Interface Script

  • public interface Script

    This interface is implemented by all Gradle Groovy DSL scripts to add in some Gradle-specific methods. As your compiled script class will implement this interface, you can use the methods and properties declared by this interface directly in your script.

    Generally, a Script object will have a delegate object attached to it. For example, a build script will have a Project instance attached to it, and an initialization script will have a Gradle instance attached to it. Any property reference or method call which is not found on this Script object is forwarded to the delegate object.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void apply​(Closure closure)
      Configures the delegate object for this script using plugins or scripts.
      void apply​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> options)
      Configures the delegate object for this script using plugins or scripts.
      void buildscript​(Closure configureClosure)
      Configures the classpath for this script.
      WorkResult copy​(Closure closure)
      Copy the specified files.
      CopySpec copySpec​(Closure closure)
      Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive.
      boolean delete​(java.lang.Object... paths)
      Deletes files and directories.
      ExecResult exec​(Closure closure)
      Executes an external command.
      ExecResult exec​(Action<? super ExecSpec> action)
      Executes an external command. file​(java.lang.Object path)
      Resolves a file path relative to the directory containing this script. file​(java.lang.Object path, PathValidation validation)
      Resolves a file path relative to the directory containing this script and validates it using the given scheme.
      ConfigurableFileCollection files​(java.lang.Object... paths)
      Returns a ConfigurableFileCollection containing the given files.
      ConfigurableFileCollection files​(java.lang.Object paths, Closure configureClosure)
      Creates a new ConfigurableFileCollection using the given paths.
      ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir)
      Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory.
      ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir, Closure configureClosure)
      Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory.
      ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> args)
      Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the provided map of arguments.
      ScriptHandler getBuildscript()
      Returns the script handler for this script.
      Logger getLogger()
      Returns the logger for this script.
      LoggingManager getLogging()
      Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to receive logging and to control the standard output/error capture for this script.
      ResourceHandler getResources()
      Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
      ExecResult javaexec​(Closure closure)
      Executes a Java main class.
      ExecResult javaexec​(Action<? super JavaExecSpec> action)
      Executes a Java main class. mkdir​(java.lang.Object path)
      Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
      <T> Provider<T> provider​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> value)
      Creates a Provider implementation based on the provided value.
      java.lang.String relativePath​(java.lang.Object path)
      Returns the relative path from the directory containing this script to the given path.
      FileTree tarTree​(java.lang.Object tarPath)
      Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file. uri​(java.lang.Object path)
      Resolves a file path to a URI, relative to the directory containing this script.
      FileTree zipTree​(java.lang.Object zipPath)
      Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given ZIP file.
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        void apply​(Closure closure)

        Configures the delegate object for this script using plugins or scripts.

        The given closure is used to configure an ObjectConfigurationAction which is then used to configure the delegate object.

        closure - The closure to configure the ObjectConfigurationAction.
      • apply

        void apply​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> options)

        Configures the delegate object for this script using plugins or scripts.

        The following options are available:

        • from: A script to apply to the delegate object. Accepts any path supported by uri(Object).
        • plugin: The id or implementation class of the plugin to apply to the delegate object.
        • to: The target delegate object or objects.

        For more detail, see ObjectConfigurationAction.

        options - The options to use to configure the ObjectConfigurationAction.
      • getBuildscript

        ScriptHandler getBuildscript()
        Returns the script handler for this script. You can use this handler to manage the classpath used to compile and execute this script.
        the classpath handler. Never returns null.
      • buildscript

        void buildscript​(Closure configureClosure)
        Configures the classpath for this script.

        The given closure is executed against this script's ScriptHandler. The ScriptHandler is passed to the closure as the closure's delegate.

        configureClosure - the closure to use to configure the script classpath.
      • file file​(java.lang.Object path)

        Resolves a file path relative to the directory containing this script. This works as described for Project.file(Object)

        path - The object to resolve as a File.
        The resolved file. Never returns null.
      • file file​(java.lang.Object path,
                          PathValidation validation)
                   throws InvalidUserDataException

        Resolves a file path relative to the directory containing this script and validates it using the given scheme. See PathValidation for the list of possible validations.

        path - An object to resolve as a File.
        validation - The validation to perform on the file.
        The resolved file. Never returns null.
        InvalidUserDataException - When the file does not meet the given validation constraint.
      • uri uri​(java.lang.Object path)

        Resolves a file path to a URI, relative to the directory containing this script. Evaluates the provided path object as described for file(Object), with the exception that any URI scheme is supported, not just 'file:' URIs.

        path - The object to resolve as a URI.
        The resolved URI. Never returns null.
      • files

        ConfigurableFileCollection files​(java.lang.Object paths,
                                         Closure configureClosure)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileCollection using the given paths. The file collection is configured using the given closure. This method works as described for Project.files(Object, groovy.lang.Closure). Relative paths are resolved relative to the directory containing this script.

        paths - The contents of the file collection. Evaluated as per files(Object...).
        configureClosure - The closure to use to configure the file collection.
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • relativePath

        java.lang.String relativePath​(java.lang.Object path)

        Returns the relative path from the directory containing this script to the given path. The given path object is (logically) resolved as described for file(Object), from which a relative path is calculated.

        path - The path to convert to a relative path.
        The relative path. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated as per file(Object).

