Installing Gradle

Most projects will start with an existing Gradle build which does not require the installation of Gradle. However, if you are starting a project from scratch, and you need to install Gradle, check out the installation guide.

DPE University

Want to get up and running with Gradle quickly? Take our free, self-paced Gradle Build Tool courses at DPE University:

For Software Developers

For software developers that need to build, test, and publish their app, or add dependencies to their build, get started here:

1. Core Concepts

Description: Learn how to invoke tasks and add dependencies.
Training level: Beginner
Reading time: 25 minutes
→ Read Core Concepts

2. Hands-on Tutorial

Description: Initialize a Gradle build for a basic Java App.
Training level: Beginner
Training time: 45 minutes
→ Start the Tutorial

For Build Engineers and Plugin Developers

Build engineers and plugin developers that are ready to configure custom build logic or write their own plugins should start here:

1. Core Concepts

Description: Learn to configure builds, create tasks, and write plugins.
Training level: Intermediate
Reading time: 35 minutes
→ Read Core Concepts

2. Hands-on Tutorial

Description: Initialize a Gradle project and create a basic plugin.
Training level: Intermediate
Training time: 55 minutes
→ Start the Tutorial

3. API Reference

Gradle’s API references can be found in the links below: