
API Documentation:DependencyInsightReportTask

Generates a report that attempts to answer questions like:

  • Why is this dependency in the dependency graph?
  • Exactly which dependencies are pulling this dependency into the graph?
  • What is the actual version (i.e. *selected* version) of the dependency that will be used? Is it the same as what was *requested*?
  • Why is the *selected* version of a dependency different to the *requested*?
  • What variants are available for this dependency?

Use this task to get insight into a particular dependency (or dependencies) and find out what exactly happens during dependency resolution and conflict resolution. If the dependency version was forced or selected by the conflict resolution this information will be available in the report.

While the regular dependencies report (DependencyReportTask) shows the path from the top level dependencies down through the transitive dependencies, the dependency insight report shows the path from a particular dependency to the dependencies that pulled it in. That is, it is an inverted view of the regular dependencies report.

The task requires setting the dependency spec and the configuration. For more information on how to configure those please refer to docs for DependencyInsightReportTask.setDependencySpec(java.lang.Object) and DependencyInsightReportTask.setConfiguration(java.lang.String).

The task can also be configured from the command line. For more information please refer to DependencyInsightReportTask.setDependencySpec(java.lang.Object), DependencyInsightReportTask.setConfiguration(java.lang.String), DependencyInsightReportTask.setShowSinglePathToDependency(boolean), and DependencyInsightReportTask.getShowingAllVariants().



Configuration to look the dependency in


Selects the dependency (or dependencies if multiple matches found) to show the report for.


Tells if the report should only show one path to each dependency.


Show all variants of each displayed dependency.


No methods

Script blocks

No script blocks

Property details

Configuration configuration

Configuration to look the dependency in

Default with java plugin:
compileClasspath configuration

Spec<DependencyResult> dependencySpec

Note: This property is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of Gradle.

Selects the dependency (or dependencies if multiple matches found) to show the report for.

Default with java plugin:

boolean showSinglePathToDependency

Tells if the report should only show one path to each dependency.

Default with java plugin:

Property<Boolean> showingAllVariants

Note: This property is incubating and may change in a future version of Gradle.

Show all variants of each displayed dependency.

Due to internal limitations, this option only works when the DependencyInsightReportTask.getConfiguration() is unresolved before the execution of this task.

This method is exposed to the command line interface. Example usage:

gradle dependencyInsight --all-variants
Default with java plugin: