Repository Types
Gradle supports various sources for resolving dependencies, accommodating different metadata formats and connectivity methods. You can resolve dependencies from:
Maven-compatible artifact repositories (e.g., Maven Central)
Ivy-compatible artifact repositories (including custom layouts)
Maven repositories
Many organizations host dependencies in Maven repositories. Gradle can declare Maven repositories by specifying their URL:
repositories {
maven {
url = ""
Composite Maven repository
Sometimes, POMs are published in one location, and JARs in another. You can define such a repository as follows:
repositories {
maven {
// Look for POMs and artifacts, such as JARs, here
url = ""
// Look for artifacts here if not found at the above location
artifactUrls ""
artifactUrls ""
Gradle will first look for POMs and artifacts at the base URL, and if the artifact is not found, it will check the additional artifactUrls
Authenticated Maven repository
You can specify credentials for Maven repositories that require authentication. See Supported Repository Protocols for authentication options.
Local Maven repository
Gradle can consume dependencies from a local Maven repository, that is repositories on the local file system:
repositories {
maven {
url = uri(layout.buildDirectory.dir("repo"))
Gradle can consume dependencies from the local Maven repository. This is useful for teams that want to test their setup locally before publishing their plugin.
You should ensure that using the local Maven repository is necessary before adding mavenLocal()
to your build script:
repositories {
Gradle manages its own cache and doesn’t need to declare the local Maven repository even if you resolve dependencies from a remote Maven repository. |
Gradle uses the same logic as Maven to identify the location of your local Maven cache.
If a settings.xml
file is defined in the user’s home directory (~/.m2/settings.xml
), this location takes precedence over M2_HOME/conf
Otherwise, Gradle defaults to ~/.m2/repository
As a general recommendation, avoid using mavenLocal() . Unlike Maven builds, Gradle can share artifacts between projects using project dependencies. Publishing to the local maven repo is not necessary for sharing artifacts between projects.
Ivy repositories
Many organizations host dependencies in Ivy repositories.
Standard layout Ivy repository
To declare an Ivy repository with the standard layout, simply specify the URL:
repositories {
ivy {
url = ""
Named layout Ivy repository
You can specify that your repository follows the Ivy default layout:
repositories {
ivy {
url = ""
layout "maven"
Valid named layout values are gradle
(default), maven
, and ivy
Refer to IvyArtifactRepository.layout(java.lang.String) in the API documentation for more details.
Custom pattern layout Ivy repository
To define an Ivy repository with a non-standard layout, you can set up a pattern layout:
repositories {
ivy {
url = ""
patternLayout {
artifact "[module]/[revision]/[type]/[artifact].[ext]"
For an Ivy repository that fetches Ivy files and artifacts from different locations, define separate patterns:
repositories {
ivy {
url = ""
patternLayout {
artifact "3rd-party-artifacts/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
artifact "company-artifacts/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
ivy "ivy-files/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml"
Optionally, you can enable Maven-style layout for the 'organisation' part, with forward slashes replacing dots:
repositories {
ivy {
url = ""
patternLayout {
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"
m2compatible = true
Authenticated Ivy repository
You can specify credentials for Ivy repositories that require authentication. See Supported Repository Protocols for authentication options.
Local Ivy repository
Gradle can consume dependencies from a local Ivy repository, that is repositories on the local file system:
repositories {
ivy {
// URL can refer to a local directory
url = file("../local-repo")
Flat directory repository
Some projects store dependencies on a shared drive or within the project’s source code rather than using a binary repository. To use a flat filesystem directory as a repository, you can configure it like this:
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'lib'
flatDir {
dirs 'lib1', 'lib2'
This configuration adds repositories that search specified directories for dependencies.
Flat directory repositories are discouraged, as they do not support metadata formats like Ivy XML or Maven POM files. |
In general, binary dependencies should be sourced from an external repository, but if storing dependencies externally is not an option, prefer declaring a Maven or Ivy repository using a local file URL instead.
When resolving dependencies from a flat dir repo, Gradle dynamically generates adhoc dependency metadata based on the presence of artifacts. Gradle prefers modules with real metadata over those generated by flat directory repositories. For this reason, flat directories cannot override artifacts with real metadata from other declared repositories.
For instance, if Gradle finds jmxri-1.2.1.jar
in a flat directory and jmxri-1.2.1.pom
in another repository, it will use the metadata from the latter.