Invokes with Groovy semantics and arguments.
Invokes with Groovy semantics and no arguments.
open operator fun <T> String.invoke(vararg arguments: Any?, builder: GroovyBuilderScope.() -> T): Any?(source)
Invokes with Groovy semantics, arguments and provides a nested GroovyBuilderScope.
Invokes with Groovy semantics, no arguments, and provides a nested GroovyBuilderScope.
open operator fun <T> String.invoke(vararg keywordArguments: Pair<String, Any?>, builder: GroovyBuilderScope.() -> T): Any?(source)
Invokes with Groovy semantics, named keywordArguments, and provides a nested GroovyBuilderScope.
Invokes with Groovy semantics and named keywordArguments.