
Model backed map like structure allowing adding of items where instantiation is managed.

org.gradle.model.Managed types may declare model map properties. Model maps can only contain managed types.



the contract type for all items



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abstract fun afterEach(configAction: Action<in T>)
Applies the given action to each item in the collection, as each item is required.
abstract fun <S> afterEach(type: Class<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)
Applies the given action to each item of the given type in the collection, as each item is required.
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inline fun <S : Any, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.afterEach(type: KClass<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.afterEach.

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abstract fun all(configAction: Action<in T>)
Applies the given action to each item in the collection, as each item is required.
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abstract fun beforeEach(configAction: Action<in T>)
Applies the given action to each item in this collection, as each item is required.
abstract fun <S> beforeEach(type: Class<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)
Applies the given action to each item of the given type in this collection, as each item is required.
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inline fun <S : Any, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.beforeEach(type: KClass<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.beforeEach.

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abstract fun containsKey(name: Any): Boolean
Returns true if this collection contains an item with the given name.
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abstract fun containsValue(item: Any): Boolean
Returns true if this collection contains the given item.
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abstract fun create(name: String)
abstract fun create(name: String, configAction: Action<in T>)
Defines an item with the given name and type T.
abstract fun <S : T?> create(name: String, type: Class<S>)
abstract fun <S : T?> create(name: String, type: Class<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)
Defines an item with the given name and type.
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inline fun <S : T, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.create(name: String, type: KClass<S>)
inline fun <S : T, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.create(name: String, type: KClass<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.create.

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open fun forEach(action: Consumer<in T>)
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abstract fun get(name: Any): T
abstract fun get(name: String): T
Returns the item with the given name, if any.
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abstract fun getDisplayName(): String
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abstract fun getName(): String
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abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean
Returns true if this collection contains no items.
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abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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abstract fun keySet(): Set<String>
Returns the names of the items in this collection.
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abstract fun named(name: String, ruleSource: Class<out RuleSource>)
Applies the given rule source class to the given item, when the item is required.
abstract fun named(name: String, configAction: Action<in T>)
Applies the given action to the given item, when the item is required.
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inline fun <T : Any> ModelMap<T>.named(name: String, ruleSource: KClass<out RuleSource>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.named.

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abstract fun put(name: String, instance: T)
Adds an element to this ModelMap.
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abstract fun size(): Int
Returns the number of items in this collection.
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abstract fun values(): Collection<T>
Returns the items in this collection.
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abstract fun <S> withType(type: Class<S>): ModelMap<S>
Returns a collection containing the items from this collection which are of the specified type.
abstract fun <S> withType(type: Class<S>, rules: Class<out RuleSource>)
Applies the given rules to all items of the collection of the given type.
abstract fun <S> withType(type: Class<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)
Applies the given action to each item of the given type in the collection, as each item is required.
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inline fun <S : Any, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.withType(type: KClass<S>): ModelMap<S>
inline fun <S : Any, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.withType(type: KClass<S>, rules: KClass<out RuleSource>)
inline fun <S : Any, T : Any> ModelMap<T>.withType(type: KClass<S>, configAction: Action<in S>)

Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.withType.