Annotation Type ServiceReference

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD,FIELD}) public @interface ServiceReference

Marks a task property as being a holder to a BuildService.

When you annotate a shared build service property with this annotation, there is no need to explicitly declare the association between the task and the service; also, if you provide a service name to the annotation, and a shared build service is registered with that name, it will be automatically assigned to the property when the task is created.

It is an error to apply this annotation to a property whose type is not a subtype of BuildService.

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The optional name of the service which the annotated element references.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value

      The optional name of the service which the annotated element references.

      In case a service name is provided, if a shared build service is registered with that name, a provider to the service will be automatically assigned to the property.

      If a shared build service with the specified name is not found, and no value or convention is explicitly set on the property:

      • if the property is optional, an exception will only occur if an attempt is made to obtain the value of the property (see Provider.get());
      • if the property is mandatory, before the task starts executing, a validation error will be issued.
      See Also: