Actionable tasks describe work in Gradle. These tasks have actions. In Gradle core, the compileJava task compiles the Java source code. The Jar and Zip tasks zip files into archives.

writing tasks 3

Custom actionable tasks can be created by extending the DefaultTask class and defining inputs, outputs, and actions.

Task inputs and outputs

Actionable tasks have inputs and outputs. Inputs and outputs can be files, directories, or variables.

In actionable tasks:

  • Inputs consist of a collection of files, folders, and/or configuration data.
    For instance, the javaCompile task takes inputs such as Java source files and build script configurations like the Java version.

  • Outputs refer to one or multiple files or folders.
    For instance, the javaCompile produces class files as output.

Then, the jar task takes these class files as input and produces a JAR archive.

Clearly defined task inputs and outputs serve two purposes:

  1. They inform Gradle about task dependencies.
    For example, if Gradle understands that the output of the compileJava task serves as the input for the jar task, it will prioritize running compileJava first.

  2. They facilitate incremental building.
    For example, suppose Gradle recognizes that the inputs and outputs of a task remain unchanged. In that case, it can leverage results from previous build runs or the build cache, avoiding rerunning the task action altogether.

When you apply a plugin like the java-library plugin, Gradle will automatically register some tasks and configure them with defaults.

Let’s define a task that packages JARs and a start script into an archive in an imaginary sample project:

├── app
│   ├── build.gradle.kts    // app build logic
│   ├──              // script file
│   └── ...                 // some java code
├── settings.gradle.kts     // includes app subproject
├── gradle
├── gradlew
└── gradlew.bat
├── app
│   ├── build.gradle    // app build logic
│   ├──          // script file
│   └── ...             // some java code
├── settings.gradle     // includes app subproject
├── gradle
├── gradlew
└── gradlew.bat

The script can execute the Java app (once packaged as a JAR) from the build:

java -cp 'libs/*'

Let’s register a new task called packageApp using task.register():

tasks.register<Zip>("packageApp") {

tasks.register(Zip, "packageApp") {


We used an existing implementation from Gradle core which is the Zip task implementation (i.e., a subclass of DefaultTask). Because we register a new task here, it’s not pre-configured. We need to configure the inputs and outputs.

Defining inputs and outputs is what makes a task an actionable task.

For the Zip task type, we can use the from() method to add a file to the inputs. In our case, we add the run script.

If the input is a file we create or edit directly, like a run file or Java source code, it’s usually located somewhere in our project directory. To ensure we use the correct location, we use layout.projectDirectory and define a relative path to the project directory root.

We provide the outputs of the jar task as well as the JAR of all the dependencies (using configurations.runtimeClasspath) as additional inputs.

For outputs, we need to define two properties.

First, the destination directory, which should be a directory inside the build folder. We can access this through layout.

Second, we need to specify a name for the zip file, which we’ve called

Here is what the complete task looks like:

val packageApp = tasks.register<Zip>("packageApp") {
    from(layout.projectDirectory.file(""))                // input - file
    from(tasks.jar) {                                           // input - jar task output
    from(configurations.runtimeClasspath) {                     // input - jar of dependencies
    destinationDirectory.set(layout.buildDirectory.dir("dist")) // output - location of the zip file
    archiveFileName.set("")                    // output - name of the zip file
def packageApp = tasks.register(Zip, 'packageApp') {
    from layout.projectDirectory.file('')                 // input - file
    from tasks.jar {                                            // input - jar task output
        into 'libs'
    from configurations.runtimeClasspath {                      // input - jar of dependencies
        into 'libs'
    destinationDirectory.set(layout.buildDirectory.dir('dist')) // output - location of the zip file
    archiveFileName.set('')                    // output - name of the zip file

If we run our packageApp task, is produced:

$./gradlew :app:packageApp

> Task :app:compileJava
> Task :app:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:classes
> Task :app:jar
> Task :app:packageApp

3 actionable tasks: 3 executed

Gradle executed a number of tasks it required to build the JAR file, which included the compilation of the code of the app project and the compilation of code dependencies.

