
abstract fun dir(path: Any): File(source)

Registers an output directory.

For an absolute path, the location is registered as an output directory of the TransformAction. The path must to point to the InputArtifact, or point inside the input artifact if it is a directory. Example:

import org.gradle.api.artifacts.transform.TransformParameters;

public abstract class MyTransform implements TransformAction<TransformParameters.None> {
    public abstract Provider<FileSystemLocation> getInputArtifact();
    public void transform(TransformOutputs outputs) {
        outputs.dir(new File(getInputArtifact().get().getAsFile(), "sub-dir"));

For a relative path, Gradle creates an output directory into which the TransformAction must place its output files. Example:

import org.gradle.api.artifacts.transform.TransformParameters;

public abstract class MyTransform implements TransformAction<TransformParameters.None> {
    public void transform(TransformOutputs outputs) {
        File myOutput = outputs.dir("my-output");
        Files.write(myOutput.toPath().resolve("file.txt"), "Generated text");

Note: it is an error if the registered directory does not exist when the transform method finishes.


determined location of the output



path of the output directory