Gradle Plugin Reference
This page contains links and short descriptions for all the core plugins provided by Gradle itself.
JVM languages and frameworks
- Java
Provides support for building any type of Java project.
- Java Library
Provides support for building a Java library.
- Java Platform
Provides support for building a Java platform.
- Groovy
Provides support for building any type of Groovy project.
- Scala
Provides support for building any type of Scala project.
Provides support for generating parsers using ANTLR.
- JVM Test Suite
Provides support for modeling and configuring multiple test suite invocations.
- Test Report Aggregation
Aggregates the results of multiple Test task invocations (potentially spanning multiple Gradle projects) into a single HTML report.
Native languages
- C++ Application
Provides support for building C++ applications on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- C++ Library
Provides support for building C++ libraries on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- C++ Unit Test
Provides support for building and running C++ executable-based tests on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- Swift Application
Provides support for building Swift applications on Linux and macOS.
- Swift Library
Provides support for building Swift libraries on Linux and macOS.
- XCTest
Provides support for building and running XCTest-based tests on Linux and macOS.
Packaging and distribution
- Application
Provides support for building JVM-based, runnable applications.
Provides support for building and packaging WAR-based Java web applications.
Provides support for building and packaging Java EE applications.
- Maven Publish
Provides support for publishing artifacts to Maven-compatible repositories.
- Ivy Publish
Provides support for publishing artifacts to Ivy-compatible repositories.
- Distribution
Makes it easy to create ZIP and tarball distributions of your project.
- Java Library Distribution
Provides support for creating a ZIP distribution of a Java library project that includes its runtime dependencies.
Code analysis
- Checkstyle
Performs quality checks on your project’s Java source files using Checkstyle and generates associated reports.
Performs quality checks on your project’s Java source files using PMD and generates associated reports.
- JaCoCo
Provides code coverage metrics for your Java project using JaCoCo.
- JaCoCo Report Aggregation
Aggregates the results of multiple JaCoCo code coverage reports (potentially spanning multiple Gradle projects) into a single HTML report.
- CodeNarc
Performs quality checks on your Groovy source files using CodeNarc and generates associated reports.
IDE integration
- Eclipse
Generates Eclipse project files for the build that can be opened by the IDE. This set of plugins can also be used to fine tune Buildship’s import process for Gradle builds.
- IntelliJ IDEA
Generates IDEA project files for the build that can be opened by the IDE. It can also be used to fine tune IDEA’s import process for Gradle builds.
- Visual Studio
Generates Visual Studio solution and project files for build that can be opened by the IDE.
- Xcode
Generates Xcode workspace and project files for the build that can be opened by the IDE.
- Base
Provides common lifecycle tasks, such as
, and other features common to most builds. - Build Init
Generates a new Gradle build of a specified type, such as a Java library. It can also generate a build script from a Maven POM — see Migrating from Maven to Gradle for more details.
- Signing
Provides support for digitally signing generated files and artifacts.
- Plugin Development
Makes it easier to develop and publish a Gradle plugin.
- Project Report Plugin
Helps to generate reports containing useful information about your build.