Gradle’s Kotlin DSL provides an alternative syntax to the traditional Groovy DSL with an enhanced editing experience in supported IDEs, with superior content assist, refactoring, documentation, and more. This chapter provides details of the main Kotlin DSL constructs and how to use it to interact with the Gradle API.

If you are interested in migrating an existing Gradle build to the Kotlin DSL, please also check out the dedicated migration section.


  • The embedded Kotlin compiler is known to work on Linux, macOS, Windows, Cygwin, FreeBSD and Solaris on x86-64 architectures.

  • Knowledge of Kotlin syntax and basic language features is very helpful. The Kotlin reference documentation and Kotlin Koans will help you to learn the basics.

  • Use of the plugins {} block to declare Gradle plugins significantly improves the editing experience and is highly recommended.

IDE support

The Kotlin DSL is fully supported by IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. Other IDEs do not yet provide helpful tools for editing Kotlin DSL files, but you can still import Kotlin-DSL-based builds and work with them as usual.

Table 1. IDE support matrix
Build import Syntax highlighting 1 Semantic editor 2

IntelliJ IDEA

Android Studio

Eclipse IDE


Apache NetBeans

Visual Studio Code (LSP)

Visual Studio

1 Kotlin syntax highlighting in Gradle Kotlin DSL scripts
2 code completion, navigation to sources, documentation, refactorings etc…​ in Gradle Kotlin DSL scripts

As mentioned in the limitations, you must import your project from the Gradle model to get content-assist and refactoring tools for Kotlin DSL scripts in IntelliJ IDEA.

Builds with slow configuration time might affect the IDE responsiveness, so please check out the performance section to help resolve such issues.

Automatic build import vs. automatic reloading of script dependencies

Both IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio — which is derived from IntelliJ IDEA — will detect when you make changes to your build logic and offer two suggestions:

  1. Import the whole build again

    IntelliJ IDEA
    IntelliJ IDEA
  2. Reload script dependencies when editing a build script

    Reload script dependencies

We recommend that you disable automatic build import, but enable automatic reloading of script dependencies. That way you get early feedback while editing Gradle scripts and control over when the whole build setup gets synchronized with your IDE.


The IDE support is provided by two components:

  • The Kotlin Plugin used by IntelliJ IDEA/Android Studio

  • Gradle

The level of support varies based on the versions of each.

If you run into trouble, the first thing you should try is running ./gradlew tasks from the command line to see whether your issue is limited to the IDE. If you encounter the same problem from the command line, then the issue is with the build rather than the IDE integration.

If you can run the build successfully from the command line but your script editor is complaining, then you should try restarting your IDE and invalidating its caches.

If the above doesn’t work and you suspect an issue with the Kotlin DSL script editor, you can:

  • Run ./gradle tasks to get more details

  • Check the logs in one of these locations:

    • $HOME/Library/Logs/gradle-kotlin-dsl on Mac OS X

    • $HOME/.gradle-kotlin-dsl/log on Linux

    • $HOME/AppData/Local/gradle-kotlin-dsl/log on Windows

  • Open an issue on the Gradle issue tracker, including as much detail as you can.

From version 5.1 onwards, the log directory is cleaned up automatically. It is checked periodically (at most every 24 hours) and log files are deleted if they haven’t been used for 7 days.

If the above isn’t enough to pinpoint the problem, you can enable the org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.logging.tapi system property in your IDE. This will cause the Gradle Daemon to log extra information in its log file located in $HOME/.gradle/daemon. In IntelliJ IDEA this can be done by opening Help > Edit Custom VM Options…​ and adding -Dorg.gradle.kotlin.dsl.logging.tapi=true.

For IDE problems outside of the Kotlin DSL script editor, please open issues in the corresponding IDE’s issue tracker:

Lastly, if you face problems with Gradle itself or with the Kotlin DSL, please open issues on the Gradle issue tracker.

Kotlin DSL scripts

Just like the Groovy-based equivalent, the Kotlin DSL is implemented on top of Gradle’s Java API. Everything you can read in a Kotlin DSL script is Kotlin code compiled and executed by Gradle. Many of the objects, functions and properties you use in your build scripts come from the Gradle API and the APIs of the applied plugins.

You can use the Kotlin DSL reference search functionality to drill through the available members.

Script file names

  • Groovy DSL script files use the .gradle file name extension.

  • Kotlin DSL script files use the .gradle.kts file name extension.

To activate the Kotlin DSL, simply use the .gradle.kts extension for your build scripts in place of .gradle. That also applies to the settings file — for example settings.gradle.kts — and initialization scripts.

Note that you can mix Groovy DSL build scripts with Kotlin DSL ones, i.e. a Kotlin DSL build script can apply a Groovy DSL one and each project in a multi-project build can use either one.

We recommend that you apply the following conventions to get better IDE support:

  • Name settings scripts (or any script that is backed by a Gradle Settings object) according to the pattern *.settings.gradle.kts — this includes script plugins that are applied from settings scripts

  • Name initialization scripts according to the pattern *.init.gradle.kts or simply init.gradle.kts.

This is so that the IDE knows what type of object "backs" the script, be it Project, Settings or Gradle.

Implicit imports

All Kotlin DSL build scripts have implicit imports consisting of:

  • The default Gradle API imports

  • The Kotlin DSL API, which is all types within the following packages:

    • org.gradle.kotlin.dsl

    • org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.plugins.dsl

    • org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.precompile

Avoid using internal Kotlin DSL APIs

Use of internal Kotlin DSL APIs in plugins and build scripts has the potential to break builds when either Gradle or plugins change. The Kotlin DSL API extends the Gradle public API with the types listed in the corresponding API docs that are in the packages listed above (but not subpackages of those).

Compilation warnings

Gradle Kotlin DSL scripts are compiled by Gradle during the configuration phase of your build. Deprecation warnings found by the Kotlin compiler are reported on the console when compiling the scripts.

> Configure project :
w: build.gradle.kts:4:5: 'getter for uploadTaskName: String!' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

It is possible to configure your build to fail on any warning emitted during script compilation by setting the org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.allWarningsAsErrors Gradle property to true:


Type-safe model accessors

The Groovy DSL allows you to reference many elements of the build model by name, even when they are defined at runtime. Think named configurations, named source sets, and so on. For example, you can get hold of the implementation configuration via configurations.implementation.

The Kotlin DSL replaces such dynamic resolution with type-safe model accessors that work with model elements contributed by plugins.

Understanding when type-safe model accessors are available

The Kotlin DSL currently provides various sets of type-safe model accessors, each tailored to different scopes.

For the main project build scripts and precompiled project script plugins:

  • Dependency and artifact configurations (such as implementation and runtimeOnly contributed by the Java Plugin)

  • Project extensions and conventions (such as sourceSets), and extensions on them

  • Extensions on the dependencies and repositories containers, and extensions on them

  • Elements in the tasks and configurations containers

  • Elements in project-extension containers (for example the source sets contributed by the Java Plugin that are added to the sourceSets container)

For the main project settings script:

  • Project extensions and conventions, contributed by Settings plugins, and extensions on them

Initialization scripts and script plugins do not have type-safe model accessors. These limitations will be removed in a future Gradle release.

The set of type-safe model accessors available is calculated right before evaluating the script body, immediately after the plugins {} block. Any model elements contributed after that point do not work with type-safe model accessors. For example, this includes any configurations you might define in your own build script. However, this approach does mean that you can use type-safe accessors for any model elements that are contributed by plugins that are applied by parent projects.

The following project build script demonstrates how you can access various configurations, extensions and other elements using type-safe accessors:

plugins {

dependencies {                              (1)

configurations {                            (1)
    implementation {

sourceSets {                                (2)
    main {                                  (3)

java {                                      (4)
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11

tasks {
    test {                                  (5)
        testLogging.showExceptions = true
1 Uses type-safe accessors for the api, implementation and testImplementation dependency configurations contributed by the Java Library Plugin
2 Uses an accessor to configure the sourceSets project extension
3 Uses an accessor to configure the main source set
4 Uses an accessor to configure the java source for the main source set
5 Uses an accessor to configure the test task

Your IDE knows about the type-safe accessors, so it will include them in its suggestions.

This will happen both at the top level of your build scripts — most plugin extensions are added to the Project object — and within the blocks that configure an extension.

Note that accessors for elements of containers such as configurations, tasks and sourceSets leverage Gradle’s configuration avoidance APIs. For example, on tasks they are of type TaskProvider<T> and provide a lazy reference and lazy configuration of the underlying task. Here are some examples that illustrate the situations in which configuration avoidance applies:

tasks.test {
    // lazy configuration

// Lazy reference
val testProvider: TaskProvider<Test> = tasks.test

testProvider {
    // lazy configuration

// Eagerly realized Test task, defeat configuration avoidance if done out of a lazy context
val test: Test = tasks.test.get()

For all other containers than tasks, accessors for elements are of type NamedDomainObjectProvider<T> and provide the same behavior.

Understanding what to do when type-safe model accessors are not available

Consider the sample build script shown above that demonstrates the use of type-safe accessors. The following sample is exactly the same except that is uses the apply() method to apply the plugin. The build script can not use type-safe accessors in this case because the apply() call happens in the body of the build script. You have to use other techniques instead, as demonstrated here:

apply(plugin = "java-library")

dependencies {

configurations {
    "implementation" {

configure<SourceSetContainer> {
    named("main") {

configure<JavaPluginExtension> {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11

tasks {
    named<Test>("test") {
        testLogging.showExceptions = true

Type-safe accessors are unavailable for model elements contributed by the following:

  • Plugins applied via the apply(plugin = "id") method

  • The project build script

  • Script plugins, via apply(from = "script-plugin.gradle.kts")

  • Plugins applied via cross-project configuration

You also can not use type-safe accessors in Binary Gradle plugins implemented in Kotlin.