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        baseDir - The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        the file tree. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> args)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the provided map of arguments. The map will be applied as properties on the new file tree. Example:

         fileTree(dir:'src', excludes:['**/ignore/**','**/.svn/**'])

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        args - map of property assignments to ConfigurableFileTree object
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • fileTree

        ConfigurableFileTree fileTree​(java.lang.Object baseDir,
                                      Closure configureClosure)

        Creates a new ConfigurableFileTree using the given base directory. The given baseDir path is evaluated as per file(Object). The closure will be used to configure the new file tree. The file tree is passed to the closure as its delegate. Example:

         fileTree('src') {
            exclude '**/.svn/**'
         }.copy { into 'dest'}

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        baseDir - The base directory of the file tree. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        configureClosure - Closure to configure the ConfigurableFileTree object.
        the configured file tree. Never returns null.
      • zipTree

        FileTree zipTree​(java.lang.Object zipPath)

        Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given ZIP file. The given zipPath path is evaluated as per file(Object). You can combine this method with the copy(groovy.lang.Closure) method to unzip a ZIP file.

        The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        zipPath - The ZIP file. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        the file tree. Never returns null.
      • tarTree

        FileTree tarTree​(java.lang.Object tarPath)
        Creates a new FileTree which contains the contents of the given TAR file. The given tarPath path can be: The returned file tree is lazy, so that it scans for files only when the contents of the file tree are queried. The file tree is also live, so that it scans for files each time the contents of the file tree are queried.

        Unless custom implementation of resources is passed, the tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension.

        You can combine this method with the copy(groovy.lang.Closure) method to untar a TAR file:

         task untar(type: Copy) {
           from tarTree('someCompressedTar.gzip')
           //tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension
           //however if you must specify the compression explicitly you can:
           from tarTree(resources.gzip('someTar.ext'))
           //in case you work with unconventionally compressed tars
           //you can provide your own implementation of a ReadableResource:
           //from tarTree(yourOwnResource as ReadableResource)
           into 'dest'
        tarPath - The TAR file or an instance of Resource.
        the file tree. Never returns null.
      • copy

        WorkResult copy​(Closure closure)
        Copy the specified files. The given closure is used to configure a CopySpec, which is then used to copy the files. Example:
         copy {
            from configurations.runtimeClasspath
            into 'build/deploy/lib'
        Note that CopySpecs can be nested:
         copy {
            into 'build/webroot'
            exclude '**/.svn/**'
            from('src/main/webapp') {
               include '**/*.jsp'
               filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens:[copyright:'2009', version:'2.3.1'])
            from('src/main/js') {
               include '**/*.js'
        closure - Closure to configure the CopySpec
        WorkResult that can be used to check if the copy did any work.
      • copySpec

        CopySpec copySpec​(Closure closure)
        Creates a CopySpec which can later be used to copy files or create an archive. The given closure is used to configure the CopySpec before it is returned by this method.
        closure - Closure to configure the CopySpec
        The CopySpec
      • mkdir mkdir​(java.lang.Object path)
        Creates a directory and returns a file pointing to it.
        path - The path for the directory to be created. Evaluated as per file(Object).
        the created directory
        InvalidUserDataException - If the path points to an existing file.
      • delete

        boolean delete​(java.lang.Object... paths)
        Deletes files and directories.
        paths - Any type of object accepted by Project.files(Object...)
        true if anything got deleted, false otherwise
      • javaexec

        ExecResult javaexec​(Action<? super JavaExecSpec> action)
        Executes a Java main class.
        action - The action for configuring the execution.
        the result of the execution
      • exec

        ExecResult exec​(Action<? super ExecSpec> action)
        Executes an external command.
        action - The action for configuring the execution.
        the result of the execution
      • getLogging

        LoggingManager getLogging()
        Returns the LoggingManager which can be used to receive logging and to control the standard output/error capture for this script. By default, System.out is redirected to the Gradle logging system at the QUIET log level, and System.err is redirected at the ERROR log level.
        the LoggingManager. Never returns null.
      • getLogger

        Logger getLogger()
        Returns the logger for this script. You can use this in your script to write log messages.
        The logger. Never returns null.
      • getResources

        ResourceHandler getResources()
        Provides access to resource-specific utility methods, for example factory methods that create various resources.
        Returned instance contains various resource-specific utility methods.
      • provider

        <T> Provider<T> provider​(java.util.concurrent.Callable<T> value)
        Creates a Provider implementation based on the provided value.
        value - The java.util.concurrent.Callable use to calculate the value.
        The provider. Never returns null.
        InvalidUserDataException - If the provided value is null.
        See Also: