Configuration-on-demand attempts to configure only the relevant projects for the requested tasks, i.e., it only evaluates the build script file of projects participating in the build. This way, the configuration time of a large multi-project build can be reduced.

The configuration-on-demand feature is incubating, so only some builds are guaranteed to work correctly. The feature works well for decoupled multi-project builds.

In configuration-on-demand mode, projects are configured as follows:

  • The root project is always configured.

  • The project in the directory where the build is executed is also configured, but only when Gradle is executed without any tasks.
    This way, the default tasks behave correctly when projects are configured on demand.

  • The standard project dependencies are supported, and relevant projects are configured.
    If project A has a compile dependency on project B, then building A causes the configuration of both projects.

  • The task dependencies declared via the task path are supported and cause relevant projects to be configured.
    Example: someTask.dependsOn(":some-other-project:someOtherTask")

  • A task requested via task path from the command line (or tooling API) causes the relevant project to be configured.
    For example, building project-a:project-b:someTask causes configuration of project-b.

Enable configuration-on-demand

You can enable configuration-on-demand using the --configure-on-demand flag or adding org.gradle.configureondemand=true to the file.

To configure on demand with every build run, see Gradle properties.

To configure on demand for a given build, see command-line performance-oriented options.

Decoupled projects

Gradle allows projects to access each other’s configurations and tasks during the configuration and execution phases. While this flexibility empowers build authors, it limits Gradle’s ability to perform optimizations such as parallel project builds and configuration on demand.

Projects are considered decoupled when they interact solely through declared dependencies and task dependencies. Any direct modification or reading of another project’s object creates coupling between the projects. Coupling during configuration can result in flawed build outcomes when using 'configuration on demand', while coupling during execution can affect parallel execution.

One common source of coupling is configuration injection, such as using allprojects{} or subprojects{} in build scripts.

To avoid coupling issues, it’s recommended to:

  • Refrain from referencing other subprojects' build scripts and prefer cross-project configuration from the root project.

  • Avoid dynamically changing other projects' configurations during execution.

As Gradle evolves, it aims to provide features that leverage decoupled projects while offering solutions for common use cases like configuration injection without introducing coupling.

Parallel projects

Gradle’s parallel execution feature optimizes CPU utilization to accelerate builds by concurrently executing tasks from different projects.

To enable parallel execution, use the --parallel command-line argument or configure your build environment. Gradle automatically determines the optimal number of parallel threads based on CPU cores.

During parallel execution, each worker handles a specific project exclusively. Task dependencies are respected, with workers prioritizing upstream tasks. However, tasks may not execute in alphabetical order, as in sequential mode. It’s crucial to correctly declare task dependencies and inputs/outputs to avoid ordering issues.