The Distribution Plugin facilitates building archives that serve as distributions of the project. Distribution archives typically contain the executable application and other supporting files, such as documentation.

Base Plugin

The distribution plugin is split into the distribution and distribution-base plugins.

The distribution-base plugin adds an extension named distributions of type DistributionContainer to the project.

The distribution plugin applies the distribution-base plugin and creates a single distribution in the distributions container extension named main.

If your build produces only one distribution, you only need to configure the distribution or rely on the defaults.


To use the Distribution Plugin, include the following in your build script:

plugins {
plugins {
    id 'distribution'

You can run gradle distZip to package the main distribution as a ZIP, or gradle distTar to create a TAR file. To build both types of archives just run gradle assembleDist. The files will be created at layout.buildDirectory.dir("distributions/${}-${project.version}.«ext»").

You can run gradle installDist to assemble the uncompressed distribution into layout.buildDirectory.dir("install/${}").


The Distribution Plugin adds a number of tasks to your project, as shown below.


Creates a ZIP archive of the distribution contents.


Creates a TAR archive of the distribution contents.


Depends on: distTar, distZip

Creates ZIP and TAR archives of the distribution contents.


Assembles the distribution content and installs it on the current machine.

For each additional distribution you add to the project, the Distribution Plugin adds the following tasks, where distributionName comes from Distribution.getName():


Creates a ZIP archive of the distribution contents.


Creates a TAR archive of the distribution contents.


Depends on: distributionNameDistTar, distributionNameDistZip

Creates ZIP and TAR archives of the distribution contents.


Assembles the distribution content and installs it on the current machine.

The following sample creates a custom distribution that will cause four additional tasks to be added to the project: customDistZip, customDistTar, assembleCustomDist, and installCustomDist:

distributions {
    create("custom") {
        // configure custom distribution
distributions {
    custom {
        // configure custom distribution

Given that the project name is myproject and version 1.2, running gradle customDistZip will produce a ZIP file named

Running gradle installCustomDist will install the distribution contents into layout.buildDirectory.dir("install/custom").

Distribution contents

All of the files in the src/$ directory will automatically be included in the distribution. You can add additional files by configuring the Distribution object that is part of the container.

distributions {
    main {
        distributionBaseName = "someName"
        distributionClassifier = "classifier"
        contents {
distributions {
    main {
        distributionBaseName = 'someName'
        distributionClassifier = 'classifier'
        contents {
            from 'src/readme'

In the example above, the content of the src/readme directory will be included in the distribution (along with the files in the src/main/dist directory which are added by default).

The distributionBaseName and distributionClassifier properties have also been changed. This will cause the distribution archives to be created with a different name.

distributions {
    main {
        distributionBaseName = "someName"
        contents {
            into("bin/config") {
            into("lib/samples") {
distributions {
    main {
        distributionBaseName = 'someName'
        contents {
            into('bin/config') {
                from 'config'
            into('lib/samples') {
                from 'samples'

In the example above, CopySpec defines the contents, ensuring the bin/config directory is automatically created if it doesn’t already exist, and the contents of the config directory are copied into it. The same process applies to the lib/samples directory.

Gradle provides a robust set of APIs to simplify handling files, managing file dependencies, generating reports, and more. CopySpec is simply one example.

File operations are covered in Working With Files.


A distribution can be published using the Ivy Publish Plugin or Maven Publish Plugin.

Using the Ivy/Maven Publish Plugins

To publish a distribution to an Ivy repository with the Ivy Publish Plugin, add one or both of its archive tasks to an IvyPublication. The following sample demonstrates how to add the ZIP archive of the main distribution and the TAR archive of the custom distribution to the myDistribution publication:

plugins {

publishing {
    publications {
        create<IvyPublication>("myDistribution") {
plugins {
    id 'ivy-publish'

publishing {
    publications {
        myDistribution(IvyPublication) {
            artifact distZip
            artifact customDistTar

Similarly, to publish a distribution to a Maven repository using the Maven Publish Plugin, add one or both of its archive tasks to a MavenPublication as follows:

plugins {

publishing {
    publications {
        create<MavenPublication>("myDistribution") {
plugins {
    id 'maven-publish'

publishing {
    publications {
        myDistribution(MavenPublication) {
            artifact distZip
            artifact customDistTar