Interface BuildServiceRegistry

  • public interface BuildServiceRegistry
    A registry of build services. You use this type to register service instances.

    A registry is available using Gradle.getSharedServices().

    • Method Detail

      • registerIfAbsent

        <T extends BuildService<P>,​P extends BuildServiceParametersProvider<T> registerIfAbsent​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                                                        java.lang.Class<T> implementationType,
                                                                                                        Action<? super BuildServiceSpec<P>> configureAction)
        Registers a service, if a service with the given name is not already registered. The service is not created until required, when the returned Provider is queried.
        name - A name to use to identify the service.
        implementationType - The service implementation type. Instances of the service are created as for ObjectFactory.newInstance(Class, Object...).
        configureAction - An action to configure the registration. You can use this to provide parameters to the service instance.
        A Provider that will create the service instance when queried.
      • registerIfAbsent

        default <T extends BuildService<P>,​P extends BuildServiceParametersProvider<T> registerIfAbsent​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                                                                java.lang.Class<T> implementationType)
        Registers a service, if a service with the given name is not already registered. The service is not created until required, when the returned Provider is queried.
        name - A name to use to identify the service.
        implementationType - The service implementation type. Instances of the service are created as for ObjectFactory.newInstance(Class, Object...).
        A Provider that will create the service instance when queried.