The recommended way to execute any Gradle build is with the Gradle Wrapper.

gradle basic 2

The Wrapper script invokes a declared version of Gradle, downloading it beforehand if necessary.

wrapper workflow

The Wrapper is available as a gradlew or gradlew.bat file.

The Wrapper provides the following benefits:

  • Standardizes a project on a given Gradle version.

  • Provisions the same Gradle version for different users.

  • Provisions the Gradle version for different execution environments (IDEs, CI servers…​).

Using the Gradle Wrapper

It is always recommended to execute a build with the Wrapper to ensure a reliable, controlled, and standardized execution of the build.

Depending on the operating system, you run gradlew or gradlew.bat instead of the gradle command.

Typical Gradle invocation:

$ gradle build

To run the Wrapper on a Linux or OSX machine:

$ ./gradlew build

To run the Wrapper on Windows PowerShell:

$ .\gradlew.bat build

The command is run in the same directory that the Wrapper is located in. If you want to run the command in a different directory, you must provide the relative path to the Wrapper:

$ ../gradlew build

The following console output demonstrates the use of the Wrapper on a Windows machine, in the command prompt (cmd), for a Java-based project:

$ gradlew.bat build

Unzipping C:\Documents and Settings\Claudia\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.0-all\ac27o8rbd0ic8ih41or9l32mv\ to C:\Documents and Settings\Claudia\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.0-al\ac27o8rbd0ic8ih41or9l32mv
Set executable permissions for: C:\Documents and Settings\Claudia\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.0-all\ac27o8rbd0ic8ih41or9l32mv\gradle-5.0\bin\gradle

1 actionable task: 1 executed

Understanding the Wrapper files

The following files are part of the Gradle Wrapper:

├── gradle
   └── wrapper
       ├── gradle-wrapper.jar  (1)
       └──   (2)
├── gradlew (3)
└── gradlew.bat (4)
1 gradle-wrapper.jar: This is a small JAR file that contains the Gradle Wrapper code. It is responsible for downloading and installing the correct version of Gradle for a project if it’s not already installed.
2 This file contains configuration properties for the Gradle Wrapper, such as the distribution URL (where to download Gradle from) and the distribution type (ZIP or TARBALL).
3 gradlew: This is a shell script (Unix-based systems) that acts as a wrapper around gradle-wrapper.jar. It is used to execute Gradle tasks on Unix-based systems without needing to manually install Gradle.
4 gradlew.bat: This is a batch script (Windows) that serves the same purpose as gradlew but is used on Windows systems.
You should never alter these files.

If you want to view or update the Gradle version of your project, use the command line. Do not edit the wrapper files manually:

$ ./gradlew --version
$ ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.2
$ gradlew.bat --version
$ gradlew.bat wrapper --gradle-version 7.2

Consult the Gradle Wrapper reference to learn more.