Part 6: Writing Tasks
Learn the basics of authoring Gradle tasks by creating a simple one in your Build script.
Step 1. Understand Tasks
A Task is an executable piece of code that contains sequences of actions.
Actions are added to a Task via the doFirst{}
and doLast{}
A Task can depend on other tasks.
Step 2. Register and Configure Tasks
Early on in the tutorial, we registered and configured task1
in the app
build script:
tasks.register("task1") { (1)
println("REGISTER TASK1: This is executed during the configuration phase")
tasks.named("task1") { (2)
println("NAMED TASK1: This is executed during the configuration phase")
doFirst {
println("NAMED TASK1 - doFirst: This is executed during the execution phase")
doLast {
println("NAMED TASK1 - doLast: This is executed during the execution phase")
1 | You can use the register() method to create new tasks. |
2 | You can use the named() method to configure existing tasks. |
Step 3. Create a custom Task
To create a custom task, you must subclass DefaultTask
in Groovy DSL or DefaultTask
in Kotlin DSL.
Create a custom class called LicenseTask
with the code below and add it to the bottom of the gradle/license-plugin/plugin/src/main/kotlin/license/LicensePlugin.kt
or gradle/license-plugin/plugin/src/main/groovy/license/LicensePlugin.groovy
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
class LicensePlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
// Don't change anything here
abstract class LicenseTask extends DefaultTask {
def licenseFilePath = project.layout.settingsDirectory.file("license.txt").asFile.path
void action() {
// Read the license text
def licenseText = new File(licenseFilePath).text
// Walk the directories looking for java files
project.layout.settingsDirectory.asFile.eachFileRecurse { file ->
int lastIndexOf = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.')
if ((lastIndexOf != -1) && (file.getName().substring(lastIndexOf)) == ".java") {// Read the source code
def content = file.getText()
//println(licenseText + '\n' + content)
// Write the license and the source code to the file
file.text = licenseText + '\n' + content
The LicenseTask
class encapsulates the task action logic and declares any inputs and outputs the task expects.
The task action is annotated with @TaskAction
Inside, the logic first finds a file called "license.txt".
This file contains text for an Apache license:
* Licensed under the Apache License
The task then looks for files with the extension .java
and adds a license header.
The task has a single input, the license file name, annotated with @Input
Gradle uses the @Input
annotation to determine if the task needs to run.
If the task has not run before or if the input value has changed since the previous execution, then Gradle will execute the task.
While a custom class has been created, it is not yet added to the LicensePlugin
Running LicenseTask
is not currently possible.
All you can do for now is make sure ./gradlew build
runs without failing:
$ ./gradlew build
SETTINGS FILE: This is executed during the initialization phase
> Configure project :app
BUILD SCRIPT: This is executed during the configuration phase
13 actionable tasks: 6 executed, 7 up-to-date
Next Step: Writing Plugins >>