
Represents an invocation of Gradle.

You can obtain a Gradle instance by calling getGradle.


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The extra properties extension in this object's extension container.


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abstract fun addBuildListener(buildListener: BuildListener)
Adds a BuildListener to this Build instance.
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abstract fun addListener(listener: Any)
Adds the given listener to this build.
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Adds a listener to this build, to receive notifications as projects are evaluated.
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abstract fun afterProject(closure: Closure)
Adds a closure to be called immediately after a project is evaluated.
abstract fun afterProject(action: Action<in Project>)
Adds an action to be called immediately after a project is evaluated.
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abstract fun allprojects(action: Action<in Project>)
Adds an action to execute against all projects of this build.
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abstract fun apply(closure: Closure)
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inline fun <T : Plugin<Gradle>> Gradle.apply()
inline fun <T : Plugin<*>> PluginAware.apply()

Applies the plugin of the given type T. Does nothing if the plugin has already been applied.

inline fun PluginAware.apply(vararg options: Pair<String, Any?>)

Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginAware.apply.

fun PluginAware.apply(from: Any? = null, plugin: String? = null, to: Any? = null)

Applies the given plugin or script.

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inline fun <T : Plugin<*>> PluginAware.applyTo(vararg targets: Any)

Applies the plugin of the given type T to the specified object. Does nothing if the plugin has already been applied.

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abstract fun beforeProject(closure: Closure)
Adds a closure to be called immediately before a project is evaluated.
abstract fun beforeProject(action: Action<in Project>)
Adds an action to be called immediately before a project is evaluated.
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abstract fun beforeSettings(@DelegatesTo(value = Settings::class) closure: Closure<out Any>)
abstract fun beforeSettings(action: Action<in Settings>)
Adds an action to be called before the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
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abstract fun buildFinished(closure: Closure)
Adds a closure to be called when the build is completed.
abstract fun buildFinished(action: Action<in BuildResult>)
Adds an action to be called when the build is completed.
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inline fun <T : Any> ExtensionAware.configure(noinline configuration: T.() -> Unit)

Executes the given configuration block against the extension of the specified type.

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abstract fun getGradle(): Gradle
Returns this Gradle instance.
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abstract fun getGradleHomeDir(): File
Returns the Gradle home directory, if any.
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abstract fun getGradleUserHomeDir(): File
Returns the Gradle user home directory.
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abstract fun getGradleVersion(): String
Returns the current Gradle version.
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Returns the included builds for this build.
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Gives access to the new Gradle build lifecycle callbacks.
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abstract fun getParent(): Gradle
Returns the parent build of this build, if any.
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abstract fun getPlugins(): PluginContainer
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abstract fun getRootProject(): Project
Returns the root project of this build.
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Returns the build services that are shared by all projects of this build.
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Returns the StartParameter used to start this build.
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Returns the TaskExecutionGraph for this build.
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abstract fun includedBuild(name: String): IncludedBuild
Returns the included build with the specified name for this build.
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abstract fun projectsEvaluated(closure: Closure)
Adds a closure to be called when all projects for the build have been evaluated.
abstract fun projectsEvaluated(action: Action<in Gradle>)
Adds an action to be called when all projects for the build have been evaluated.
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abstract fun projectsLoaded(closure: Closure)
Adds a closure to be called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.
abstract fun projectsLoaded(action: Action<in Gradle>)
Adds an action to be called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings.
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abstract fun removeListener(listener: Any)
Removes the given listener from this build.
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Removes the given listener from this build.
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abstract fun rootProject(action: Action<in Project>)
Adds an action to execute against the root project of this build.
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abstract fun settingsEvaluated(closure: Closure)
Adds a closure to be called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
abstract fun settingsEvaluated(action: Action<in Settings>)
Adds an action to be called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
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inline fun <T : Any> ExtensionAware.the(): T

Returns the extension of the specified type.

fun <T : Any> ExtensionAware.the(extensionType: KClass<T>): T

Returns the extension of the specified extensionType.

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abstract fun useLogger(logger: Any)
Uses the given object as a logger.