If you can’t find a type-safe accessor, fall back to using the normal API for the corresponding types. To do that, you need to know the names and/or types of the configured model elements. We’ll now show you how those can be discovered by looking at the above script in detail.

Artifact configurations

The following sample demonstrates how to reference and configure artifact configurations without type accessors:

apply(plugin = "java-library")

dependencies {

configurations {
    "implementation" {

The code looks similar to that for the type-safe accessors, except that the configuration names are string literals in this case. You can use string literals for configuration names in dependency declarations and within the configurations {} block.

The IDE won’t be able to help you discover the available configurations in this situation, but you can look them up either in the corresponding plugin’s documentation or by running gradle dependencies.

Project extensions and conventions

Project extensions and conventions have both a name and a unique type, but the Kotlin DSL only needs to know the type in order to configure them. As the following sample shows for the sourceSets {} and java {} blocks from the original example build script, you can use the configure<T>() function with the corresponding type to do that:

apply(plugin = "java-library")

configure<SourceSetContainer> {
    named("main") {

configure<JavaPluginExtension> {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11

Note that sourceSets is a Gradle extension on Project of type SourceSetContainer and java is an extension on Project of type JavaPluginExtension.

You can discover what extensions and conventions are available either by looking at the documentation for the applied plugins or by running gradle kotlinDslAccessorsReport, which prints the Kotlin code necessary to access the model elements contributed by all the applied plugins. The report provides both names and types. As a last resort, you can also check a plugin’s source code, but that shouldn’t be necessary in the majority of cases.

Note that you can also use the the<T>() function if you only need a reference to the extension or convention without configuring it, or if you want to perform a one-line configuration, like so:


The snippet above also demonstrates one way of configuring the elements of a project extension that is a container.

Elements in project-extension containers

Container-based project extensions, such as SourceSetContainer, also allow you to configure the elements held by them. In our sample build script, we want to configure a source set named main within the source set container, which we can do by using the named() method in place of an accessor, like so:

apply(plugin = "java-library")

configure<SourceSetContainer> {
    named("main") {

All elements within a container-based project extension have a name, so you can use this technique in all such cases.

As for project extensions and conventions themselves, you can discover what elements are present in any container by either looking at the documentation of the applied plugins or by running gradle kotlinDslAccessorsReport. And as a last resort, you may be able to view the plugin’s source code to find out what it does, but that shouldn’t be necessary in the majority of cases.


Tasks are not managed through a container-based project extension, but they are part of a container that behaves in a similar way. This means that you can configure tasks in the same way as you do for source sets, as you can see in this example:

Example 6. Tasks
apply(plugin = "java-library")

tasks {
    named<Test>("test") {
        testLogging.showExceptions = true

We are using the Gradle API to refer to the tasks by name and type, rather than using accessors. Note that it’s necessary to specify the type of the task explicitly, otherwise the script won’t compile because the inferred type will be Task, not Test, and the testLogging property is specific to the Test task type. You can, however, omit the type if you only need to configure properties or to call methods that are common to all tasks, i.e. they are declared on the Task interface.

One can discover what tasks are available by running gradle tasks. You can then find out the type of a given task by running gradle help --task <taskName>, as demonstrated here:

❯ ./gradlew help --task test
     Test (org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test)

Note that the IDE can assist you with the required imports, so you only need the simple names of the types, i.e. without the package name part. In this case, there’s no need to import the Test task type as it is part of the Gradle API and is therefore imported implicitly.

About conventions

Some of the Gradle core plugins expose configurability with the help of a so-called convention object. These serve a similar purpose to — and have now been superseded by — extensions. Conventions are deprecated. Please avoid using convention objects when writing new plugins.

As seen above, the Kotlin DSL provides accessors only for convention objects on Project. There are situations that require you to interact with a Gradle plugin that uses convention objects on other types. The Kotlin DSL provides the withConvention(T::class) {} extension function to do this:

sourceSets {
    main {
        withConvention(CustomSourceSetConvention::class) {
            someOption = "some value"

This technique is primarily necessary for source sets added by language plugins that have yet to be migrated to extensions.

Multi-project builds

As with single-project builds, you should try to use the plugins {} block in your multi-project builds so that you can use the type-safe accessors. Another consideration with multi-project builds is that you won’t be able to use type-safe accessors when configuring subprojects within the root build script or with other forms of cross configuration between projects. We discuss both topics in more detail in the following sections.

