
A set of Dependency objects which can be resolved to a set of files. There are various methods on this type that you can use to get the result in different forms:

The dependencies are resolved once only, when the result is first requested. The result is reused and returned for subsequent calls. Once resolved, any mutation to the dependencies will result in an error.


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abstract fun afterResolve(@DelegatesTo(value = ResolvableDependencies::class) action: Closure)
abstract fun afterResolve(action: Action<in ResolvableDependencies>)
Adds an action to be executed after the dependencies of this set have been resolved.
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Returns a builder that can be used to define and access a filtered view of the resolved artifacts.
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abstract fun beforeResolve(@DelegatesTo(value = ResolvableDependencies::class) action: Closure)
abstract fun beforeResolve(action: Action<in ResolvableDependencies>)
Adds an action to be executed before the dependencies in this set are resolved.
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Returns the resolved artifacts, performing the resolution if required.
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Returns the set of dependencies which will be resolved.
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Returns the set of dependency constraints which will be considered during resolution.
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abstract fun getFiles(): FileCollection
Returns a FileCollection which contains the resolved set of files.
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abstract fun getName(): String
Returns the name of this set.
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abstract fun getPath(): String
Returns the path of this set.
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Returns the resolved dependency graph, performing the resolution lazily.