
@ServiceScope(value = Project::class)
interface WorkerExecutor(source)

Allows work to be submitted for asynchronous execution. This api allows for safe, concurrent execution of work items and enables:

  • Parallel execution of work items within a single task
  • Execution in isolated contexts such as an isolated classloader or even a separate process
  • Safe execution of multiple tasks in parallel

Work should be submitted with a WorkAction class representing the implementation of the unit of work and an action to configure the parameters of the unit of work (via WorkParameters).

     workerExecutor.noIsolation().submit(MyWorkActionImpl.class) { MyWorkParameters parameters ->
         parameters.inputFile = project.file('foo')
         parameters.outputFile = project.layout.buildDirectory.file('bar')

An instance of the executor can be injected into a task by annotating a public constructor or property getter method with javax.inject.Inject.




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abstract fun await()
Blocks until all work associated with the current build operation is complete.
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Creates a WorkQueue to submit work for asynchronous execution with an isolated classloader.
Creates a WorkQueue to submit work for asynchronous execution with an isolated classloader and the requirements specified in the supplied ClassLoaderWorkerSpec.
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abstract fun noIsolation(): WorkQueue
Creates a WorkQueue to submit work for asynchronous execution with no isolation.
abstract fun noIsolation(action: Action<in WorkerSpec>): WorkQueue
Creates a WorkQueue to submit work for asynchronous execution with no isolation and the requirements specified in the supplied WorkerSpec.
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abstract fun processIsolation(): WorkQueue
Creates a WorkQueue to submit work for asynchronous execution in a daemon process.