Looking at the newly created ZIP file, we can see that it contains everything needed to run the Java application:

> unzip -l ./app/build/dist/

Archive:  ./app/build/dist/
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
       42  01-31-2024 14:16
        0  01-31-2024 14:22   libs/
      847  01-31-2024 14:22   libs/app.jar
  3041591  01-29-2024 14:20   libs/guava-32.1.2-jre.jar
     4617  01-29-2024 14:15   libs/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar
     2199  01-29-2024 14:15   libs/listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.jar
    19936  01-29-2024 14:15   libs/jsr305-3.0.2.jar
   223979  01-31-2024 14:16   libs/checker-qual-3.33.0.jar
    16017  01-31-2024 14:16   libs/error_prone_annotations-2.18.0.jar
---------                     -------
  3309228                     9 files

Actionable tasks should be wired to lifecycle tasks so that a developer only needs to run lifecycle tasks.

So far, we called our new task directly. Let’s wire it to a lifecycle task.

The following is added to the build script so that the packageApp actionable task is wired to the build lifecycle task using dependsOn():

app/build.gradle.kts {
app/build.gradle {

We see that running :build also runs :packageApp:

$ ./gradlew :app:build

> Task :app:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:jar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:startScripts
> Task :app:distTar
> Task :app:distZip
> Task :app:assemble
> Task :app:compileTestJava
> Task :app:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:testClasses
> Task :app:test
> Task :app:check
> Task :app:packageApp
> Task :app:build

8 actionable tasks: 6 executed, 2 up-to-date

You could define your own lifecycle task if needed.

Task implementation by extending DefaultTask

To address more individual needs, and if no existing plugins provide the build functionality you need, you can create your own task implementation.

Implementing a class means creating a custom class (i.e., type), which is done by subclassing DefaultTask

Let’s start with an example built by Gradle init for a simple Java application with the source code in the app subproject and the common build logic in buildSrc:

├── app
│   ├── build.gradle.kts
│   └── src                 // some java code
│       └── ...
├── buildSrc
│   ├── build.gradle.kts
│   ├── settings.gradle.kts
│   └── src                 // common build logic
│       └── ...
├── settings.gradle.kts
├── gradle
├── gradlew
└── gradlew.bat
├── app
│   ├── build.gradle
│   └── src             // some java code
│       └── ...
├── buildSrc
│   ├── build.gradle
│   ├── settings.gradle
│   └── src             // common build logic
│       └── ...
├── settings.gradle
├── gradle
├── gradlew
└── gradlew.bat

We create a class called GenerateReportTask in ./buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/GenerateReportTask.kt or ./buildSrc/src/main/groovy/GenerateReportTask.groovy.

To let Gradle know that we are implementing a task, we extend the DefaultTask class that comes with Gradle. It’s also beneficial to make our task class abstract because Gradle will handle many things automatically:

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask

public abstract class GenerateReportTask : DefaultTask() {

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask

public abstract class GenerateReportTask extends DefaultTask {


Next, we define the inputs and outputs using properties and annotations. In this context, properties in Gradle act as references to the actual values behind them, allowing Gradle to track inputs and outputs between tasks.

For the input of our task, we use a DirectoryProperty from Gradle. We annotate it with @InputDirectory to indicate that it is an input to the task:

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory

public abstract class GenerateReportTask : DefaultTask() {

    abstract var sourceDirectory: DirectoryProperty

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory

public abstract class GenerateReportTask extends DefaultTask {

    DirectoryProperty sourceDirectory


Similarly, for the output, we use a RegularFileProperty and annotate it with @OutputFile.

