Package-level declarations
The org.gradle.kotlin.dsl
package contains the Gradle Kotlin DSL public API.
All members of this package are implicitly imported and readily available in .gradle.kts
scripts in addition to the Gradle Java API default imports.
Receiver for artifacts
block providing convenient utilities for configuring artifacts.
Receiver for ClientModule configuration blocks.
Receiver for ConfigurationContainer configuration blocks.
Receiver for dependencies.constraints
block providing convenient utilities for configuring dependency constraints.
Receiver for dependencies
block providing convenient utilities for configuring dependencies.
Holds a property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the getValue
operator based on the static type of the delegate.
Holds the delegate provider for the existing
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Holds the delegate provider for the existing
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Holds the delegate provider and expected element type for the existing
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Holds the delegate provider and expected element type for the existing
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Provides a dynamic dispatching DSL with Groovy semantics for better integration with plugins that rely on Groovy builders such as the core maven
Enables typed access to extra properties with initial value.
Enables typed access to extra properties with initial value.
Standard implementation of the API exposed to all types of Gradle scripts, precompiled and otherwise.
Legacy base class for Gradle Kotlin DSL standalone Project scripts IDE support, aka. build scripts.
Common script compilation configuration for Kotlin DSL standalone scripts.
Base class for Gradle Kotlin DSL standalone Gradle scripts IDE support, aka. init scripts.
Legacy base class for Gradle Kotlin DSL standalone Gradle scripts IDE support, aka. init scripts.
Base class for Gradle Kotlin DSL standalone Project scripts IDE support, aka. build scripts.
Base contract for all Gradle Kotlin DSL scripts.
Legacy base class for Gradle Kotlin DSL standalone Settings scripts IDE support.
Base class for Gradle Kotlin DSL standalone Settings scripts IDE support.
Provides efficient access to a mutable dynamic property.
Enables typed access to container elements via delegated properties.
A property delegate that creates elements in the given NamedDomainObjectContainer.
Receiver for NamedDomainObjectContainer configuration blocks.
Receiver for the plugins
A property delegate that creates elements of the given type with the given configuration in the given container.
A property delegate that gets elements of the given type from the given container and applies the given configuration.
Provides efficient access to a property.
Holds the delegate provider for the registering
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Holds the delegate provider for the registering
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Holds the delegate provider and expected element type for the registering
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Holds the delegate provider and expected element type for the registering
property delegate with the purpose of providing specialized implementations for the provideDelegate
operator based on the static type of the provider.
Receiver for the buildscript
Standard implementation of the API exposed to all types of Settings scripts, precompiled and otherwise.
Receiver for the tasks
block providing an extended set of operators for the configuration of tasks.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.antlr.AntlrPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.ApplicationPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.assembler.plugins.AssemblerPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.assembler.plugins.AssemblerLangPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.BasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.platform.base.plugins.BinaryBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.reporting.plugins.BuildDashboardPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.buildinit.plugins.BuildInitPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.c.plugins.CPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.c.plugins.CLangPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.quality.CheckstylePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins.ClangCompilerPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.quality.CodeNarcPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.platform.base.plugins.ComponentBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.base.plugins.ComponentModelBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins.CppPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins.CppApplicationPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins.CppLangPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.cpp.plugins.CppLibraryPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cpp.plugins.CppUnitTestPlugin.
Provides a property delegate that creates elements of the default collection type.
Provides a property delegate that creates tasks of the default type.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.plugins.CUnitConventionPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.cunit.plugins.CUnitPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.distribution.plugins.DistributionPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugins.ear.EarPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.EclipsePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.EclipseWtpPlugin.
The embedded-kotlin
The version of the Kotlin compiler embedded in gradle-kotlin-dsl (currently 2.0.21).
Idiomatic way of referring to the provider of a well-known element of a collection via a delegate property.
The extra properties extension in this object's extension container.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins.GccCompilerPlugin.
Idiomatic way of referring to an existing element in a collection via a delegate property.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.googletest.plugins.GoogleTestConventionPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.googletest.plugins.GoogleTestPlugin.
The gradle-enterprise
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.GroovyPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.GroovyBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugin.devel.internal.precompiled.PrecompiledGroovyPluginsPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.HelpTasksPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.IdeaPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.publish.ivy.plugins.IvyPublishPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins.JacocoPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.testing.jacoco.plugins.JacocoReportAggregationPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugin.devel.plugins.JavaGradlePluginPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaLibraryPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaLibraryDistributionPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPlatformPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaTestFixturesPlugin.
Provides statically defined accessors for getting the "jvm" block of "toolchainManagement". The "jvm-toolchain-management" plugin needs to be applied in order for these extensions to work.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JvmEcosystemPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JvmTestSuitePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JvmToolchainManagementPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.JvmToolchainsPlugin.
The kotlin-dsl
The kotlin-dsl.base
The kotlin-dsl.precompiled-script-plugins
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LanguageBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.base.plugins.LifecycleBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.publish.maven.plugins.MavenPublishPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.plugins.MicrosoftVisualCppCompilerPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.plugins.NativeComponentPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.plugins.NativeComponentModelPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.objectivec.plugins.ObjectiveCPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.objectivec.plugins.ObjectiveCLangPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.plugins.ObjectiveCppPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.objectivecpp.plugins.ObjectiveCppLangPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.quality.PmdPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.ProjectReportsPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.ProjectReportsPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.publish.plugins.PublishingPlugin.
Property delegate for registering new elements in the container.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.ReportingBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.scala.ScalaPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.scala.ScalaBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.plugins.signing.SigningPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.internal.plugins.StandardToolChainsPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.swift.plugins.SwiftApplicationPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.swift.plugins.SwiftLibraryPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.swiftpm.plugins.SwiftPackageManagerExportPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.TestReportAggregationPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.testing.base.plugins.TestSuiteBasePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.catalog.VersionCatalogPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.ide.visualstudio.plugins.VisualStudioPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.api.plugins.WarPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.rc.plugins.WindowsResourceScriptPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.language.rc.plugins.WindowsResourcesPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.buildinit.plugins.WrapperPlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.ide.xcode.plugins.XcodePlugin.
The builtin Gradle plugin implemented by org.gradle.nativeplatform.test.xctest.plugins.XCTestConventionPlugin.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.attributes.CompatibilityRuleChain.add.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.attributes.DisambiguationRuleChain.add.
Adds a new extension to this container.
Adds a dependency to the given configuration, and configures the dependency using the given expression.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.initialization.SharedModelDefaults.add.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer.add.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.afterEach.
Adds a class based rule that may modify the metadata of any resolved software component.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.ComponentMetadataHandler.all.
Adds a class based rule that may modify the metadata of any resolved software component. The rule itself is configured by the provided configure action.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.flow.FlowScope.always.
Applies the plugin of the given type T. Does nothing if the plugin has already been applied.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.Script.apply.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginAware.apply.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginContainer.apply.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginManager.apply.
Specifies whether the plugin should be applied to the current project. Otherwise it is only put on the project's classpath.
Applies the given plugin or script.
Configures the artifacts for this project.
Sets the ConfigurableFileCollection to contain the source paths of passed collection. This is the same as calling ConfigurableFileCollection.setFrom(fileCollection: FileCollection).
Assign file to a FileSystemLocationProperty with assign operator
Assign file provided by a Provider to a FileSystemLocationProperty with assign operator
Sets the value of the property to the elements of the given iterable, and replaces any existing value
Sets the property to have the same value of the given provider, and replaces any existing value
Sets the value of this property to the entries of the given Map, and replaces any existing value
Assign value: T to a property with assign operator
Assign value: Provider
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.beforeEach.
Configures the build script classpath for this project.
Executes the given configuration block against the project extension of the specified type.
Executes the given configuration block against the extension of the specified type.
Looks for the extension of the specified type and configures it with the supplied action.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer.configure.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.language.BinaryCollection.configureEach.
Creates a container for managing named objects of the specified type.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.Project.container.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer.containerWithType.
Creates a domain object with the specified name and type, and adds it to the container.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskContainer.create.
Creates a domain object with the specified name and type, adds it to the container, and configures it with the specified action.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer.create.
Creates a dependency without adding it to a configuration.
Creates and adds a new extension to this container.
Creates a Task with the given name and type, passing the given arguments to the javax.inject.Inject-annotated constructor, and adds it to this project tasks container.
Creates a Task with the specified name and type, adds it to the container, and configures it with the specified action.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskContainer.create.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.create.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer.create.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.platform.base.BinaryTasksCollection.create.
Creates a dependency on a module without adding it to a configuration.
Provides a property delegate that creates elements of the default collection type with the given configuration.
Provides a property delegate that creates elements of the given type.
Provides a property delegate that creates tasks of the default type with the given configuration.
Provides a property delegate that creates tasks of the given type.
Provides a property delegate that creates elements of the given type expressed as a java.lang.Class with the given configuration.
Provides a property delegate that creates elements of the given type with the given configuration.
Provides a property delegate that creates tasks of the given type expressed as a java.lang.Class with the given configuration.
Provides a property delegate that creates tasks of the given type with the given configuration.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.AuthenticationSupported.credentials.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory.credentials.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions.debug.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.platform.base.TypeBuilder.defaultImplementation.
Sets the default tasks of this project. These are used when no tasks names are provided when starting the build.
Configures the dependencies for this project.
Configures the dependency locking for the script dependency configurations.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.domainObjectContainer.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.domainObjectSet.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.AbstractExecTask.environment.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.JavaExec.environment.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test.environment.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.process.ProcessForkOptions.environment.
Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies of this dependency.
Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration. You can also add exclude rules per-dependency. See ModuleDependency.exclude.
Idiomatic way of referring to the provider of a well-known element of a collection via a delegate property.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.file.ContentFilterable.expand.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec.expand.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.AbstractCopyTask.expand.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.Project.fileTree.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.Script.fileTree.
Adds a content filter to be used during the copy. Multiple calls add additional filters to the filter chain. Each filter should implement FilterReader. Import*
for access to all the standard Ant filters.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.file.ContentFilterable.filter.
