Interface ExecOperations

  • public interface ExecOperations
    Process execution operations.

    An instance of this type can be injected into a task, plugin or other object by annotating a public constructor or property getter method with javax.inject.Inject.

    • Method Detail

      • exec

        ExecResult exec​(Action<? super ExecSpec> action)
        Executes the specified external process. The given action is used to configure an ExecSpec, which is then used to run an external process.
        action - Action to configure the ExecSpec
        ExecResult that can be used to check if the execution worked
      • javaexec

        ExecResult javaexec​(Action<? super JavaExecSpec> action)
        Executes the specified external java process. The given action is used to configure an JavaExecSpec, which is then used to run an external java process.
        action - Action to configure the JavaExecSpec
        ExecResult that can be used to check if the execution worked