
abstract class ScalaRuntime(source)

Provides information related to the Scala runtime(s) used in a project. Added by the org.gradle.api.plugins.scala.ScalaBasePlugin as a project extension named scalaRuntime.

Example usage:

    plugins {
        id 'scala'

    repositories {

    dependencies {
        implementation "org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.1"

    def scalaClasspath = scalaRuntime.inferScalaClasspath(configurations.compileClasspath)
    // The returned class path can be used to configure the 'scalaClasspath' property of tasks
    // such as 'ScalaCompile' or 'ScalaDoc', or to execute these and other Scala tools directly.


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constructor(project: Project)


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open fun findScalaJar(classpath: Iterable<File>, appendix: String): File
Searches the specified class path for a Scala Jar file (scala-compiler, scala-library, scala-jdbc, etc.) with the specified appendix (compiler, library, jdbc, etc.).
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open fun getScalaVersion(scalaJar: File): String
Determines the version of a Scala Jar file (scala-compiler, scala-library, scala-jdbc, etc.).
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Searches the specified class path for a 'scala-library' Jar, and returns a class path containing a corresponding (same version) 'scala-compiler' Jar and its dependencies.