Adds a content filter to be used during the copy.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.file.CopySpec.filter.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.tasks.AbstractCopyTask.filter.
Looks for the extension of a given type.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer.findByType.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.tooling.BuildController.findModel.
Locates the plugin convention object with the given type.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginContainer.findPlugin.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler.flatDir.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions.fork.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.GroovyCompileOptions.fork.
Specifies the VCS location for the requested component.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.vcs.VcsMapping.from.
Locates an object by name, failing if there is no such object.
Looks for the extension of a given name. If none found it will throw an exception.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.language.BinaryCollection.get.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.artifacts.result.ComponentArtifactsResult.getArtifacts.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginContainer.getAt.
Locates an object by name and casts it to the expected type T.
Looks for the extension of a given name and casts it to the expected type T.
Locates an object by name and casts it to the expected type T then configures it.
Locates an object by name and casts it to the expected type.
Locates an object by name and casts it to the expected type then configures it.
Looks for the extension of a given type.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionContainer.getByType.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.tooling.BuildController.getCanQueryProjectModelInParallel.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.AuthenticationSupported.getCredentials.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.artifacts.ComponentMetadataContext.getDescriptor.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.artifacts.ComponentSelection.getDescriptor.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.tooling.BuildController.getModel.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.tooling.ProjectConnection.getModel.
Locates the plugin convention object with the given type.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginContainer.getPlugin.
Looks for the convention plugin of a given name and casts it to the expected type T.
Idiomatic way of referring and configuring an existing element in a collection via a delegate property.
Provides a property delegate that gets elements of the given type.
Provides a property delegate that gets elements of the given type and applies the given configuration.
Allows a NamedDomainObjectProvider to be used as a property delegate.
Property delegate for ConfigurableFileCollection instances.
Delegated property getter that locates extensions.
Property delegate for Property instances.
Gets the delegate value.
Creates a dependency on the API of the current version of the Gradle Kotlin DSL.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginContainer.hasPlugin.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.platform.base.TypeBuilder.internalView.
Enables function invocation syntax on Closure references.
Enables function invocation syntax on Callable references.
Allows the container to be configured via an augmented DSL.
Enables function invocation syntax on Action references.
Allows a NamedDomainObjectProvider to be configured via invocation syntax.
Configures the published artifacts for this project.
Add a dependency.
Add a dependency constraint.
Configures the dependency constraints.
Modifies a dependency to select the variant of the given module.
Returns a property delegate provider that will initialize the extra property to the given initialValue.
Returns a property delegate provider that will initialize the extra property to the value provided by initialValueProvider.
Enables function invocation syntax on Spec instances.
Allows a TaskContainer to be configured via an augmented DSL that includes a shorthand string notation for configuring existing tasks.
Adds and configures an Ivy repository.
Provides statically defined accessors for configuring the "jvm" block in "toolchainManagement". The "jvm-toolchain-management" plugin needs to be applied in order for these extensions to work.
Applies the given Kotlin plugin module.
Creates a ListProperty that holds values of the given type T.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.listProperty.
Creates a MapProperty that holds values of the given key type K and value type V.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.mapProperty.
Adds and configures a Maven repository.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler.mavenCentral.
Creates a domain object with the specified name and type if it does not exists, and adds it to the container.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer.maybeCreate.
Creates a dependency on a client module without adding it to a configuration.
Creates a dependency based on the group, name and version (GAV) coordinates.
Locates an object by name and type, without triggering its creation or configuration, failing if there is no such object.
Creates a simple immutable Named object of the given type and name.
Locates a task by name and type, without triggering its creation or configuration, failing if there is no such task.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectCollection.named.
Configures an object by name and type, without triggering its creation or configuration, failing if there is no such object.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.named.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskCollection.named.
Configures a task by name and type, without triggering its creation or configuration, failing if there is no such task.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.model.ModelMap.named.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.namedDomainObjectList.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.namedDomainObjectSet.
Create a new instance of T
, using parameters as the construction parameters.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.newInstance.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.provider.ProviderFactory.of.
Adds a Plugin to use to configure the target objects. This method may be called multiple times, to use multiple plugins. Scripts and plugins are applied in the order that they are added.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.plugins.ObjectConfigurationAction.plugin.
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory.polymorphicDomainObjectContainer.
Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler.project.
Creates a dependency on a project without adding it to a configuration.
Kotlin extension function for
Kotlin extension function for
Kotlin extension function taking kotlin.reflect.KClass for
Required due to KT-25810.
Allows a NamedDomainObjectCollection to be used as a property delegate.
Locates a property on Project.
Locates a property on Settings.
Provides property delegate for typed access to extra properties.
Provides access to the NamedDomainObjectProvider for the element of the given property name from the container via a delegated property.
Provides a TaskProvider delegate for the task named after the property after configuring it with the given action.
Provides a TaskProvider delegate for the task of the given type named after the property after configuring it with the given action.
Provides a TaskProvider delegate for the task of the given type named after the property.
Provides a TaskProvider delegate for the task named after the property.
Registers an element and provides a delegate with the resulting NamedDomainObjectProvider.
Registers a task that gets configured with the given action and provides a delegate with the resulting TaskProvider.