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile

public abstract class GenerateReportTask : DefaultTask() {

    abstract var sourceDirectory: DirectoryProperty

    abstract var reportFile: File

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile

public abstract class GenerateReportTask extends DefaultTask {

    DirectoryProperty sourceDirectory

    File reportFile


With inputs and outputs defined, the only thing that remains is the actual task action, which is implemented in a method annotated with @TaskAction. Inside this method, we write code accessing inputs and outputs using Gradle-specific APIs:

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction

public abstract class GenerateReportTask : DefaultTask() {

    abstract var sourceDirectory: DirectoryProperty

    abstract var reportFile: File

    fun generateReport() {
        val fileCount = sourceDirectory.listFiles().count { it.isFile }
        val directoryCount = sourceDirectory.listFiles().count { it.isDirectory }

        val reportContent = """
            |Report for directory: ${sourceDirectory.absolutePath}
            |Number of files: $fileCount
            |Number of subdirectories: $directoryCount

        println("Report generated at: ${reportFile.absolutePath}")
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction

public abstract class GenerateReportTask extends DefaultTask {

    DirectoryProperty sourceDirectory

    File reportFile

    void generateReport() {
        def fileCount = sourceDirectory.listFiles().count { it.isFile() }
        def directoryCount = sourceDirectory.listFiles().count { it.isDirectory() }

        def reportContent = """
            Report for directory: ${sourceDirectory.absolutePath}
            Number of files: $fileCount
            Number of subdirectories: $directoryCount

        reportFile.text = reportContent
        println("Report generated at: ${reportFile.absolutePath}")

The task action generates a report of the files in the sourceDirectory.

In the application build file, we register a task of type GenerateReportTask using task.register() and name it generateReport. At the same time, we configure the inputs and outputs of the task:

tasks.register<GenerateReportTask>("generateReport") {
} {
tasks.register(GenerateReportTask, "generateReport") {
    sourceDirectory = layout.projectDirectory.dir("src/main").asFile
    reportFile = layout.buildDirectory.file("reports/directoryReport.txt").asFile

The generateReport task is wired to the build task.

By running the build, we observe that our start script generation task is executed, and it’s UP-TO-DATE in subsequent builds. Gradle’s incremental building and caching mechanisms work seamlessly with custom tasks:

./gradlew :app:build
> Task :buildSrc:checkKotlinGradlePluginConfigurationErrors
> Task :buildSrc:compileKotlin UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSrc:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:compileGroovy NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:pluginDescriptors UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSrc:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :buildSrc:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSrc:jar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:jar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:startScripts UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:distTar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:distZip UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:assemble UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :app:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:test UP-TO-DATE
> Task :app:check UP-TO-DATE

> Task :app:generateReport
Report generated at: ./app/build/reports/directoryReport.txt

> Task :app:packageApp
> Task :app:build

13 actionable tasks: 10 executed, 3 up-to-date

Task actions

A task action is the code that implements what a task is doing, as demonstrated in the previous section. For example, the javaCompile task action calls the Java compiler to transform source code into byte code.

It is possible to dynamically modify task actions for tasks that are already registered. This is helpful for testing, patching, or modifying core build logic.

Let’s look at an example of a simple Gradle build with one app subproject that makes up a Java application – containing one Java class and using Gradle’s application plugin. The project has common build logic in the buildSrc folder where my-convention-plugin resides:

plugins {

version = "1.0"

application {
    mainClass = ""
plugins {
    id 'my-convention-plugin'

version = '1.0'

application {
    mainClass = ''

We define a task called printVersion in the build file of the app:

import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction

abstract class PrintVersion : DefaultTask() {

    // Configuration code
    abstract val version: Property<String>

    // Execution code
    fun print() {
        println("Version: ${version.get()}")
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction

abstract class PrintVersion extends DefaultTask {

    // Configuration code
    abstract Property<String> getVersion()

    // Execution code
    void printVersion() {
        println("Version: ${getVersion().get()}")

This task does one simple thing: it prints out the version of the project to the command line.

The class extends DefaultTask and it has one @Input, which is of type Property<String>. It has one method that is annotated with @TaskAction, which prints out the version.

Note that the task implementation clearly distinguishes between "Configuration code" and "Execution code".

