This chapter explains how dependency resolution works within Gradle. After learning how to declare dependencies and specify the versions your project should use, the next step is understanding how these declarations are combined during the dependency resolution process.

Dependency resolution happens in two key phases, repeated until the entire dependency graph is constructed:

  1. Conflict Resolution:

    • When a new dependency is introduced, Gradle resolves any conflicts to determine the version that should be added to the graph.

    • Gradle will apply its conflict resolution rules (e.g., "latest version wins" or custom version resolution strategies) to determine the version to be used.

  2. Dependency Metadata Retrieval:

    • Once a specific dependency (a module with a version) is included in the graph, Gradle retrieves its metadata (such as POM, Ivy, or module metadata) to:

      • add its own dependencies (transitives) to the graph.

      • understand the available variants of that dependency.

This process continues until the entire dependency tree is resolved.

dependency resolution model

Phase 1. Conflict resolution

When performing dependency resolution, Gradle handles two types of conflicts:

  1. Version conflicts: Which occur when multiple dependencies request the same dependency but with different versions. Gradle must choose which version to include in the graph.

  2. Implementation / Capability conflicts: Which occur when the dependency graph contains different modules that provide the same functionality or capability. Gradle resolves these by selecting one module to avoid duplicate implementations.

The dependency resolution process is highly customizable and many APIs can influence the process.

A. Version conflicts

A version conflict can occur when two components:

  • Depend on the same module, such as

  • But on different versions, for example, 20.0 and 25.1-android:

    • Our project directly depends on

    • Our project also depends on, which in turn depends on

Gradle must resolve this conflict by selecting one version to include in the dependency graph.

Gradle considers all requested versions across the dependency graph and, by default, selects the highest version. Detailed version ordering is explained in version ordering.

Gradle also supports the concept of rich version declarations, which means that what constitutes the "highest" version depends on how the versions were declared:

  • Without ranges: The highest non-rejected version will be selected.

    • If a strictly version is declared that is lower than the highest, resolution will fail.

  • With ranges:

    • If a non-range version fits within the range or is higher than the upper bound, it will be selected.

    • If only ranges exist, the selection depends on the intersection of those ranges:

      • If ranges overlap, the highest existing version in the intersection is selected.

      • If no clear intersection exists, the highest version from the largest range will be selected. If no version exists in the highest range, the resolution fails.

    • If a strictly version is declared that is lower than the highest, resolution will fail.

For version ranges, Gradle needs to perform intermediate metadata lookups to determine what variations are available, as explained in Phase 2. Dependency metadata retrieval.

Versions with qualifiers

The term "qualifier" refers to the portion of a version string that comes after a non-dot separator, like a hyphen or underscore.

For example:

Original version Base version Qualifier






















As you can see separators are any of the ., -, _, + characters, plus the empty string when a numeric and a non-numeric part of the version are next to each-other.

By default, Gradle gives preference to versions without qualifiers when resolving conflicts.

For example, in version 1.0-beta, the base form is 1.0, and beta is the qualifier. Versions without qualifiers are considered more stable, so Gradle will prioritize them.

Here are a few examples to clarify:

  • 1.0.0 (no qualifier)

  • 1.0.0-beta (qualifier: beta)

  • 2.1-rc1 (qualifier: rc1)

Even if the qualifier is lexicographically higher, Gradle will typically consider a version like 1.0.0 higher than 1.0.0-beta.

When resolving conflicts between versions, Gradle applies the following logic:

  1. Base version comparison: Gradle first selects versions with the highest base version, ignoring any qualifiers. All others are discarded.

  2. Qualifier handling: If there are still multiple versions with the same base version, Gradle picks one with a preference for versions without qualifiers (i.e., release versions). If all versions have qualifiers, Gradle will consider the qualifier’s order, preferring more stable ones like "release" over others such as "beta" or "alpha."

B. Implementation / Capability conflicts

Gradle uses variants and capabilities to define what a module provides.

Variants are essentially different forms of a dependency, often based on factors such as platform (e.g., JVM or Android), or configuration (e.g., compile, runtime).

Capabilities are a way to express mutually exclusive variants of a dependency.

Conflicts arise in the following scenarios:

  • Incompatible variants: When two modules attempt to select different, incompatible variants of a dependency.

  • Same capability: When multiple modules declare the same capability, creating an overlap in functionality.

For more details on how variant selection works and how it enables flexible dependency management, refer to the variant_model.html below.

Phase 2. Dependency metadata retrieval

Gradle requires module metadata in the dependency graph for two reasons:

  1. Determining existing versions for dynamic dependencies: When a dynamic version (like 1.+ or latest.release) is specified, Gradle must identify the concrete versions available.

  2. Resolving module dependencies for a specific version: Gradle retrieves the dependencies associated with a module based on the specified version, ensuring the correct transitive dependencies are included in the build.

A. Determining existing versions for dynamic dependencies

When faced with a dynamic version, Gradle must identify the available concrete versions through the following steps:

  1. Inspecting repositories: Gradle checks each defined repository in the order they were added. It doesn’t stop at the first one that returns metadata but continues through all available repositories.

  2. Maven repositories: Gradle retrieves version information from the maven-metadata.xml file, which lists available versions.

  3. Ivy repositories: Gradle resorts to a directory listing to gather available versions.

The result is a list of candidate versions that Gradle evaluates and matches to the dynamic version. Gradle caches this information to optimize future resolution. At this point, version conflict resolution is resumed.

B. Resolving module dependencies for a specific version

When Gradle tries to resolve a required dependency with a specific version, it follows this process:

  1. Repository inspection: Gradle checks each repository in the order they are defined.

    • It looks for metadata files describing the module (.module, .pom, or ivy.xml), or directly for artifact files.

    • Modules with metadata files (.module, .pom, or ivy.xml) are prioritized over those with just an artifact file.

    • Once metadata is found in a repository, subsequent repositories are ignored.

  2. Retrieving and parsing metadata: If metadata is found, it is parsed.

    • If the POM file has a parent POM, Gradle recursively resolves each parent module.

  3. Requesting artifacts: All artifacts for the module are fetched from the same repository that provided the metadata.

  4. Caching: All data, including the repository source and any potential misses, are stored in the dependency cache for future use.

The point above highlights a potential issue with integrating Maven Local. Since Maven Local acts as a Maven cache, it may occasionally miss artifacts for a module. When Gradle sources a module from Maven Local and artifacts are missing, it assumes those artifacts are entirely unavailable.

Repository disabling

When Gradle fails to retrieve information from a repository, it disables the repository for the remainder of the build and fails all dependency resolution.

This behavior ensures reproducibility.

If the build were to continue while ignoring the faulty repository, subsequent builds could produce different results once the repository is back online.

HTTP Retries

Gradle will attempt to connect to a repository multiple times before disabling it. If the connection fails, Gradle retries on specific errors that might be temporary, with increasing wait times between retries.

A repository is marked as unavailable when it cannot be reached, either due to a permanent error or after the maximum number of retries has been exhausted.

The dependency tree

Once the process is complete, a dependency tree is created.

The dependency tree is a hierarchical representation of all the dependencies required by a project, including direct dependencies (declared explicitly) and transitive dependencies (pulled in automatically by those direct dependencies). The graph shows how dependencies relate to each other and how Gradle resolves them.

For the dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.5.1, the graph includes the primary dependency and all its transitive dependencies. Here’s what the graph looks like:

├── JVM variant
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core:1.5.1
      ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
      ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
      └── org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
   └── org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0

├── Android variant
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core:1.5.1
      ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
      ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
      └── org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
   ├── org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0

├── Native variant
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core:1.5.1
      ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
      ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
      └── org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0
   ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
   ├── org.jetbrains:annotations:13.0
   └── kotlinx.coroutines:kotlinx-coroutines-core-native:1.6.4

└── JavaScript variant
    ├── org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core:1.5.1
       ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-js:1.8.0
       └── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
    ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-js:1.8.0
    ├── org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:1.8.0
    └── kotlinx.coroutines:kotlinx-coroutines-core-js:1.6.4