
Specifies the destination of a copy.



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Configuration action for specifying directory access permissions.
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abstract fun eachFile(@DelegatesTo(value = FileCopyDetails::class, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) closure: Closure): CopyProcessingSpec
Adds an action to be applied to each file as it about to be copied into its destination.
Adds an action to be applied to each file as it is about to be copied into its destination.
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abstract fun expand(properties: Map<String, out Any>): ContentFilterable
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inline fun ContentFilterable.expand(vararg properties: Pair<String, Any?>): ContentFilterable
inline fun ContentFilterable.expand(vararg properties: Pair<String, Any?>, action: Action<in ExpandDetails>): ContentFilterable

Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.file.ContentFilterable.expand.

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Configuration action for specifying file access permissions.
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abstract fun filter(properties: Map<String, out Any>, filterType: Class<out FilterReader>): ContentFilterable
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inline fun <T : FilterReader> ContentFilterable.filter(vararg properties: Pair<String, Any?>): ContentFilterable
fun <T : FilterReader> ContentFilterable.filter(filterType: KClass<T>, vararg properties: Pair<String, Any?>): ContentFilterable
fun <T : FilterReader> ContentFilterable.filter(filterType: KClass<T>, properties: Map<String, Any?>): ContentFilterable

Adds a content filter to be used during the copy. Multiple calls add additional filters to the filter chain. Each filter should implement FilterReader. Import* for access to all the standard Ant filters.

inline fun ContentFilterable.filter(filterType: KClass<out FilterReader>, vararg properties: Pair<String, Any?>): ContentFilterable

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.file.ContentFilterable.filter.

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abstract fun getDirMode(): Integer
Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target directories.
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Property for querying and configuring directory access permissions.
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abstract fun getFileMode(): Integer
Returns the Unix permissions to use for the target files.
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Property for querying and configuring file access permissions.
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abstract fun into(destPath: Any): CopyProcessingSpec
Specifies the destination directory for a copy.
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abstract fun rename(closure: Closure): CopyProcessingSpec
abstract fun rename(renamer: Transformer<@Nullable String, String>): CopyProcessingSpec
Renames a source file.
abstract fun rename(sourceRegEx: String, replaceWith: String): CopyProcessingSpec
abstract fun rename(sourceRegEx: Pattern, replaceWith: String): CopyProcessingSpec
Renames files based on a regular expression.
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abstract fun setDirMode(@Nullable mode: Integer): CopyProcessingSpec
Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target directories.
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abstract fun setFileMode(@Nullable mode: Integer): CopyProcessingSpec
Sets the Unix permissions to use for the target files.