Interface ConfigurationPublications

  • All Superinterfaces:
    HasAttributes, HasConfigurableAttributes<ConfigurationPublications>

    public interface ConfigurationPublications
    extends HasConfigurableAttributes<ConfigurationPublications>
    Represents the outgoing artifacts associated with a configuration. These artifacts are used when the configuration is referenced during dependency resolution.

    You can use this interface to associate artifacts with a configuration using the artifact(Object) methods. You can also define several variants of the configuration's artifacts. Each variant represents a set of artifacts that form some mutually exclusive usage of the component.

    An implicit variant is defined for a configuration whenever any artifacts are attached directly to this object or inherited from another configuration.

    • Method Detail

      • getArtifacts

        PublishArtifactSet getArtifacts()
        Returns the artifacts associated with this configuration. When an artifact is added to this set, an implicit variant is defined for the configuration. These artifacts are also inherited by all configurations that extend this configuration.
      • artifact

        void artifact​(java.lang.Object notation)
        Adds an outgoing artifact to this configuration. This artifact is included in all variants.

        See ArtifactHandler for details of the supported notations.

      • artifact

        void artifact​(java.lang.Object notation,
                      Action<? super ConfigurablePublishArtifact> configureAction)
        Adds an outgoing artifact to this configuration, configuring it using the given action. This artifact is included in all variants.

        See ArtifactHandler for details of the supported notations.

      • artifacts

        void artifacts​(Provider<? extends java.lang.Iterable<?>> provider)
        Lazily adds a collection of outgoing artifacts to this configuration. These artifacts are included in all variants.
        provider - The provider of the artifacts to add.
      • artifacts

        void artifacts​(Provider<? extends java.lang.Iterable<?>> provider,
                       Action<? super ConfigurablePublishArtifact> configureAction)
        Lazily adds a collection of outgoing artifacts to this configuration, configuring each artifact using the given action. These artifacts are included in all variants.
        provider - The provider of the artifacts to add.
      • capability

        void capability​(java.lang.Object notation)
        Declares a capability for this configuration.
        notation - the notation Valid notations are a group:name:version string (e.g: org.test:capability:1.0, or a map with keys group, name and version. Providers of any notation are also accepted
      • getCapabilities

        java.util.Collection<? extends Capability> getCapabilities()
        Returns the capabilities declared for this configuration.
        the capabilities for this variant