstract fun size(): Int
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open fun stream(): Stream<E>
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abstract fun taskName(verb: String): String
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abstract fun toArray(): Array<Any>
abstract fun <T> toArray(p: Array<T>): Array<T>
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abstract fun whenObjectAdded(action: Closure)
abstract fun whenObjectAdded(action: Action<in T>): Action<in T>
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abstract fun whenObjectRemoved(action: Closure)
abstract fun whenObjectRemoved(action: Action<in T>): Action<in T>
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abstract fun <S : T?> withType(type: Class<S>): DomainObjectCollection<S>
abstract fun <S : T?> withType(type: Class<S>): DomainObjectSet<S>
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Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type. The returned collection is live, so that when matching objects are later added to this collection, they are also visible in the filtered collection.

inline fun <S : Any> DomainObjectCollection<in S>.withType(noinline configuration: S.() -> Unit): DomainObjectCollection<S>

Returns a collection containing the objects in this collection of the given type. Equivalent to calling withType(type).all(configureAction).

inline fun <S : T, T : Any> DomainObjectCollection<T>.withType(type: KClass<S>, configureAction: Action<in S>): DomainObjectCollection<S>

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.DomainObjectCollection.withType.

inline fun <S : T, T : Any> DomainObjectSet<T>.withType(type: KClass<S>): DomainObjectSet<S>

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.DomainObjectSet.withType.