
Compilation options to be passed to the Groovy compiler.


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open var configurationScript: File
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open var encoding: String
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open var optimizationOptions: Map<String, Boolean>
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open var stubDir: File


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open fun define(args: Map<String, Any>)
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inline fun AbstractOptions.define(vararg args: Pair<String, Any?>)

Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.AbstractOptions.define.

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open fun fork(forkArgs: Map<String, Any>): GroovyCompileOptions
Convenience method to set GroovyForkOptions with named parameter syntax.
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inline fun GroovyCompileOptions.fork(vararg forkArgs: Pair<String, Any?>): GroovyCompileOptions

Kotlin extension function for org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.GroovyCompileOptions.fork.

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Tells whether the compilation task should fail if compile errors occurred.
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open fun isFork(): Boolean
Tells whether to run the Groovy compiler in a separate process.
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Whether the Groovy code should be subject to Java annotation processing.
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Tells whether Java stubs for Groovy classes generated during Java/Groovy joint compilation should be kept after compilation has completed.
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Tells whether to print which source files are to be compiled.
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Whether the Groovy compiler generate metadata for reflection on method parameter names on JDK 8 and above.
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Tells whether to turn on verbose output.
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open fun setFailOnError(failOnError: Boolean)
Sets whether the compilation task should fail if compile errors occurred.
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open fun setFork(fork: Boolean)
Sets whether to run the Groovy compiler in a separate process.
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open fun setJavaAnnotationProcessing(javaAnnotationProcessing: Boolean)
Sets whether Java annotation processors should process annotations on stubs.
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open fun setKeepStubs(keepStubs: Boolean)
Sets whether Java stubs for Groovy classes generated during Java/Groovy joint compilation should be kept after compilation has completed.
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open fun setListFiles(listFiles: Boolean)
Sets whether to print which source files are to be compiled.
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open fun setParameters(parameters: Boolean)
Sets whether metadata for reflection on method parameter names should be generated.
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open fun setVerbose(verbose: Boolean)
Sets whether to turn on verbose output.