Interface TaskExecutionGraph

  • public interface TaskExecutionGraph

    A TaskExecutionGraph is responsible for managing the execution of the Task instances which are part of the build. The TaskExecutionGraph maintains an execution plan of tasks to be executed (or which have been executed), and you can query this plan from your build file.

    You can access the TaskExecutionGraph by calling Gradle.getTaskGraph(). In your build file you can use gradle.taskGraph to access it.

    The TaskExecutionGraph is populated only after all the projects in the build have been evaluated. It is empty before then. You can receive a notification when the graph is populated, using whenReady(groovy.lang.Closure) or addTaskExecutionGraphListener(TaskExecutionGraphListener).

    • Method Detail

      • addTaskExecutionGraphListener

        void addTaskExecutionGraphListener​(TaskExecutionGraphListener listener)

        Adds a listener to this graph, to be notified when this graph is ready.

        listener - The listener to add. Does nothing if this listener has already been added.
      • removeTaskExecutionGraphListener

        void removeTaskExecutionGraphListener​(TaskExecutionGraphListener listener)

        Remove a listener from this graph.

        listener - The listener to remove. Does nothing if this listener was never added to this graph.
      • addTaskExecutionListener

        void addTaskExecutionListener​(TaskExecutionListener listener)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.

        Adds a listener to this graph, to be notified as tasks are executed.

        listener - The listener to add. Does nothing if this listener has already been added.
      • removeTaskExecutionListener

        void removeTaskExecutionListener​(TaskExecutionListener listener)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.

        Remove a listener from this graph.

        listener - The listener to remove. Does nothing if this listener was never added to this graph.
      • whenReady

        void whenReady​(Closure closure)

        Adds a closure to be called when this graph has been populated. This graph is passed to the closure as a parameter.

        closure - The closure to execute when this graph has been populated.
      • whenReady

        void whenReady​(Action<TaskExecutionGraph> action)

        Adds an action to be called when this graph has been populated. This graph is passed to the action as a parameter.

        action - The action to execute when this graph has been populated.
      • beforeTask

        void beforeTask​(Closure closure)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.

        Adds a closure to be called immediately before a task is executed. The task is passed to the closure as a parameter.

        closure - The closure to execute when a task is about to be executed.
      • beforeTask

        void beforeTask​(Action<Task> action)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.

        Adds an action to be called immediately before a task is executed. The task is passed to the action as a parameter.

        action - The action to execute when a task is about to be executed.
      • afterTask

        void afterTask​(Closure closure)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.

        Adds a closure to be called immediately after a task has executed. The task is passed to the closure as the first parameter. A TaskState is passed as the second parameter. Both parameters are optional.

        closure - The closure to execute when a task has been executed
      • afterTask

        void afterTask​(Action<Task> action)
        This method is not supported when configuration caching is enabled.

        Adds an action to be called immediately after a task has executed. The task is passed to the action as the first parameter.

        action - The action to execute when a task has been executed
      • hasTask

        boolean hasTask​(java.lang.String path)

        Determines whether the given task is included in the execution plan.

        path - the absolute path of the task.
        true if a task with the given path is included in the execution plan.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When this graph has not been populated.
      • hasTask

        boolean hasTask​(Task task)

        Determines whether the given task is included in the execution plan.

        task - the task
        true if the given task is included in the execution plan.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When this graph has not been populated.
      • getAllTasks

        java.util.List<Task> getAllTasks()

        Returns the tasks which are included in the execution plan. The order of the tasks in the result is compatible with the constraints (dependsOn/mustRunAfter/etc) set in the build configuration. However, Gradle may execute tasks in a slightly different order to speed up the overall execution while still respecting the constraints.

        The tasks. Returns an empty list if no tasks are to be executed.
      • getDependencies

        java.util.Set<Task> getDependencies​(Task task)

        Returns the dependencies of a task which are part of the execution graph.

        The tasks. Returns an empty set if there are no dependent tasks.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When this graph has not been populated or the task is not part of it.