The C++ Library Plugin provides the tasks, conventions and conventions for building a C++ library. In particular, a C++ library provides functionality that can be used by consumers (i.e., other projects using this plugin or the C++ Application Plugin).
plugins {
plugins {
id 'cpp-library'
Build variants
The C++ Library Plugin understands the following dimensions. Read the introduction to build variants for more information.
- Build types - always set to debug and release
The build type controls the debuggability as well as the optimization of the generated binaries.
- Generate debug symbols and don’t optimized the binary -
- Generate debug symbols and optimize, but extract the debug symbols from the binary
- Linkages - default to shared
The linkage expresses whether a shared library or static library should be created. Libraries can produce a shared library, a static library or both.
The linkage can be configured as follows:
library {
linkage = listOf(Linkage.STATIC, Linkage.SHARED)
library {
linkage = [Linkage.STATIC, Linkage.SHARED]
- Target machines - defaults to the build host
The target machine expresses which machines the application expects to run. A target machine is identified by its operating system and architecture. Gradle uses the target machine to decide which tool chain to choose based on availability on the host machine.
The target machine can be configured as follows:
library {
targetMachines = listOf(machines.linux.x86_64,,,
library {
targetMachines = [
The following diagram shows the relationships between tasks added by this plugin.
Note the default linkage of a C++ library is shared linkage as shown in the diagram.

With static linkage, the diagram changes to the following:

Variant-dependent Tasks
The C++ Library Plugin creates tasks based on variants of the library component. Read the introduction to build variants for more information. The following diagrams show the relationship between variant-dependent tasks.

Depending on the linkage property |
) - CppCompile-
Depends on: All tasks that contribute source files to the compilation :: Compiles C++ source files using the selected compiler.
) - LinkSharedLibrary (shared linkage)-
Depends on: All tasks which contribute to the link libraries, including
tasks from projects that are resolved via project dependencies :: Links shared library from compiled object files using the selected linker. createVariant
) - CreateStaticLibrary (static linkage)-
Creates static library from compiled object files using selected archiver
) - Task (lifecycle)-
Depends on:
(shared linkage) orcreateVariant
(static linkage) :: Aggregates tasks that assemble the specific variant of this library.
Lifecycle Tasks
The C++ Library Plugin attaches some of its tasks to the standard lifecycle tasks documented in the Base Plugin chapter — which the C++ Library Plugin applies automatically:
- Task (lifecycle)-
Depends on:
when linkage includesshared
otherwise. :: Aggregate task that assembles the debug variant of the shared library (if available) for the current host (if present) in the project. This task is added by the Base Plugin. check
- Task (lifecycle)-
Aggregate task that performs verification tasks, such as running the tests. Some plugins add their own verification task to
. For example, the C++ Unit Test Plugin attach its test task to this lifecycle task. This task is added by the Base Plugin. build
- Task (lifecycle)-
Depends on:
:: Aggregate tasks that perform a full build of the project. This task is added by the Base Plugin. clean
- Delete-
Deletes the build directory and everything in it, i.e. the path specified by the
project property. This task is added by the Base Plugin.
Dependency management
Just like the tasks created by the C++ Library Plugin, multiple configurations are created based on the variants of the library component. Read the introduction to build variants for more information. The following graph describes the configurations added by the C++ Library Plugin:

The configurations in white are the ones a user should use to declare dependencies
The configurations in pink, also known as consumable denoted by (C), are the ones used when a component compiles, links, or runs against the library
The configurations in blue, also known as resolvable denoted by (R), are internal to the component, for its own use
The following configurations are used to declare dependencies:
Used for declaring API dependencies (see API vs implementation section). This is where you should declare dependencies which are transitively exported to consumers, for compile and link.
Used for declaring implementation dependencies for all variants of the main component (see API vs implementation section). This is where you should declare dependencies which are purely internal and not meant to be exposed to consumers of any variants.
) extendsimplementation
Used for declaring implementation dependencies for a specific variant of the main component (see API vs implementation section). This is where you should declare dependencies which are purely internal and not meant to be exposed to consumers of this specific variant.
The following configurations are used by consumers:
Used for compiling against the library. This configuration is meant to be used by consumers, to retrieve all the elements necessary to compile against the library.
) extendsmainVariantImplementation
Used for linking against the library. This configuration is meant to be used by consumers, to retrieve all the elements necessary to link against the library.
andreleaseRuntimeElements) extends `mainVariantImplementation
Used for executing the library. This configuration is meant to be used by consumers, to retrieve all the elements necessary to run against the library.
The following configurations are used by the library itself:
) extendsmainVariantImplementation
Used for compiling the library. This configuration contains the compile include roots of the library and is therefore used when invoking the C++ compiler to compile it.
) extendsmainVariantImplementation
Used for linking the library the shared library only. This configuration contains the libraries of the library and is therefore used when invoking the C++ linker to link it.
) extendsmainVariantImplementation
Used for executing the library. This configuration contains the runtime libraries of the library.
API vs implementation
The plugin exposes two configurations that can be used to declare dependencies: api
and implementation
The api
configuration should be used to declare dependencies which are exported by the library API, whereas the implementation
configuration should be used to declare dependencies which are internal to the component.
library {
dependencies {
library {
dependencies {
api "io.qt:core:5.1"
implementation "io.qt:network:5.1"
Dependencies appearing in the api
configurations will be transitively exposed to consumers of the library, and as such will appear on the compile include root and link libraries of consumers.
Dependencies found in the implementation
configuration will, on the other hand, not be exposed to consumers, and therefore not leak into the consumer’s compile include root and link libraries.
This comes with several benefits:
dependencies do not leak into the compile include roots and link libraries of consumers, so they can never accidentally depend on a transitive dependency
faster compilation thanks to the reduced include roots and link libraries
fewer recompilations when implementation dependencies change since the consumer would not need to be recompiled
The C++ Library Plugin adds conventions for sources and tasks, shown below.
Project layout
The C++ Library Plugin assumes the project layout shown below. None of these directories needs to exist or have anything in them. The C++ Library Plugin will compile whatever it finds and ignore anything missing.
C++ source with extension of
Private headers - headers needed to compile the library but are not needed by consumers
Public headers - headers needed to compile the library and required by consumers
You configure the project layout by configuring the source
, privateHeaders
and publicHeaders
respectively on the library
script block.
The C++ Library Plugin adds a CppCompile instance for each variant of the library component to build (e.g. compileDebugCpp
and compileReleaseCpp
Read the introduction to build variants for more information.
Some of the most common configuration options are shown below.
compilerArgs |
[] |
debuggable |
includes |
macros |
[:] |
objectFileDir |
optimized |
positionIndependentCode |
source |
systemIncludes |
derived from the tool chain |
targetPlatform |
derived from the |
toolChain |
The C++ Library Plugin adds a LinkSharedLibrary instance for each variant of the library containing shared linkage as a dimension - e.g. linkDebug
and linkRelease
Read the introduction to build variants for more information.
Some of the most common configuration options are shown below.
debuggable |
libs |
linkedFile |
linkerArgs |
[] |
source |
targetPlatform |
derived from the |
toolChain |
The C++ Library Plugin adds a CreateStaticLibrary instance for each variant of the library containing static linkage as a dimension - e.g. createDebug
and createRelease
Read the introduction to build variants for more information.
Some of the most common configuration options are shown below.
outputFile |
source |
staticLibArgs |
[] |
targetPlatform |
derived from the |
toolChain |