You can open this sample in an IDE that supports Gradle.

This sample shows how to build a Gradle plugin in the Java language.

plugins {
    // Apply the Java Gradle plugin development plugin to add support for developing Gradle plugins

repositories {
    // Use Maven Central for resolving dependencies

dependencies {
    // Use JUnit test framework for unit tests

gradlePlugin {
    // Define the plugin
    val greeting by plugins.creating {
        id = "com.example.plugin.greeting"
        implementationClass = "com.example.plugin.GreetingPlugin"
plugins {
    // Apply the Java Gradle plugin development plugin to add support for developing Gradle plugins
    id 'java-gradle-plugin'

repositories {
    // Use Maven Central for resolving dependencies.
    // You can declare any Maven/Ivy/file repository here.

dependencies {
    // Use JUnit test framework for unit tests
    testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'

gradlePlugin {
    // Define the plugin
    plugins {
        greeting {
            id = 'com.example.plugin.greeting'
            implementationClass = 'com.example.plugin.GreetingPlugin'

For a more guided tour with plugin development, see the guides for plugin development.

You can also generate this project locally using gradle init.