The configuration code is executed during Gradle’s configuration phase. It builds up a model of the project in memory so that Gradle knows what it needs to do for a certain build invocation. Everything around the task actions, like the input or output properties, is part of this configuration code.

The code inside the task action method is the execution code that does the actual work. It accesses the inputs and outputs to do some work if the task is part of the task graph and if it can’t be skipped because it’s UP-TO-DATE or it’s taken FROM-CACHE.

Once a task implementation is complete, it can be used in a build setup. In our convention plugin, my-convention-plugin, we can register a new task that uses the new task implementation:

tasks.register<PrintVersion>("printVersion") {

    // Configuration code
    version = project.version as String
tasks.register(PrintVersion, "printVersion") {

    // Configuration code
    version = project.version.toString()

Inside the configuration block for the task, we can write configuration phase code which modifies the values of input and output properties of the task. The task action is not referred to here in any way.

It is possible to write simple tasks like this one in a more compact way and directly in the build script without creating a separate class for the task.

Let’s register another task and call it printVersionDynamic.

This time, we do not define a type for the task, which means the task will be of the general type DefaultTask. This general type does not define any task actions, meaning it does not have methods annotated with @TaskAction. This type is useful for defining 'lifecycle tasks':

tasks.register("printVersionDynamic") {

tasks.register("printVersionDynamic") {


However, the default task type can also be used to define tasks with custom actions dynamically, without additional classes. This is done by using the doFirst{} or doLast{} construct. Similar to defining a method and annotating this @TaskAction, this adds an action to a task.

The methods are called doFirst{} and doLast{} because the task can have multiple actions. If the task already has an action defined, you can use this distinction to decide if your additional action should run before or after the existing actions:

tasks.register("printVersionDynamic") {
    doFirst {
        // Task action = Execution code
        // Run before exiting actions
    doLast {
        // Task action = Execution code
        // Run after existing actions
tasks.register("printVersionDynamic") {
    doFirst {
        // Task action = Execution code
        // Run before exiting actions
    doLast {
        // Task action = Execution code
        // Run after existing actions

If you only have one action, which is the case here because we start with an empty task, we typically use the doLast{} method.

In the task, we first declare the version we want to print as an input dynamically. Instead of declaring a property and annotating it with @Input, we use the general inputs properties that all tasks have. Then, we add the action code, a println() statement, inside the doLast{} method:

tasks.register("printVersionDynamic") {"version", project.version.toString())
    doLast {
        println("Version: ${["version"]}")
tasks.register("printVersionDynamic") {"version", project.version)
    doLast {
        println("Version: ${["version"]}")

We saw two alternative approaches to implementing a custom task in Gradle.

The dynamic setup makes it more compact. However, it’s easy to mix configuration and execution time states when writing dynamic tasks. You can also see that 'inputs' are untyped in dynamic tasks, which can lead to issues. When you implement your custom task as a class, you can clearly define the inputs as properties with a dedicated type.

Dynamic modification of task actions can provide value for tasks that are already registered, but which you need to modify for some reason.

Let’s take the compileJava task as an example.

Once the task is registered, you can’t remove it. You could, instead, clear its actions:

tasks.compileJava {
    // Clear existing actions

    // Add a new action
    doLast {
        println("Custom action: Compiling Java classes...")
tasks.compileJava {
    // Clear existing actions

    // Add a new action
    doLast {
        println("Custom action: Compiling Java classes...")