Applying plugins

You can declare your plugins within the subprojects to which they apply, but we recommend that you also declare them within the root project build script. This makes it easier to keep plugin versions consistent across projects within a build. The approach also improves the performance of the build.

The Using Gradle plugins chapter explains how you can declare plugins in the root project build script with a version and then apply them to the appropriate subprojects' build scripts. What follows is an example of this approach using three subprojects and three plugins. Note how the root build script only declares the community plugins as the Java Library Plugin is tied to the version of Gradle you are using:

settings.gradle.kts = "multi-project-build"
include("domain", "infra", "http")
plugins {
    id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2" apply false
    id("io.ratpack.ratpack-java") version "1.8.2" apply false
plugins {

dependencies {
plugins {

shadow {

tasks.shadowJar {
plugins {

dependencies {

application {
    mainClass = "example.App"

ratpack.baseDir = file("src/ratpack/baseDir")

If your build requires additional plugin repositories on top of the Gradle Plugin Portal, you should declare them in the pluginManagement {} block in your settings.gradle.kts file, like so:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {

Plugins fetched from a source other than the Gradle Plugin Portal can only be declared via the plugins {} block if they are published with their plugin marker artifacts.

At the time of writing, all versions of the Android Plugin for Gradle up to 3.2.0 present in the google() repository lack plugin marker artifacts.

If those artifacts are missing, then you can’t use the plugins {} block. You must instead fall back to declaring your plugin dependencies using the buildscript {} block in the root project build script. Here’s an example of doing that for the Android Plugin:

include("lib", "app")
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
plugins {

android {
    // ...
plugins {

android {
    // ...

This technique is not that different from what Android Studio produces when creating a new build. The main difference is that the subprojects' build scripts in the above sample declare their plugins using the plugins {} block. This means that you can use type-safe accessors for the model elements that they contribute.

Note that you can’t use this technique if you want to apply such a plugin either to the root project build script of a multi-project build (rather than solely to its subprojects) or to a single-project build. You’ll need to use a different approach in those cases that we detail in another section.

Cross-configuring projects

Cross project configuration is a mechanism by which you can configure a project from another project’s build script. A common example is when you configure subprojects in the root project build script.

Taking this approach means that you won’t be able to use type-safe accessors for model elements contributed by the plugins. You will instead have to rely on string literals and the standard Gradle APIs.

As an example, let’s modify the Java/Ratpack sample build to fully configure its subprojects from the root project build script:

settings.gradle.kts = "multi-project-build"
include("domain", "infra", "http")
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.ShadowExtension
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
import ratpack.gradle.RatpackExtension

plugins {
    id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2" apply false
    id("io.ratpack.ratpack-java") version "1.8.2" apply false

project(":domain") {
    apply(plugin = "java-library")
    repositories { mavenCentral() }
    dependencies {

project(":infra") {
    apply(plugin = "java-library")
    apply(plugin = "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow")
    configure<ShadowExtension> {
    tasks.named<ShadowJar>("shadowJar") {

project(":http") {
    apply(plugin = "java")
    apply(plugin = "io.ratpack.ratpack-java")
    repositories { mavenCentral() }
    val ratpack = the<RatpackExtension>()
    dependencies {
    configure<JavaApplication> {
        mainClass = "example.App"
    ratpack.baseDir = file("src/ratpack/baseDir")

Note how we’re using the apply() method to apply the plugins since the plugins {} block doesn’t work in this context. We are also using standard APIs instead of type-safe accessors to configure tasks, extensions and conventions — an approach that we discussed in more detail elsewhere.

When you can’t use the plugins {} block

Plugins fetched from a source other than the Gradle Plugin Portal may or may not be usable with the plugins {} block. It depends on how they have been published and, specifically, whether they have been published with the necessary plugin marker artifacts.

For example, the Android Plugin for Gradle is not published to the Gradle Plugin Portal and — at least up to version 3.2.0 of the plugin — the metadata required to resolve the artifacts for a given plugin identifier is not published to the Google repository.

If your build is a multi-project build and you don’t need to apply such a plugin to your root project, then you can get round this issue using the technique described above. For any other situation, keep reading.

When publishing plugins, please use Gradle’s built-in Gradle Plugin Development Plugin.

It automates the publication of the metadata necessary to make your plugins usable with the plugins {} block.

We will show you in this section how to apply the Android Plugin to a single-project build or the root project of a multi-project build. The goal is to instruct your build on how to map the plugin identifier to a resolvable artifact. This is done in two steps:

  • Add a plugin repository to the build’s settings script

  • Map the plugin ID to the corresponding artifact coordinates

You accomplish both steps by configuring a pluginManagement {} block in the build’s settings script. To demonstrate, the following sample adds the google() repository — where the Android plugin is published — to the repository search list, and uses a resolutionStrategy {} block to map the plugin ID to the<version> artifact available in the google() repository:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
    resolutionStrategy {
        eachPlugin {
            if( == "") {
plugins {
    id("") version "7.3.0"

android {
    // ...

