
Represents a property whose value can be set using multiple elements of type T, such as a collection property.

Note: This interface is not intended for implementation by build script or plugin authors. You can use the factory methods on org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory to create various subtypes of this interface.





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abstract fun add(element: T)
abstract fun add(provider: Provider<out T>)
Adds an element to the property value.
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abstract fun addAll(elements: Array<T>)
abstract fun addAll(elements: Iterable<out T>)
abstract fun addAll(provider: Provider<out Iterable<out T>>)
Adds zero or more elements to the property value.
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fun <T> HasMultipleValues<T>.assign(elements: Iterable<T?>?)

Sets the value of the property to the elements of the given iterable, and replaces any existing value

fun <T> HasMultipleValues<T>.assign(provider: Provider<out Iterable<T?>?>)

Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value

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abstract fun convention(@Nullable elements: Iterable<out T>): HasMultipleValues<T>
Specifies the value to use as the convention for this property.
abstract fun convention(provider: Provider<out Iterable<out T>>): HasMultipleValues<T>
Specifies the provider of the value to use as the convention for this property.
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abstract fun disallowChanges()
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abstract fun disallowUnsafeRead()
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abstract fun empty(): HasMultipleValues<T>
Sets the value of this property to an empty collection, and replaces any existing value.
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abstract fun finalizeValue()
Disallows further changes to the value of this property.
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abstract fun finalizeValueOnRead()
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abstract fun set(@Nullable elements: Iterable<out T>)
Sets the value of the property to the elements of the given iterable, and replaces any existing value.
abstract fun set(provider: Provider<out Iterable<out T>>)
Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value.
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abstract fun unset(): SupportsConvention
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abstract fun value(@Nullable elements: Iterable<out T>): HasMultipleValues<T>
Sets the value of the property to the elements of the given iterable, and replaces any existing value.
abstract fun value(provider: Provider<out Iterable<out T>>): HasMultipleValues<T>
Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value.