It’s also difficult, and in certain cases impossible, to remove certain task dependencies that have been set up already by the plugins you are using. You could, instead, modify its behavior:

tasks.compileJava {
    // Modify the task behavior
    doLast {
        val outputDir = File("$buildDir/compiledClasses")

        val compiledFiles = sourceSets["main"].output.files
        compiledFiles.forEach { compiledFile ->
            val destinationFile = File(outputDir,
            compiledFile.copyTo(destinationFile, true)

        println("Java compilation completed. Compiled classes copied to: ${outputDir.absolutePath}")
tasks.compileJava {
    // Modify the task behavior
    doLast {
        def outputDir = file("$buildDir/compiledClasses")

        def compiledFiles = sourceSets["main"].output.files
        compiledFiles.each { compiledFile ->
            def destinationFile = new File(outputDir,

        println("Java compilation completed. Compiled classes copied to: ${outputDir.absolutePath}")

Understanding inputs and outputs

Task inputs and outputs are important for:

  1. Up-to-date checks - Gradle’s incremental build feature helps your build avoid doing the same work more than once by looking at changes for task inputs and outputs.

  2. Linking task inputs and outputs - When outputs of one task are linked to the inputs of another, Gradle can automatically create task dependencies.

  3. Using dependency configurations - Task outputs can be used to tell Gradle that an artifact produced by a task should be added to a specific configuration.

Declaring inputs and outputs

You can configure the inputs and outputs of a task in two main ways:

  1. Static Configuration: Define inputs and outputs directly inside the task class. These inputs and outputs will always apply to the task whenever it is executed.

  2. Dynamic Configuration: Add inputs and outputs to a task dynamically, meaning you can customize the inputs and outputs for each execution of the task based on specific conditions or requirements. This approach allows for more flexibility and fine-grained control over the task’s behavior.

abstract class ConfigurableTask : DefaultTask() {

    val inputProperty =

    val outputFile = project.objects.fileProperty()

    // Static Configuration: Inputs and Outputs defined in the task class
    init {
        group = "custom"
        description = "A configurable task example"

    fun executeTask() {
        println("Executing task with input: ${inputProperty.get()} and output: ${outputFile.get()}")


// Dynamic Configuration: Adding inputs and outputs to a task instance
tasks.register("dynamicTask", ConfigurableTask::class) {
    // Set the input property dynamically
    inputProperty.set("dynamic input value")

    // Set the output file dynamically
abstract class ConfigurableTask extends DefaultTask {

    def inputProperty =

    def outputFile = project.objects.fileProperty()

    // Static Configuration: Inputs and Outputs defined in the task class
        group = 'custom'
        description = 'A configurable task example'

    void executeTask() {
        println "Executing task with input: ${inputProperty.get()} and output: ${outputFile.get()}"


// Dynamic Configuration: Adding inputs and outputs to a task instance
tasks.register('dynamicTask', ConfigurableTask) {
    // Set the input property dynamically
    inputProperty.set('dynamic input value')

    // Set the output file dynamically

Creating lazy inputs and outputs

Gradle has the concept of lazy configuration, which allows task inputs and outputs to be referenced before they’re actually set. This is done via a Property class type.

abstract class MyTask : DefaultTask() {
    // Avoid Java Bean properties
    var myEagerProperty: String = "default value"

    // Use Gradle managed properties instead
    val myLazyProperty: Property<String> =

    fun myAction() {
        println("Use ${myLazyProperty.get()} and do NOT use $myEagerProperty")
abstract class MyTask extends DefaultTask {
    // Avoid Java Bean properties
    String myEagerProperty = "default value"

    // Use Gradle managed properties instead
    Property<String> myLazyProperty =

    void myAction() {
        println("Use ${myLazyProperty.get()} and do NOT use $myEagerProperty")

One advantage of this mechanism is that you can link the output file of one task to the input file of another, all before the filename has even been decided. The Property class also knows about which task it’s linked to, so using inputs and outputs in this way enables Gradle to automatically add the required task dependency.

writing tasks 7

To ensure proper lazy configuration, you should avoid using Java Bean types. Let’s explore the common options for what Gradle lazy types can be declared as task inputs and outputs:

Lazy Gradle Type Java Bean Type Input Output








Iterable of files (Property<Iterable<File> e.g. ConfigurableFileCollection, ConfigurableFileTree)

Iterable of files (Iterable<File> e.g. FileTree or FileCollection)



Map of files (MapProperty<String, File>)

Map of files (Map<String, File>)






Iterable of directories (Property<Iterable<File>)

Iterable of directories (Iterable<File>)


Map of directories (MapProperty<String, File>)

Map of directories (Map<String, File>)



  • Strings are only supported for task inputs, not outputs. These are normally used for configuration options e.g. sourceCompatibility of the compileJava task type.

  • Task outputs can only be files or directories.

  • Instead of String, Boolean, String and other standard types, use Property<T>.

  • Instead of List<T>, use ListProperty<T>.

  • Instead of Set<T>, use SetProperty<T>.

Annotating inputs and outputs

A good practice is to create a task class for your custom task. The class encapsulates the task action logic, but should also declare any inputs and outputs the task expects. To do this, we use annotations.

For task inputs we can use @Input, @InputFile, @InputDirectory, @InputFiles, @Classpath, and @CompileClasspath. For task outputs we have @OutputFile, @OutputDirectory, @OutputFiles, @OutputDirectories.

Here are all available annotations in detail:

Annotation Usage


Property is an input value for the task


Property is an input file for the task


Property is one or more input files for the task


Property is an input directory for the task


Property is an input directory for the task


Property is a one or more input files or directories that represent a Java classpath


Property is a one or more input files or directories that represent a Java compile classpath


Property is an output file for the task[1]


Property is one or more output files for the task


Property is an output directory for the task


Property is one or more output directories for the task


Property is one or more files or directories (coming from other tasks) that the task destroys (deletes/removes)[2]


Property is a local state for a task


Property is a nested bean and should be checked for other annotations


Property is not an input or an output and should not be taken into account for up-to-date checking


Property is used internally and should not to be taken into account for up-to-date checking


Property is a file or directory and the task should be skipped when the value of the property is empty


Property is a file or directory and changes to it can be queried with @InputChanges.getFileChanges()


Property is any type, its value does not have to be specified and validation checks are disabled


Property is one or more files and only the given part of the file path is important


Used with @InputFiles or @InputDirectory to instruct Gradle to track only changes to the contents of directories and not differences in the directories themselves.


Used with @InputFiles, @InputDirectory or @Classpath to instruct Gradle to normalize line endings when calculating up-to-date checks or build cache keys

Note that in Kotlin the annotations are prefixed with get:, so @InputFile becomes @get:InputFile.

abstract class AllTypes : DefaultTask() {

    abstract val inputString: Property<String>
    abstract val inputFile: RegularFileProperty
    abstract val inputDirectory: DirectoryProperty
    abstract val inputFileCollection: ListProperty<RegularFile>
    abstract val inputClasspath: ListProperty<RegularFile>

    // outputs
    abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty
    abstract val outputDirectory: DirectoryProperty
    abstract val outputFiles: ListProperty<RegularFile>
    abstract val outputDirectories: ListProperty<Directory>
abstract class AllTypes extends DefaultTask {

    final abstract Property<String> inputString = ""
    final abstract RegularFileProperty inputFile = ""
    final abstract DirectoryProperty inputDirectory = ""
    final abstract ConfigurableFileCollection inputFileCollection = ""
    final abstract ConfigurableFileCollection inputClasspath = ""

    // outputs
    final abstract RegularFileProperty outputFile = ""
    final abstract DirectoryProperty outputDirectory = ""
    final abstract ConfigurableFileCollection outputFiles = ""
    final abstract ConfigurableFileCollection outputDirectories = ""

1. This notation is used to declare that a task may produce a specific output file. This annotation is typically applied to a property in a task class that represents the output file. When a task with an @OutputFile-annotated property is executed, Gradle will check if the specified output file exists. If the file does not exist, or if the task’s inputs (as defined by @Input annotations) changed, Gradle will consider the task out-of-date and will execute it to regenerate the output file.
2. This notation is used to specify locations/files that a task will always delete, and these locations/files typically belong to other tasks. This annotation is useful for tasks that clean up after other tasks such as clean.