Interface BuildServiceSpec<P extends BuildServiceParameters>

  • Type Parameters:
    P - The type of parameters to inject into the service implementation.

    public interface BuildServiceSpec<P extends BuildServiceParameters>
    A set of parameters that defines a service registration.
    • Method Detail

      • getParameters

        P getParameters()
        Returns the parameters to will be used to create the service instance.
      • parameters

        void parameters​(Action<? super P> configureAction)
        Runs the given action to configure the parameters.
      • getMaxParallelUsages

        Property<java.lang.Integer> getMaxParallelUsages()
        Specifies the maximum number of tasks that can use this service in parallel. Setting this to 1 means that the service will be used by a single task at a time. When this property has no value defined, then any number of tasks may use this service in parallel. This is the default.

        IMPORTANT: the build service must be explicitly registered with every using task via Task#usesService for this constraint to be honored.

        See Also: