Gradle provides a number of useful services that can be used by custom Gradle types. For example, the WorkerExecutor service can be used by a task to run work in parallel, as seen in the worker API section. The services are made available through service injection.

Available services

The following services are available for injection:

  1. ObjectFactory - Allows model objects to be created.

  2. ProjectLayout - Provides access to key project locations.

  3. BuildLayout - Provides access to important locations for a Gradle build.

  4. ProviderFactory - Creates Provider instances.

  5. WorkerExecutor - Allows a task to run work in parallel.

  6. FileSystemOperations - Allows a task to run operations on the filesystem such as deleting files, copying files or syncing directories.

  7. ArchiveOperations - Allows a task to run operations on archive files such as ZIP or TAR files.

  8. ExecOperations - Allows a task to run external processes with dedicated support for running external java programs.

  9. ToolingModelBuilderRegistry - Allows a plugin to registers a Gradle tooling API model.

Out of the above, ProjectLayout and WorkerExecutor services are only available for injection in project plugins. BuildLayout is only available in settings plugins and settings files. ProjectLayout is unavailable in Worker API actions.

1. ObjectFactory

ObjectFactory is a service for creating custom Gradle types, allowing you to define nested objects and DSLs in your build logic. It provides methods for creating instances of different types, such as properties (Property<T>), collections (ListProperty<T>, SetProperty<T>, MapProperty<K, V>), file-related objects (RegularFileProperty, DirectoryProperty, ConfigurableFileCollection, ConfigurableFileTree), and more.

You can obtain an instance of ObjectFactory using the project.objects property. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to use ObjectFactory to create a property and set its value:

tasks.register("myObjectFactoryTask") {
    doLast {
        val objectFactory = project.objects
        val myProperty =
        myProperty.set("Hello, Gradle!")
tasks.register("myObjectFactoryTask") {
    doLast {
        def objectFactory = project.objects
        def myProperty =
        myProperty.set("Hello, Gradle!")
        println myProperty.get()
It is preferable to let Gradle create objects automatically by using managed properties.

Using ObjectFactory to create these objects ensures that they are properly managed by Gradle, especially in terms of configuration avoidance and lazy evaluation. This means that the values of these objects are only calculated when needed, which can improve build performance.

In the following example, a project extension called DownloadExtension receives an ObjectFactory instance through its constructor. The constructor uses this to create a nested Resource object (also a custom Gradle type) and makes this object available through the resource property:
public class DownloadExtension {
    // A nested instance
    private final Resource resource;

    public DownloadExtension(ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
        // Use an injected ObjectFactory to create a Resource object
        resource = objectFactory.newInstance(Resource.class);

    public Resource getResource() {
        return resource;

public interface Resource {
    Property<URI> getUri();

Here is another example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyObjectFactoryTask
@Inject constructor(private var objectFactory: ObjectFactory) : DefaultTask() {

    fun doTaskAction() {
        val outputDirectory = objectFactory.directoryProperty()

tasks.register("myInjectedObjectFactoryTask", MyObjectFactoryTask::class) {}
abstract class MyObjectFactoryTask extends DefaultTask {
    private ObjectFactory objectFactory

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyObjectFactoryTask(ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
        this.objectFactory = objectFactory

    void doTaskAction() {
        var outputDirectory = objectFactory.directoryProperty()

tasks.register("myInjectedObjectFactoryTask",MyObjectFactoryTask) {}

The MyObjectFactoryTask task uses an ObjectFactory instance, which is injected into the task’s constructor using the @Inject annotation.

2. ProjectLayout

ProjectLayout is a service that provides access to the layout of a Gradle project’s directories and files. It’s part of the org.gradle.api.file package and allows you to query the project’s layout to get information about source sets, build directories, and other file-related aspects of the project.

You can obtain a ProjectLayout instance from a Project object using the project.layout property. Here’s a simple example:

tasks.register("showLayout") {
    doLast {
        val layout = project.layout
        println("Project Directory: ${layout.projectDirectory}")
        println("Build Directory: ${layout.buildDirectory.get()}")
tasks.register('showLayout') {
    doLast {
        def layout = project.layout
        println "Project Directory: ${layout.projectDirectory}"
        println "Build Directory: ${layout.buildDirectory.get()}"

Here is an example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyProjectLayoutTask
@Inject constructor(private var projectLayout: ProjectLayout) : DefaultTask() {

    fun doTaskAction() {
        val outputDirectory = projectLayout.projectDirectory

tasks.register("myInjectedProjectLayoutTask", MyProjectLayoutTask::class) {}
abstract class MyProjectLayoutTask extends DefaultTask {
    private ProjectLayout projectLayout

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyProjectLayoutTask(ProjectLayout projectLayout) {
        this.projectLayout = projectLayout

    void doTaskAction() {
        var outputDirectory = projectLayout.projectDirectory

tasks.register("myInjectedProjectLayoutTask",MyProjectLayoutTask) {}

The MyProjectLayoutTask task uses a ProjectLayout instance, which is injected into the task’s constructor using the @Inject annotation.

3. BuildLayout

BuildLayout is a service that provides access to the root and settings directory in a Settings plugin or a Settings script, it is analogous to ProjectLayout. It’s part of the org.gradle.api.file package to access standard build-wide file system locations as lazily computed value.

These APIs are currently incubating but eventually should replace existing accessors in Settings, which return eagerly computed locations:

You can obtain a BuildLayout instance from a Settings object using the settings.layout property. Here’s a simple example:

println("Root Directory: ${settings.layout.rootDirectory}")
println("Settings Directory: ${settings.layout.settingsDirectory}")
println "Root Directory: ${settings.getLayout().rootDirectory}"
println "Settings Directory: ${settings.getLayout().settingsDirectory}"

Here is an example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyBuildLayoutPlugin @Inject constructor(private val buildLayout: BuildLayout) : Plugin<Settings> {
    override fun apply(settings: Settings) {

abstract class MyBuildLayoutPlugin implements Plugin<Settings> {
    private BuildLayout buildLayout

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyBuildLayoutPlugin(BuildLayout buildLayout) {
        this.buildLayout = buildLayout

    @Override void apply(Settings settings) {
        // the meat and potatoes of the plugin
        println buildLayout.rootDirectory

apply plugin: MyBuildLayoutPlugin

This code defines a MyBuildLayoutPlugin plugin that implements the Plugin interface for the Settings type. The plugin expects a BuildLayout instance to be injected into its constructor using the @Inject annotation.

4. ProviderFactory

ProviderFactory is a service that provides methods for creating different types of providers. Providers are used to model values that may be computed lazily in your build scripts.

The ProviderFactory interface provides methods for creating various types of providers, including:

  • provider(Callable<T> value) to create a provider with a value that is lazily computed based on a Callable.

  • provider(Provider<T> value) to create a provider that simply wraps an existing provider.

  • property(Class<T> type) to create a property provider for a specific type.

  • gradleProperty(Class<T> type) to create a property provider that reads its value from a Gradle project property.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating the use of ProviderFactory using project.providers:

tasks.register("printMessage") {
    doLast {
        val providerFactory = project.providers
        val messageProvider = providerFactory.provider { "Hello, Gradle!" }
tasks.register('printMessage') {
    doLast {
        def providerFactory = project.providers
        def messageProvider = providerFactory.provider { "Hello, Gradle!" }
        println messageProvider.get()

The task named printMessage uses the ProviderFactory to create a provider that supplies the message string.

Here is an example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyProviderFactoryTask
@Inject constructor(private var providerFactory: ProviderFactory) : DefaultTask() {

    fun doTaskAction() {
        val outputDirectory = providerFactory.provider { "build/my-file.txt" }

tasks.register("myInjectedProviderFactoryTask", MyProviderFactoryTask::class) {}
abstract class MyProviderFactoryTask extends DefaultTask {
    private ProviderFactory providerFactory

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyProviderFactoryTask(ProviderFactory providerFactory) {
        this.providerFactory = providerFactory

    void doTaskAction() {
        var outputDirectory = providerFactory.provider { "build/my-file.txt" }

tasks.register("myInjectedProviderFactoryTask",MyProviderFactoryTask) {}

The ProviderFactory service is injected into the MyProviderFactoryTask task’s constructor using the @Inject annotation.

5. WorkerExecutor

WorkerExecutor is a service that allows you to perform parallel execution of tasks using worker processes. This is particularly useful for tasks that perform CPU-intensive or long-running operations, as it allows them to be executed in parallel, improving build performance.

Using WorkerExecutor, you can submit units of work (called actions) to be executed in separate worker processes. This helps isolate the work from the main Gradle process, providing better reliability and performance.

Here’s a basic example of how you might use WorkerExecutor in a build script:

abstract class MyWorkAction : WorkAction<WorkParameters.None> {
    private val greeting: String = "Hello from a Worker!"

    override fun execute() {

abstract class MyWorkerTask
@Inject constructor(private var workerExecutor: WorkerExecutor) : DefaultTask() {
    abstract val booleanFlag: Property<Boolean>
    fun doThings() {
        workerExecutor.noIsolation().submit( {}

tasks.register("myWorkTask", MyWorkerTask::class) {}
abstract class MyWorkAction implements WorkAction<WorkParameters.None> {
    private final String greeting;

    public MyWorkAction() {
        this.greeting = "Hello from a Worker!";

    public void execute() {

abstract class MyWorkerTask extends DefaultTask {
    abstract Property<Boolean> getBooleanFlag()

    abstract WorkerExecutor getWorkerExecutor()

    void doThings() {
        workerExecutor.noIsolation().submit(MyWorkAction) {}

tasks.register("myWorkTask", MyWorkerTask) {}

See the worker API for more details.

6. FileSystemOperations

FileSystemOperations is a service that provides methods for performing file system operations such as copying, deleting, and creating directories. It is part of the org.gradle.api.file package and is typically used in custom tasks or plugins to interact with the file system.

You can obtain an instance of FileSystemOperations using the project.copy property. Here’s a simple example:

tasks.register("FileSystemOperations") {
    doLast {
        copy { // short for project.copy
tasks.register('FileSystemOperations') {
    doLast {
        copy { // short for project.copy
            from 'src'
            into 'dest'

Here is an example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyFileSystemOperationsTask
@Inject constructor(private var fileSystemOperations: FileSystemOperations) : DefaultTask() {

    fun doTaskAction() {
        fileSystemOperations.copy {

tasks.register("myInjectedFileSystemOperationsTask", MyFileSystemOperationsTask::class) {}
abstract class MyFileSystemOperationsTask extends DefaultTask {
    private FileSystemOperations fileSystemOperations

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyFileSystemOperationsTask(FileSystemOperations fileSystemOperations) {
        this.fileSystemOperations = fileSystemOperations

    void doTaskAction() {
        fileSystemOperations.copy {
            from 'src'
            into 'dest'

tasks.register("myInjectedFileSystemOperationsTask", MyFileSystemOperationsTask) {}

The FileSystemOperations service is injected into the MyFileSystemOperationsTask task’s constructor using the @Inject annotation.

7. ArchiveOperations

ArchiveOperations is a service that provides methods for creating archives, such as ZIP and TAR files. It is part of the org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling package and is typically used in custom tasks or plugins to create archive files.

You can obtain an instance of ArchiveOperations using the project.zipTree property. Here’s a simple example:

tasks.register("ArchiveOperations") {
    doLast {
        zipTree() { "${project.projectDir}/sources.jar" } // short for project.zipTree
tasks.register('ArchiveOperations') {
    doLast {
        zipTree() { "${project.projectDir}/sources.jar" } // short for project.zipTree

Here is an example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyArchiveOperationsTask
@Inject constructor(
    private val archiveOperations: ArchiveOperations,
    private val project: Project
) : DefaultTask() {

    fun doTaskAction() {

tasks.register("myInjectedArchiveOperationsTask", MyArchiveOperationsTask::class) {}
abstract class MyArchiveOperationsTask extends DefaultTask {
    private ArchiveOperations archiveOperations

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyArchiveOperationsTask(ArchiveOperations archiveOperations) {
        this.archiveOperations = archiveOperations

    void doTaskAction() {

tasks.register("myInjectedArchiveOperationsTask", MyArchiveOperationsTask) {}

The ArchiveOperations service is injected into the MyArchiveOperationsTask task’s constructor using the @Inject annotation.

8. ExecOperations

ExecOperations is a service that provides methods for executing external processes (commands) from within a build script. It is part of the org.gradle.process.internal package and is typically used in custom tasks or plugins to run command-line tools or scripts as part of the build process.

You can obtain an instance of ExecOperations using the project.exec property. Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to use ExecOperations to execute a command:

tasks.register("runCommand") {
    doLast {
        exec { // short for project.exec
            commandLine("ls", "-la")
tasks.register('runCommand') {
    doLast {
        exec { // short for project.exec
            commandLine 'ls', '-la'

Here is an example using javax.inject.Inject:

abstract class MyExecOperationsTask
@Inject constructor(private var execOperations: ExecOperations) : DefaultTask() {

    fun doTaskAction() {
        execOperations.exec {
            commandLine("ls", "-la")

tasks.register("myInjectedExecOperationsTask", MyExecOperationsTask::class) {}
abstract class MyExecOperationsTask extends DefaultTask {
    private ExecOperations execOperations

    @Inject //@javax.inject.Inject
    MyExecOperationsTask(ExecOperations execOperations) {
        this.execOperations = execOperations

    void doTaskAction() {
        execOperations.exec {
            commandLine 'ls', '-la'

tasks.register("myInjectedExecOperationsTask", MyExecOperationsTask) {}

The ExecOperations is injected into the MyExecOperationsTask task’s constructor using the @Inject annotation.

9 ToolingModelBuilderRegistry

ToolingModelBuilderRegistry is a service that allows you to register custom tooling model builders. Tooling models are used to provide rich IDE integration for Gradle projects, allowing IDEs to understand and work with the project’s structure, dependencies, and other aspects.

The ToolingModelBuilderRegistry interface is part of the org.gradle.tooling.provider.model package and is typically used in custom Gradle plugins that provide enhanced IDE support.

Here’s a simplified example:

// Implements the ToolingModelBuilder interface.
// This interface is used in Gradle to define custom tooling models that can
// be accessed by IDEs or other tools through the Gradle tooling API.
class OrtModelBuilder : ToolingModelBuilder {
    private val repositories: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()

    private val platformCategories: Set<String> = setOf("platform", "enforced-platform")

    private val visitedDependencies: MutableSet<ModuleComponentIdentifier> = mutableSetOf()
    private val visitedProjects: MutableSet<ModuleVersionIdentifier> = mutableSetOf()

    private val logger = Logging.getLogger(
    private val errors: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
    private val warnings: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()

    override fun canBuild(modelName: String): Boolean {
        return false

    override fun buildAll(modelName: String, project: Project): Any? {
        return null

// Plugin is responsible for registering a custom tooling model builder
// (OrtModelBuilder) with the ToolingModelBuilderRegistry, which allows
// IDEs and other tools to access the custom tooling model.
class OrtModelPlugin(private val registry: ToolingModelBuilderRegistry) : Plugin<Project> {
    override fun apply(project: Project) {
// Implements the ToolingModelBuilder interface.
// This interface is used in Gradle to define custom tooling models that can
// be accessed by IDEs or other tools through the Gradle tooling API.
class OrtModelBuilder implements ToolingModelBuilder {
    private Map<String, String> repositories = [:]

    private Set<String> platformCategories = ["platform", "enforced-platform"]

    private Set<ModuleComponentIdentifier> visitedDependencies = []
    private Set<ModuleVersionIdentifier> visitedProjects = []

    private static final logger = Logging.getLogger(OrtModelBuilder.class)
    private List<String> errors = []
    private List<String> warnings = []

    boolean canBuild(String modelName) {
        return false

    Object buildAll(String modelName, Project project) {
        return null

// Plugin is responsible for registering a custom tooling model builder
// (OrtModelBuilder) with the ToolingModelBuilderRegistry, which allows
// IDEs and other tools to access the custom tooling model.
class OrtModelPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
    ToolingModelBuilderRegistry registry

    OrtModelPlugin(ToolingModelBuilderRegistry registry) {
        this.registry = registry

    void apply(Project project) {
        registry.register(new OrtModelBuilder())

Constructor injection

There are 2 ways that an object can receive the services that it needs. The first option is to add the service as a parameter of the class constructor. The constructor must be annotated with the javax.inject.Inject annotation. Gradle uses the declared type of each constructor parameter to determine the services that the object requires. The order of the constructor parameters and their names are not significant and can be whatever you like.

Here is an example that shows a task type that receives an ObjectFactory via its constructor:
public class Download extends DefaultTask {
    private final DirectoryProperty outputDirectory;

    // Inject an ObjectFactory into the constructor
    public Download(ObjectFactory objectFactory) {
        // Use the factory
        outputDirectory = objectFactory.directoryProperty();

    public DirectoryProperty getOutputDirectory() {
        return outputDirectory;

    void run() {
        // ...

Property injection

Alternatively, a service can be injected by adding a property getter method annotated with the javax.inject.Inject annotation to the class. This can be useful, for example, when you cannot change the constructor of the class due to backwards compatibility constraints. This pattern also allows Gradle to defer creation of the service until the getter method is called, rather than when the instance is created. This can help with performance. Gradle uses the declared return type of the getter method to determine the service to make available. The name of the property is not significant and can be whatever you like.

The property getter method must be public or protected. The method can be abstract or, in cases where this isn’t possible, can have a dummy method body. The method body is discarded.

Here is an example that shows a task type that receives a two services via property getter methods:
public abstract class Download extends DefaultTask {
    // Use an abstract getter method
    protected abstract ObjectFactory getObjectFactory();

    // Alternatively, use a getter method with a dummy implementation
    protected WorkerExecutor getWorkerExecutor() {
        // Method body is ignored
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    void run() {
        WorkerExecutor workerExecutor = getWorkerExecutor();
        ObjectFactory objectFactory = getObjectFactory();
        // Use the executor and factory ...