In fact, the above sample will work for all* plugins that are provided by the specified module. That’s because the packaged module contains the details of which plugin ID maps to which plugin implementation class, using the properties-file mechanism described in the Writing Custom Plugins chapter.

See the Plugin Management section of the Gradle user manual for more information on the pluginManagement {} block and what it can be used for.

Working with container objects

The Gradle build model makes heavy use of container objects (or just "containers"). For example, both configurations and tasks are container objects that contain Configuration and Task objects respectively. Community plugins also contribute containers, like the android.buildTypes container contributed by the Android Plugin.

The Kotlin DSL provides several ways for build authors to interact with containers. We look at each of those ways next, using the tasks container as an example.

Note that you can leverage the type-safe accessors described in another section if you are configuring existing elements on supported containers. That section also describes which containers support type-safe accessors.

Using the container API

All containers in Gradle implement NamedDomainObjectContainer<DomainObjectType>. Some of them can contain objects of different types and implement PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<BaseType>. The simplest way to interact with containers is through these interfaces.

The following sample demonstrates how you can use the named() method to configure existing tasks and the register() method to create new ones.

tasks.named("check")                    (1)
tasks.register("myTask1")               (2)

tasks.named<JavaCompile>("compileJava") (3)
tasks.register<Copy>("myCopy1")         (4)

tasks.named("assemble") {               (5)
tasks.register("myTask2") {             (6)
    description = "Some meaningful words"

tasks.named<Test>("test") {             (7)
    testLogging.showStackTraces = true
tasks.register<Copy>("myCopy2") {       (8)
1 Gets a reference of type Task to the existing task named check
2 Registers a new untyped task named myTask1
3 Gets a reference to the existing task named compileJava of type JavaCompile
4 Registers a new task named myCopy1 of type Copy
5 Gets a reference to the existing (untyped) task named assemble and configures it — you can only configure properties and methods that are available on Task with this syntax
6 Registers a new untyped task named myTask2 and configures it — you can only configure properties and methods that are available on Task in this case
7 Gets a reference to the existing task named test of type Test and configures it — in this case you have access to the properties and methods of the specified type
8 Registers a new task named myCopy2 of type Copy and configures it
The above sample relies on the configuration avoidance APIs. If you need or want to eagerly configure or register container elements, simply replace named() with getByName() and register() with create().

Using Kotlin delegated properties

Another way to interact with containers is via Kotlin delegated properties. These are particularly useful if you need a reference to a container element that you can use elsewhere in the build. In addition, Kotlin delegated properties can easily be renamed via IDE refactoring.

The following sample does the exact same things as the one in the previous section, but it uses delegated properties and reuses those references in place of string-literal task paths:

val check by tasks.existing
val myTask1 by tasks.registering

val compileJava by tasks.existing(JavaCompile::class)
val myCopy1 by tasks.registering(Copy::class)

val assemble by tasks.existing {
    dependsOn(myTask1)  (1)
val myTask2 by tasks.registering {
    description = "Some meaningful words"

val test by tasks.existing(Test::class) {
    testLogging.showStackTraces = true
val myCopy2 by tasks.registering(Copy::class) {
1 Uses the reference to the myTask1 task rather than a task path

The above rely on configuration avoidance APIs. If you need to eagerly configure or register container elements simply replace existing() with getting() and registering() with creating().

Configuring multiple container elements together

When configuring several elements of a container one can group interactions in a block in order to avoid repeating the container’s name on each interaction. The following example uses a combination of type-safe accessors, the container API and Kotlin delegated properties:

Example 15. Container scope
tasks {
    test {
        testLogging.showStackTraces = true
    val myCheck by registering {
        doLast { /* assert on something meaningful */ }
    check {
    register("myHelp") {
        doLast { /* do something helpful */ }

Working with runtime properties

Gradle has two main sources of properties that are defined at runtime: project properties and extra properties. The Kotlin DSL provides specific syntax for working with these types of properties, which we look at in the following sections.

Project properties

The Kotlin DSL allows you to access project properties by binding them via Kotlin delegated properties. Here’s a sample snippet that demonstrates the technique for a couple of project properties, one of which must be defined:

val myProperty: String by project  (1)
val myNullableProperty: String? by project (2)
1 Makes the myProperty project property available via a myProperty delegated property — the project property must exist in this case, otherwise the build will fail when the build script attempts to use the myProperty value
2 Does the same for the myNullableProperty project property, but the build won’t fail on using the myNullableProperty value as long as you check for null (standard Kotlin rules for null safety apply)

The same approach works in both settings and initialization scripts, except you use by settings and by gradle respectively in place of by project.

Extra properties

Extra properties are available on any object that implements the ExtensionAware interface. Kotlin DSL allows you to access extra properties and create new ones via delegated properties, using any of the by extra forms demonstrated in the following sample:

val myNewProperty by extra("initial value")  (1)
val myOtherNewProperty by extra { "calculated initial value" }  (2)

val myProperty: String by extra  (3)
val myNullableProperty: String? by extra  (4)
1 Creates a new extra property called myNewProperty in the current context (the project in this case) and initializes it with the value "initial value", which also determines the property’s type
2 Create a new extra property whose initial value is calculated by the provided lambda
3 Binds an existing extra property from the current context (the project in this case) to a myProperty reference
4 Does the same as the previous line but allows the property to have a null value

This approach works for all Gradle scripts: project build scripts, script plugins, settings scripts and initialization scripts.

You can also access extra properties on a root project from a subproject using the following syntax:

val myNewProperty: String by rootProject.extra  (1)
1 Binds the root project’s myNewProperty extra property to a reference of the same name

Extra properties aren’t just limited to projects. For example, Task extends ExtensionAware, so you can attach extra properties to tasks as well. Here’s an example that defines a new myNewTaskProperty on the test task and then uses that property to initialize another task:

tasks {
    test {
        val reportType by extra("dev")  (1)
        doLast {
            // Use 'suffix' for post processing of reports

    register<Zip>("archiveTestReports") {
        val reportType: String by test.get().extra  (2)
        archiveAppendix = reportType
1 Creates a new reportType extra property on the test task
2 Makes the test task’s reportType extra property available to configure the archiveTestReports task

If you’re happy to use eager configuration rather than the configuration avoidance APIs, you could use a single, "global" property for the report type, like this:

tasks.test.doLast { ... }

val testReportType by tasks.test.get().extra("dev")  (1)

tasks.create<Zip>("archiveTestReports") {
    archiveAppendix = testReportType  (2)
1 Creates and initializes an extra property on the test task, binding it to a "global" property
2 Uses the "global" property to initialize the archiveTestReports task

There is one last syntax for extra properties that we should cover, one that treats extra as a map. We recommend against using this in general as you lose the benefits of Kotlin’s type checking and it prevents IDEs from providing as much support as they could. However, it is more succinct than the delegated properties syntax and can reasonably be used if you only need to set the value of an extra property without referencing it later.

Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to set and read extra properties using the map syntax:

extra["myNewProperty"] = "initial value"  (1)

tasks.create("myTask") {
    doLast {
        println("Property: ${project.extra["myNewProperty"]}")  (2)
1 Creates a new project extra property called myNewProperty and sets its value
2 Reads the value from the project extra property we created — note the project. qualifier on extra[…​], otherwise Gradle will assume we want to read an extra property from the task

Kotlin lazy property assignment

Gradle’s Kotlin DSL supports lazy property assignment using the = operator . Lazy property assignment reduces the verbosity for Kotlin DSL when lazy properties are used. It works for properties that are publicly seen as final (without a setter) and have type Property or ConfigurableFileCollection. Since properties have to be final, our general recommendation is not to implement custom setters for properties with lazy types and, if possible, implement such properties via an abstract getter.

Using the = operator is the preferred way to call set() in the Kotlin DSL.

java {
    toolchain {
        languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)

abstract class WriteJavaVersionTask : DefaultTask() {
    abstract val javaVersion: Property<String>
    abstract val output: RegularFileProperty

    fun execute() {
        output.get().asFile.writeText("Java version: ${javaVersion.get()}")

tasks.register<WriteJavaVersionTask>("writeJavaVersion") {
    javaVersion.set("17") (1)
    javaVersion = "17" (2)
    javaVersion = { it.toString() } (3)
    output = layout.buildDirectory.file("writeJavaVersion/javaVersion.txt")
1 Set value with the .set() method
2 Set value with lazy property assignment using the = operator
3 The = operator can be used also for assigning lazy values

IDE support

Lazy property assignment is supported from IntelliJ 2022.3 and from Android Studio Giraffe.

The Kotlin DSL Plugin

The Kotlin DSL Plugin provides a convenient way to develop Kotlin-based projects that contribute build logic. That includes buildSrc projects, included builds and Gradle plugins.

The plugin achieves this by doing the following:

  • Applies the Kotlin Plugin, which adds support for compiling Kotlin source files.

  • Adds the kotlin-stdlib, kotlin-reflect and gradleKotlinDsl() dependencies to the compileOnly and testImplementation configurations, which allows you to make use of those Kotlin libraries and the Gradle API in your Kotlin code.

  • Configures the Kotlin compiler with the same settings that are used for Kotlin DSL scripts, ensuring consistency between your build logic and those scripts:

  • Enables support for precompiled script plugins.

