Input Changes
Provides access to any input files that need to be processed by an incremental work action.
An incremental work action is one that accepts a single InputChanges parameter. The work action can then query what changed for an input parameter since the last execution to only process the changes. The following example shows a task which reverses the text in each of its input files. It demonstrates how to use InputChanges to only process the changed files.
abstract class IncrementalReverseTask extends DefaultTask {
abstract DirectoryProperty getInputDir()
abstract DirectoryProperty getOutputDir()
void execute(InputChanges inputChanges) {
inputChanges.getFileChanges(inputDir).each { change ->
if (change.fileType == FileType.DIRECTORY) return
def targetFile = outputDir.file(change.normalizedPath).get().asFile
if (change.changeType == ChangeType.REMOVED) {
} else {
targetFile.text = change.file.text.reverse()
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In the case where Gradle is unable to determine which input files need to be reprocessed, then all of the input files will be reported as ADDED. When such a full rebuild happens, the output files of the work are removed prior to executing the work action. Cases where this occurs include:
- There is no history available from a previous execution.
- A non-file input parameter has changed since the previous execution.
- One or more output files have changed since the previous execution.