
abstract class EclipseWtpComponent(source)

Enables fine-tuning wtp component details of the Eclipse plugin

Example of use with a blend of all possible properties. Bear in mind that usually you don't have to configure them directly because Gradle configures it for free!

plugins {
    id 'war' // or 'ear' or 'java'
    id 'eclipse-wtp'

configurations {

eclipse {

  //if you want parts of paths in resulting file(s) to be replaced by variables (files):
  pathVariables 'GRADLE_HOME': file('/best/software/gradle'), 'TOMCAT_HOME': file('../tomcat')

  wtp {
    component {
      //you can configure the context path:
      contextPath = 'someContextPath'

      //you can configure the deployName:
      deployName = 'killerApp'

      //you can alter the wb-resource elements.
      //non-existing source dirs won't be added to the component file.
      sourceDirs += file('someExtraFolder')

      // dependencies to mark as deployable with lib folder deploy path
      libConfigurations += [ configurations.someInterestingConfiguration ]

      // dependencies to mark as deployable with root folder deploy path
      rootConfigurations += [ configurations.someInterestingConfiguration ]

      // dependencies to exclude from wtp deployment
      minusConfigurations << configurations.anotherConfiguration

      //you can add a wb-resource elements; mandatory keys: 'sourcePath', 'deployPath':
      //if sourcePath points to non-existing folder it will *not* be added.
      resource sourcePath: 'extra/resource', deployPath: 'deployment/resource'

      //you can add a wb-property elements; mandatory keys: 'name', 'value':
      property name: 'moodOfTheDay', value: ':-D'
For tackling edge cases users can perform advanced configuration on resulting XML file. It is also possible to affect the way eclipse plugin merges the existing configuration via beforeMerged and whenMerged closures.

beforeMerged and whenMerged closures receive WtpComponent object

Examples of advanced configuration:

plugins {
    id 'war'
    id 'eclipse-wtp'

eclipse {

  wtp {
    component {
      file {
        //if you want to mess with the resulting XML in whatever way you fancy
        withXml {
          def node = it.asNode()
          node.appendNode('xml', 'is what I love')

        //closure executed after wtp component file content is loaded from existing file
        //but before gradle build information is merged
        beforeMerged { wtpComponent ->
          //tinker with WtpComponent here

        //closure executed after wtp component file content is loaded from existing file
        //and after gradle build information is merged
        whenMerged { wtpComponent ->
          //you can tinker with the WtpComponent here


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constructor(project: Project, file: XmlFileContentMerger)


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open var deployName: String
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open var sourceDirs: Set<File>


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open fun file(@DelegatesTo(value = XmlFileContentMerger::class) closure: Closure)
Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing wtp component file content is merged with gradle build information The object passed to whenMerged{} and beforeMerged{} closures is of type WtpComponent For example see docs for EclipseWtpComponent
open fun file(action: Action<in XmlFileContentMerger>)
Enables advanced configuration like tinkering with the output XML or affecting the way existing wtp component file content is merged with gradle build information.
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open fun getFileReferenceFactory(): FileReferenceFactory
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Synonym for getLibConfigurations.
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open fun mergeXmlComponent(xmlComponent: WtpComponent)
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open fun property(args: Map<String, String>)
Adds a property.
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open fun resource(args: Map<String, String>)
Adds a wb-resource.
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open fun setPlusConfigurations(plusConfigurations: Set<Configuration>)
Synonym for setLibConfigurations.