Avoid specifying a version for the kotlin-dsl plugin

Each Gradle release is meant to be used with a specific version of the kotlin-dsl plugin and compatibility between arbitrary Gradle releases and kotlin-dsl plugin versions is not guaranteed. Using an unexpected version of the kotlin-dsl plugin in a build will emit a warning and can cause hard to diagnose problems.

This is the basic configuration you need to use the plugin:

plugins {

repositories {
    // The org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm plugin requires a repository
    // where to download the Kotlin compiler dependencies from.

The Kotlin DSL Plugin leverages Java Toolchains. By default the code will target Java 8. You can change that by defining a Java toolchain to be used by the project:

java {
    toolchain {
        languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(11)
java {
    toolchain {
        languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(11)

The embedded Kotlin

Gradle embeds Kotlin in order to provide support for Kotlin-based scripts.

Kotlin versions

Gradle ships with kotlin-compiler-embeddable plus matching versions of kotlin-stdlib and kotlin-reflect libraries. For details see the Kotlin section of Gradle’s compatibility matrix. The kotlin package from those modules is visible through the Gradle classpath.

The compatibility guarantees provided by Kotlin apply for both backward and forward compatibility.

Backward compatibility

Our approach is to only do backwards-breaking Kotlin upgrades on a major Gradle release. We will always clearly document which Kotlin version we ship and announce upgrade plans before a major release.

Plugin authors who want to stay compatible with older Gradle versions need to limit their API usage to a subset that is compatible with these old versions. It’s not really different from any other new API in Gradle. E.g. if we introduce a new API for dependency resolution and a plugin wants to use that API, then they either need to drop support for older Gradle versions or they need to do some clever organization of their code to only execute the new code path on newer versions.

Forward compatibility

The biggest issue is the compatibility between the external kotlin-gradle-plugin version and the kotlin-stdlib version shipped with Gradle. More generally, between any plugin that transitively depends on kotlin-stdlib and its version shipped with Gradle. As long as the combination is compatible everything should work. This will become less of an issue as the language matures.

Kotlin compiler arguments

These are the Kotlin compiler arguments used for compiling Kotlin DSL scripts and Kotlin sources and scripts in a project that has the kotlin-dsl plugin applied:


Generate metadata for Java >= 1.8 reflection on method parameters. See Kotlin/JVM compiler options in the Kotlin documentation for more information.


Makes all non-abstract members of Kotlin interfaces default for the Java classes implementing them. This is to provide a better interoperability with Java and Groovy for plugins written in Kotlin. See Default methods in interfaces in the Kotlin documentation for more information.


Sets up the implementation strategy for SAM (single abstract method) conversion to always generate anonymous classes, instead of using the invokedynamic JVM instruction. This is to provide a better support for configuration cache and incremental build. See KT-44912 in the Kotlin issue tracker for more information.


Sets up Kotlin’s Java interoperability to strictly follow JSR-305 annotations for increased null safety. See Calling Java code from Kotlin in the Kotlin documentation for more information.


When mixing languages in your build logic, you may have to cross language boundaries. An extreme example would be a build that uses tasks and plugins that are implemented in Java, Groovy and Kotlin, while also using both Kotlin DSL and Groovy DSL build scripts.

Quoting the Kotlin reference documentation:

Kotlin is designed with Java Interoperability in mind. Existing Java code can be called from Kotlin in a natural way, and Kotlin code can be used from Java rather smoothly as well.

Both calling Java from Kotlin and calling Kotlin from Java are very well covered in the Kotlin reference documentation.

The same mostly applies to interoperability with Groovy code. In addition, the Kotlin DSL provides several ways to opt into Groovy semantics, which we look at next.

Static extensions

Both the Groovy and Kotlin languages support extending existing classes via Groovy Extension modules and Kotlin extensions.

To call a Kotlin extension function from Groovy, call it as a static function, passing the receiver as the first parameter:

TheTargetTypeKt.kotlinExtensionFunction(receiver, "parameters", 42, aReference)

Kotlin extension functions are package-level functions and you can learn how to locate the name of the type declaring a given Kotlin extension in the Package-Level Functions section of the Kotlin reference documentation.

To call a Groovy extension method from Kotlin, the same approach applies: call it as a static function passing the receiver as the first parameter. Here’s an example:

TheTargetTypeGroovyExtension.groovyExtensionMethod(receiver, "parameters", 42, aReference)

Named parameters and default arguments

Both the Groovy and Kotlin languages support named function parameters and default arguments, although they are implemented very differently. Kotlin has fully-fledged support for both, as described in the Kotlin language reference under named arguments and default arguments. Groovy implements named arguments in a non-type-safe way based on a Map<String, ?> parameter, which means they cannot be combined with default arguments. In other words, you can only use one or the other in Groovy for any given method.

