Interface Gradle

    • Method Detail

      • getGradleVersion

        java.lang.String getGradleVersion()
        Returns the current Gradle version.
        The Gradle version. Never returns null.
      • getGradleUserHomeDir getGradleUserHomeDir()
        Returns the Gradle user home directory. This directory is used to cache downloaded resources, compiled build scripts and so on.
        The user home directory. Never returns null.
      • getGradleHomeDir

        @Nullable getGradleHomeDir()
        Returns the Gradle home directory, if any. This directory is the directory containing the Gradle distribution executing this build.

        When using the “Gradle Daemon”, this may not be the same Gradle distribution that the build was started with. If an existing daemon process is running that is deemed compatible (e.g. has the desired JVM characteristics) then this daemon may be used instead of starting a new process and it may have been started from a different “gradle home”. However, it is guaranteed to be the same version of Gradle. For more information on the Gradle Daemon, please consult the User Manual.

        The home directory. May return null.
      • getParent

        Gradle getParent()
        Returns the parent build of this build, if any.
        The parent build. May return null.
      • getRootProject

        Project getRootProject()
                        throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
        Returns the root project of this build.
        The root project. Never returns null.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When called before the root project is available.
      • rootProject

        void rootProject​(Action<? super Project> action)
        Adds an action to execute against the root project of this build. If the root project is already available, the action is executed immediately. Otherwise, the action is executed when the root project becomes available.
        action - The action to execute.
      • allprojects

        void allprojects​(Action<? super Project> action)
        Adds an action to execute against all projects of this build. The action is executed immediately against all projects which are already available. It is also executed as subsequent projects are added to this build.
        action - The action to execute.
      • getStartParameter

        StartParameter getStartParameter()
        Returns the StartParameter used to start this build.
        The start parameter. Never returns null.
      • addProjectEvaluationListener

        ProjectEvaluationListener addProjectEvaluationListener​(ProjectEvaluationListener listener)
        Adds a listener to this build, to receive notifications as projects are evaluated.
        listener - The listener to add. Does nothing if this listener has already been added.
        The added listener.
      • removeProjectEvaluationListener

        void removeProjectEvaluationListener​(ProjectEvaluationListener listener)
        Removes the given listener from this build.
        listener - The listener to remove. Does nothing if this listener has not been added.
      • beforeProject

        void beforeProject​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called immediately before a project is evaluated. The project is passed to the closure as a parameter.
        closure - The closure to execute.
      • beforeProject

        void beforeProject​(Action<? super Project> action)
        Adds an action to be called immediately before a project is evaluated.
        action - The action to execute.
      • afterProject

        void afterProject​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called immediately after a project is evaluated. The project is passed to the closure as the first parameter. The project evaluation failure, if any, is passed as the second parameter. Both parameters are optional.
        closure - The closure to execute.
      • afterProject

        void afterProject​(Action<? super Project> action)
        Adds an action to be called immediately after a project is evaluated.
        action - The action to execute.
      • beforeSettings

        void beforeSettings​(@DelegatesTo(Settings.class)
                            Closure<?> closure)
        Adds an action to be called before the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
        closure - The action to execute.
      • beforeSettings

        void beforeSettings​(Action<? super Settings> action)
        Adds an action to be called before the build settings have been loaded and evaluated.
        action - The action to execute.
      • settingsEvaluated

        void settingsEvaluated​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated. The settings object is fully configured and is ready to use to load the build projects. The Settings object is passed to the closure as a parameter.
        closure - The closure to execute.
      • settingsEvaluated

        void settingsEvaluated​(Action<? super Settings> action)
        Adds an action to be called when the build settings have been loaded and evaluated. The settings object is fully configured and is ready to use to load the build projects.
        action - The action to execute.
      • projectsLoaded

        void projectsLoaded​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings. None of the projects have been evaluated. This Gradle instance is passed to the closure as a parameter.

        An example of hooking into the projectsLoaded to configure buildscript classpath from the init script.

         gradle.projectsLoaded {
           rootProject.buildscript {
             repositories {
             dependencies {
        closure - The closure to execute.
      • projectsLoaded

        void projectsLoaded​(Action<? super Gradle> action)
        Adds an action to be called when the projects for the build have been created from the settings. None of the projects have been evaluated.
        action - The action to execute.
      • projectsEvaluated

        void projectsEvaluated​(Closure closure)
        Adds a closure to be called when all projects for the build have been evaluated. The project objects are fully configured and are ready to use to populate the task graph. This Gradle instance is passed to the closure as a parameter.
        closure - The closure to execute.
      • projectsEvaluated

        void projectsEvaluated​(Action<? super Gradle> action)
        Adds an action to be called when all projects for the build have been evaluated. The project objects are fully configured and are ready to use to populate the task graph.
        action - The action to execute.
      • buildFinished

        void buildFinished​(Closure closure)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.
        Adds a closure to be called when the build is completed. All selected tasks have been executed. A BuildResult instance is passed to the closure as a parameter.
        closure - The closure to execute.
        See Also:
      • buildFinished

        void buildFinished​(Action<? super BuildResult> action)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.
        Adds an action to be called when the build is completed. All selected tasks have been executed.
        action - The action to execute.
        See Also:
      • addBuildListener

        void addBuildListener​(BuildListener buildListener)
        Adds a BuildListener to this Build instance. The listener is notified of events which occur during the execution of the build.
        buildListener - The listener to add.
      • removeListener

        void removeListener​(java.lang.Object listener)
        Removes the given listener from this build.
        listener - The listener to remove. Does nothing if this listener has not been added.
      • useLogger

        void useLogger​(java.lang.Object logger)
        Uses the given object as a logger. The logger object may implement any of the listener interfaces supported by addListener(Object).

        Each listener interface has exactly one associated logger. When you call this method with a logger of a given listener type, the new logger will replace whichever logger is currently associated with the listener type. This allows you to selectively replace the standard logging which Gradle provides with your own implementation, for certain types of events.

        logger - The logger to use.
      • getGradle

        Gradle getGradle()
        Returns this Gradle instance. This method is useful in init scripts to explicitly access Gradle properties and methods. For example, using gradle.parent can express your intent better than using parent. This property also allows you to access Gradle properties from a scope where the property may be hidden, such as, for example, from a method or closure.
        this. Never returns null.
      • getSharedServices

        BuildServiceRegistry getSharedServices()
        Returns the build services that are shared by all projects of this build.
      • getIncludedBuilds

        java.util.Collection<IncludedBuild> getIncludedBuilds()
        Returns the included builds for this build.