Calling Kotlin from Groovy

To call a Kotlin function that has named arguments from Groovy, just use a normal method call with positional parameters. There is no way to provide values by argument name.

To call a Kotlin function that has default arguments from Groovy, always pass values for all the function parameters.

Calling Groovy from Kotlin

To call a Groovy function with named arguments from Kotlin, you need to pass a Map<String, ?>, as shown in this example:

    "parameterName" to "value",
    "other" to 42,
    "and" to aReference))

To call a Groovy function with default arguments from Kotlin, always pass values for all the parameters.

Groovy closures from Kotlin

You may sometimes have to call Groovy methods that take Closure arguments from Kotlin code. For example, some third-party plugins written in Groovy expect closure arguments.

Gradle plugins written in any language should prefer the type Action<T> type in place of closures. Groovy closures and Kotlin lambdas are automatically mapped to arguments of that type.

In order to provide a way to construct closures while preserving Kotlin’s strong typing, two helper methods exist:

  • closureOf<T> {}

  • delegateClosureOf<T> {}

Both methods are useful in different circumstances and depend upon the method you are passing the Closure instance into.

Some plugins expect simple closures, as with the Bintray plugin:

bintray { pkg(closureOf<PackageConfig> { // Config for the package here }) }

In other cases, like with the Gretty Plugin when configuring farms, the plugin expects a delegate closure:

farms {
    farm("OldCoreWar", delegateClosureOf<FarmExtension> {
        // Config for the war here

There sometimes isn’t a good way to tell, from looking at the source code, which version to use. Usually, if you get a NullPointerException with closureOf<T> {}, using delegateClosureOf<T> {} will resolve the problem.

These two utility functions are useful for configuration closures, but some plugins might expect Groovy closures for other purposes. The KotlinClosure0 to KotlinClosure2 types allows adapting Kotlin functions to Groovy closures with more flexibility.

somePlugin {

    // Adapt parameter-less function

    // Adapt unary function
    takingUnaryClosure(KotlinClosure1<String, String>({
        "result from single parameter $this"

    // Adapt binary function
    takingBinaryClosure(KotlinClosure2<String, String, String>({ a, b ->
        "result from parameters $a and $b"

The Kotlin DSL Groovy Builder

If some plugin makes heavy use of Groovy metaprogramming, then using it from Kotlin or Java or any statically-compiled language can be very cumbersome.

The Kotlin DSL provides a withGroovyBuilder {} utility extension that attaches the Groovy metaprogramming semantics to objects of type Any. The following example demonstrates several features of the method on the object target:

target.withGroovyBuilder {                                          (1)

    // GroovyObject methods available                               (2)
    if (hasProperty("foo")) { /*...*/ }
    val foo = getProperty("foo")
    setProperty("foo", "bar")
    invokeMethod("name", arrayOf("parameters", 42, aReference))

    // Kotlin DSL utilities
    "name"("parameters", 42, aReference)                            (3)
        "blockName" {                                               (4)
            // Same Groovy Builder semantics on `blockName`
    "another"("name" to "example", "url" to "") (5)
1 The receiver is a GroovyObject and provides Kotlin helpers
2 The GroovyObject API is available
3 Invoke the methodName method, passing some parameters
4 Configure the blockName property, maps to a Closure taking method invocation
5 Invoke another method taking named arguments, maps to a Groovy named arguments Map<String, ?> taking method invocation

Using a Groovy script

Another option when dealing with problematic plugins that assume a Groovy DSL build script is to configure them in a Groovy DSL build script that is applied from the main Kotlin DSL build script:

native {                                                    (1)
    dynamic {
        groovy as Usual
plugins {
    id("dynamic-groovy-plugin") version "1.0"               (2)
apply(from = "dynamic-groovy-plugin-configuration.gradle")  (3)
1 The Groovy script uses dynamic Groovy to configure plugin
2 The Kotlin build script requests and applies the plugin
3 The Kotlin build script applies the Groovy script


  • The Kotlin DSL is known to be slower than the Groovy DSL on first use, for example with clean checkouts or on ephemeral continuous integration agents. Changing something in the buildSrc directory also has an impact as it invalidates build-script caching. The main reason for this is the slower script compilation for Kotlin DSL.

  • In IntelliJ IDEA, you must import your project from the Gradle model in order to get content assist and refactoring support for your Kotlin DSL build scripts.

  • Kotlin DSL script compilation avoidance has known issues. If you encounter problems, it can be disabled by setting the org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.scriptCompilationAvoidance system property to false.

  • The Kotlin DSL will not support the model {} block, which is part of the discontinued Gradle Software Model.

If you run into trouble or discover a suspected bug, please report the issue in the Gradle issue tracker.